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Phenom Jul 23rd, 2007 12:00 PM

Gamecube.. I've reached a delima (sp?)
Kind of shocking to see me make a Nintendo thread since I don't support Nintendo that much. And there is no telling if people are still playing this thing and whatnot.

With me gradually losing interest in my ps2, and nothing against sony, but none of the games have been that satisying lately. It's been more like; buy this game, and weeks later (sometimes months) I'm selling that same game along with some of the games I like. And I'm gaining a sudden interest to play Zelda: OoT. I've been thinking about trading my ps2 in for a Gamecube. (I really want my.. my brother's Xbox back, but I don't feel like adding money with it at a certain site.)

Anyway, I'm wondering what else I can get on this thing if I decide to trade my ps2 in? Getting the obvious choices out of the way, Resident Evil 4, Zelda: TP, Zelda: OoT. Is Majora's Mask on here? (I need to finish playing it.) I'm not much of a fan for the Mario franchise, but I may pick one of them up just for old times.

I'll think of some more stuff if something comes up.

Vic Viper Jul 26th, 2007 12:23 PM

Killer 7 - great story, but you might not like the gameplay cause its on rails.

Metroid Prime - great game must get this.

F-Zero GX - if you're into futuristic racers

Metal Gear Twin Snake


Phenom Jul 26th, 2007 05:58 PM

I wish I can change the title of this topic to "What to get"

I'm also considering trading my ps2 in for a Dreamcast (as well as the ps1... stuck with a ps game) and the only game(s) I know of are Shenmue, Dead or Alive 2, Soul Calibur, Marvel vs Capcom (Which cost too fricken much) Oi, it's really a tough choice too because I want a GameCube for Zelda and a Dreamcast for Shenmue...

In any case, people have told me to check out all Zelda's pretty much, Resident Evil 4, Super Mario Smash Bros, Tales of Symphonia, Skies of Arcadia, and some other game that I can't think of.

Vic Viper Jul 26th, 2007 07:58 PM

Nintendo released a Zelda Collectors Edition for the gamecube awhile back, it contains full Versions of:

- Legend of Zelda
- Zelda II:The Adventures of Link
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

look around at gamestop or better yet ebay. :king:

merylsilverburg Jul 26th, 2007 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Phenom
I'm also considering trading my ps2 in for a Dreamcast (as well as the ps1... stuck with a ps game) and the only game(s) I know of are Shenmue, Dead or Alive 2, Soul Calibur, Marvel vs Capcom (Which cost too fricken much) Oi, it's really a tough choice too because I want a GameCube for Zelda and a Dreamcast for Shenmue...

In any case, people have told me to check out all Zelda's pretty much, Resident Evil 4, Super Mario Smash Bros, Tales of Symphonia, Skies of Arcadia, and some other game that I can't think of.

Soul Calibur is one of the best games for the DC. Even now when I think back to it, I find myself in awe how great that game is. People may say that it's shoddy in terms of graphics now but I still think it's beautiful to look at and has really solid gameplay (moreso than SC 2 or 3...especially the latter).

Shenmue is fantastic too but it's heavily story-orientated and I recall that you don't really pay attention to story? Either way, roaming around the world, talking to NPCs, and playing mini-games here and there is pretty fun on its's like an early version of GTA3, without all the extreme violence and profanity.

Skies of Arcadia is a great RPG but the story is a bit cliche and really cheerful for those who prefer darker, more mature themes. But it's one of my favorites for these reasons because it's not about some depressing, anti-social protagonist who has some sort of morbid backstory and then eventually becomes friendlier as the game goes on. Plus, the game has a really interesting side-quest that's like a game on its own.

Another great cult DC game is Jet Grind Radio. You basically play as a bunch of roller-skating kids who spraypaint graffiti to claim their turfs against other gangs. Sounds cheesy but it's really not so, at least to me. It uses cel-shading (like in Killer 7, the one Vic mentioned) which fits the tone of the story and gives the game a unique look and appeal. It also has a great soundtrack with a bunch of musical variety.

Beretta55 Jul 27th, 2007 01:53 AM

I agree with everything Meryl said on DC games, I highly recommend the games she just listed, all are top quality.

Vic listed some good GC games as well but I want to add Eternal Darkness to that list. The gameplay is hack and slash based with a little bit of gunplay but is more survival horror of old. So don't expect the combat to be super fast and crazy like other games. But the story and how it goes through various centuries and involves twelve different characters is good stuff.

The Baten Kaitos games are good RPGs for the system. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year door is an awesome RPG as well. I know you aren't a fan of Mario but the game can be enjoyed by people who aren't exactly smitten with Mario's games. The sense of humor in the game is quite welcome and is a nice change of pace for RPGS. Skies of Arcadia Legends is another good RPG for the Gamecube if you can't find the Dreamcast version, but it boasts extra stuff so the GC one is the better find.

I also suggest the Resident Evil Remake and Resident Evil 0; you can get them for dirt cheap. Geist is a good GC exclusive first person shooter, the mechanics are rough around the edges for that game but the idea and gameplay situations introduced are genius. Battalion Wars is another good game, an RTS that is an offshoot of the Advanced Wars games for GBA and DS is a lot of fun. There are more games that I haven't thought of yet but I'll come back and list them once I remember them.

Phenom Jul 27th, 2007 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
Shenmue is fantastic too but it's heavily story-orientated and I recall that you don't really pay attention to story? Either way, roaming around the world, talking to NPCs, and playing mini-games here and there is pretty fun on its's like an early version of GTA3, without all the extreme violence and profanity.

I knew somebody would use that against me :D Fortunately, I've already played and beat the game. (quite a few times) And I'm grateful to have caught on to the story back when I did because now I certainly wouldn't pay much attention. :D It's just been so long since I've played the game. And it was one of those games that I rarely get bored of playing.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Now I just gotta wait for majority of those games to stock up.

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