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Infernal Mass May 13th, 2003 01:15 PM

Sony Rocks E3 with a press conference (details)
Sony is making a handheld platform that will probably be released around the same time as the PS3, called the PSP. They called it The Walkman of the 21st century. The unit which has not been showed yet, has been confirmed to have the same button layout as the dual shock 2, a widescreen, backlit, higher resolution than GBA, uses mini discs like GCN's that holds up to 1.8 gigs and can be used for so many things. I imagine the ability to download games and MP3's onto the discs and so on...

The new model of PS2 comes out in June bundled with the Network Adapter. EA Sports titles are now online exclusive for PS2 this year and next year. MGS3 is PS2 Exclusive as is the next Grand Theft Auto.

Sony also introduced the Eye-Toy, a camera for the PS2 that you connect through USB and it sits ontop of your TV. It's a motion sensor camera as well and will be used for games that need you to move around the room like that boxing game in the arcade that allows you to duck and sway around... the best thing about this is that developers can even incorporate this for online gaming so you can see who you are playing against...

"PSP" Specifications
Platform name: PSPTM
Display: Wide screen (16:9) TFT LCD with backlight
(480 x 272 dots)
Disc medium: "UMD" 60mm optical secured ROM disc with cartridge (1.8GB)
Graphics: 3D Polygon/NURBS
Sound: PCM (built-in stereo speakers, stereo headphone output)
I/O: USB 2.0, Memory StickTM slot
Battery: Rechargeable (lithium-ion)

Built in stereo speakers !!!

More as it comes....

Sony Online is really shaping up to be something else...

Sony software however, seemed to be a little bit low key as there were not a whole lot of games at the press conference today, but that will all change once E3 starts tommorow!

Vic Viper May 13th, 2003 01:32 PM

i know just heared the news, this was unexpected move, we'll see how it does, wouldnt mind playing portable metal gear solid or final fantasy VII game.

that would be awesome.:cool:

Vic Viper May 13th, 2003 01:36 PM

more news about exclusive titles
hope you dont mind me posting some more news digi..

Sony just confirmed that MGS3 and the new GTA will be exclusive to the PS2.

- Konami's Metal Gear Solid 3 will be exclusive for PS2.

- Sony has also confirmed that the new GTA is currently under development and will also be a PS2 exclusive!


Sony confirms at their conference that EA will be online if you own a PS2 console. Details within!

Reports have been flooding the media for the past few days regarding the possibility that EA will be on-line for PS2 exclusively. Today our staff at the Sony conference just received word that this is in fact true. If you want to play Madden on-line, you need a PS2.

There will be an EA Sports Talk voice chat system where you can trash talk with the gamers as if they're sitting next to you. Of the games being shown, the staff has said the Lag is almost non-existent. The EA Games On-line shown at the conference with a brief description given by our staff are:

Looks great, but not much different than previous versions.

NBA Live
According to our staff looks great, almost looks like a real game. The animation looks good, not seeing any lag at all.

Nascar 2004
No lag at all, and it looks great according to our staff presently there.

NCAA Football 2004
Looks just like last year, but very smooth.

FIFA 2004
Playing someone from British Columbia while at the show in LA,

Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods showed up at the show to demonstrate this game from Florida. He played a representative in LA while they trash talked each other.

EA Sports Online will begin this July!

kupoartist May 13th, 2003 01:47 PM

Re: Sony Rocks E3 with a press conference (details)

Originally posted by DigiMortal
"PSP" Specifications
Platform name: PSPTM
Display: Wide screen (16:9) TFT LCD with backlight
(480 x 272 dots)
Disc medium: "UMD" 60mm optical secured ROM disc with cartridge (1.8GB)
Graphics: 3D Polygon/NURBS
Sound: PCM (built-in stereo speakers, stereo headphone output)
I/O: USB 2.0, Memory StickTM slot
Battery: Rechargeable (lithium-ion)

Built in stereo speakers !!!
oh my... will this be the beginning of the end for Ninetendo I wonder? The Handheld market is a Nintendo thing, but to come up with somthing as feature ridden as this... phew. However, one does wonder how much it'll cost, but even so: this isn't no Neo Geo or Wonderswan. This thing'll mean a big slice out of Nintendo's pie...

mark0™ May 13th, 2003 03:03 PM

A Disk Drive on a hand held? Wouldnt it get too hot to handle after a few hours??

Sounds great though, the new features for PS2 sounds fantastic. Having Mo-Cap is fecking GREAT! (that game is called Mo-Cap Boxing Digi, I beat it once, I was sooo Tired that i couldnt walk after it because of all the ducking and dodging, my legs wer in purgatory :( )

Ah Mo-cap, so much fun, theres another Mo-Cap arcade game i know of, its a Cop Shooter game which is like Time Crisis a bit as you duck and hide, but you have to move (can hurt your legs a little too)

Cant Wait XD

Infernal Mass May 13th, 2003 03:13 PM


Originally posted by Vic Viper

i know just heared the news, this was unexpected move, we'll see how it does, wouldnt mind playing portable metal gear solid or final fantasy VII game.

that would be awesome.:cool:
yeah that would own.

no doubt microsoft will try to come up with somesort of handheld to compete with both Nintendo and Sony now.

dan da man May 13th, 2003 03:44 PM

Re: more news about exclusive titles

Originally posted by Vic Viper

- Konami's Metal Gear Solid 3 will be exclusive for PS2.

- Sony has also confirmed that the new GTA is currently under development and will also be a PS2 exclusive!

Thank God for that, Im not being a fanboy or anything becuase I do own the other consoles, but its just I have a thing with GTA and MGS being connected with playstation.

Vulcan Raven Oct 20th, 2003 12:29 AM

Thank God for that, Im not being a fanboy or anything becuase I do own the other consoles, but its just I have a thing with GTA and MGS being connected with playstation.

Yeah i totally agree with that, GTA and MGS really nee to be a Playstation thing.

And i know the PSP will rock.

i will really need it for those car trips where i part my PS2, or at school, have it on mute, and play MGS or FFVII like..erm...that guy said. Ohh, during school, your teacher has a huuge lecture on the american revolution..ZZZZZZZ, well you could just play PSP.

If only it had a recorder option..(like those Yak baks)
then you could record the lecture and just use it in the test (the infomation) without studying!

well enough about School.....uggggghhhh that just makes a chill down my spine.

anyone know release date?????????

Late 2004??????

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