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Infernal Mass Apr 20th, 2002 12:06 AM

Yu Suzuki on ' Virtua Fighter 4 '
got this article from extended play.. they got rid of the chick on that show :( she was cool..yeah i remember when everyone was giving out nominations for game of the year, she chose thoughts exactly FFX would've been in there but it came out too late..
anyways here's the interview with one of the greatest game creators ever...

the whole segment can be seen toward the end of the show(extended play) which should be coming on it i saw something very surprising.. :shock:

There was an Alternate Menu Screen shown.I was wondering if anyone saw looked better that the plain white menu screen..i'm thinking it is an unlockable feature..or just the Japanese version ?? ..anyone have the japanese version,what does the menu screen look like ?


Yu Suzuki on 'Virtua Fighter 4'

Watch this interview, Friday 4/19 at 7 a.m. Eastern
Also airs 4/19 at 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 6 p.m., and 9 p.m., 4/20 at 12 a.m., 10 a.m., 5 p.m., and 9:30 p.m., 4/21 at 3 a.m., 2 p.m., and 9:30 p.m., 4/22 at 12:30 a.m., and 4/23 at 10:30 a.m., 3 p.m., and 9:30 p.m. All times Eastern.

April 19, 2002

Yu Suzuki Profile
Space Harrier
Out Run
After Burner
Power Drift
Vitrua Racing
Virtua Fighter series
F355 Challenge
Shenmue series
It's no secret that "Virtua Fighter 4" has become one of the year's biggest hits. Its no-nonsense approach to 3D fighting has wowed the gaming community and gained a legion of fans. So what is it about this landmark title that has other fighting games green with envy? This week on "Extended Play," we track down the man behind "Virtua Fighter 4," AM2's Yu Suzuki.

Train to be the best

Many gamers had a taste of "Virtua Fighter 4" at the local arcade, but what does the PS2 version offer that the arcade doesn't?

"We wanted to give players many features for a more complete experience with this home version," Suzuki said. "Of those, there were three major ones. First there's training mode. It's not like training modes you see in other fighting games, where players get bored pretty easily. We tried to make it fun, where they could play the game, and as they play, they learn what the moves and strategies are."

Upgrade your image

Yu Suzuki
Not only can your characters perform cool moves, but now they can look cool doing them with character editing.

"There are [more than] 400 hidden items in VF4. As you go through the game you collect these items, and you can put them on your character," Suzuki said. "These items include sunglasses, headgear, 'Virtua Fighter One' character models, and different colors for the character outfits."

Teach your fighter

The third is the AI (artificial intelligence) system, which is by far one of the most interesting elements of "Virtua Fighter 4."

"You can train your own AI character; teach them moves, teach them strategies, and you can watch them fight and critique their styles," Suzuki said.

View larger image
One way to train a character is by saving any match, and then going through the replay step-by-step showing the character what you want and not want it to do.

Realistic fighting styles

Unlike more over-the-top fighting games, the "Virtua Fighter" series has always prided itself in emulating realistic martial arts styles.

Suzuki explains, "The VF series started out with just eight characters, but even with eight, each character needs to be distinctive and attractive. And the same goes for the fighting styles. It's not enough that they're different from each other, they also need to look good on the screen. So it's similar to casting a movie in that sense."

So who's Suzuki's favorite character?

"I like Sarah because you can fight aggressively with her and put together a really strong offense," Suzuki said. "I also like her because you don't have to wait for the opponent to move first. You have to be proactive, and that really matches my personality."

ok me againXD

just wanted to point out that as you can see sarah is the best!:D
I hardly ever watch the show anymore they seem to favor the Xbox for some odd reason :confused: ($$$)

Hylas Apr 21st, 2002 05:53 AM

I haven't played the game yet, but I'm looking forward to play it, so I'm interested in this subject too.
BTW, I don't think here you can find someone who played the Japanese version of the game. O at least it's very difficult.
Yuo should ask some Japanese player :D

Infernal Mass Apr 21st, 2002 08:21 PM

yeah i've tried asking around and have gotten no replys..:(

the game is great though :D i must've played it for a good hour today trying to get sarahs' black luck though.

Infernal Mass Apr 21st, 2002 11:29 PM

found out how to change the main menu screen..:laugh:

it was much easier than i had anticipated..i went into the game settings and was messing with the buttons,
all i needed to do was push L1 to scan forward thru the wallpapers and R1 to scan backwards.:P doesn't say to do it anywhere, i guess it's a semi-hidden feature.
they have alot of them too..i was expecting like maybe 2 or 3.Every character has at least two with just lots of other nice looking really brings out the nice ripple effect alot.

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