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goodman Aug 31st, 2003 11:53 AM

Yes! Im one happy gamer right about now!
Hi folks, as i type this from my friends home in New Mexico, im proud to say that the Fall will be a wonderful gaming time for me! While of course i look very much forward to ps2 games such as Fatal Frame 2, Castlevania Lament of Innocence, and the new Lord of the Rings game (Harry those pics have me more than a little interested!) and the pc game Doom 3, ive made some new acquisitions through, the offshoot of Ebay that has rocked my gaming and music and other worlds for over two years now! Im proud to say that ive got four good ps2 games coming and all for very good prices! The games ive recently purchased and will soon be delivered are : Tenchu Wrath of Heaven!!! (19.99), Dark Cloud 2 (22.49), Ape Escape 2 (20.00), and Drakan (12.99). Im still waiting for prices to lower on ZOE 2 and Dynasty Warriors 4. Ive purchase four very quality titles for under $100, though, and must say that is easily the finest source for used games, music, movies, electronics, etc, that ive run across in my years on the web. Ebay and are now partners in business so whenever you join Ebay (and help ps2fantasy by going through their site) you also have the opportunity to do business with another excellent source by using Ebay and are the sources for your gaming and other pleasures! Other than taking advantage of the Amazon buy 2 get one free deal in a few months, most of my gaming needs are quietly and very efficiently being taken care of. Ciao for now!!

dan da man Aug 31st, 2003 12:26 PM

congrtas for you! have you got DOOM 3 then?

Hylas Aug 31st, 2003 01:02 PM

Whoa goodman! First of all: are you typing from New Mexico? Have a good time there! Then, you are and will be a very busy player for the next period of time! Congrats for all the purchases! ;)

Infernal Mass Aug 31st, 2003 02:22 PM

great deals!

wrath of heaven for 20 :shock:

kupoartist Aug 31st, 2003 03:26 PM


Originally posted by dan da man
congrtas for you! have you got DOOM 3 then?
Not likely. Doom III has been confirmed as an early 2004 title. Quite frankly, if the entire basis of the excitement which surrounded your title was its Graphical ability and your Title wasn't Half-life 2, you'd want to wait for the dust to settle before releasing it, just to be safe. (unlike UT2004. can you say "commercial suicide"?)

Rant = (no ID Software Game has ever had a decent storyline, and ID's "we're the best, and you'll except whatever we do" attitude means that Doom III probably won't have one either - no ID title has ever really had fantastic weapons either, it was a simple case of "getting there first"). Anyone heard about their plans for Up to 4 Player Only Deathmatch?! At this rate, their attitude will give us a "ID Salutes you!" ending screen as a reward for beating the game. The tits.

Well done on your bargins Goodman! It never hurts to get a decent price on games, and you've got a nice selection there :D

Berserker Sep 1st, 2003 03:51 AM

Good buys man, it seems to be the time for bargains I just bought Red Faction for 19 euro(it's like 17 dollar) and Quake lll for 20 euro (18 dollar ). I'm very happy with them, in aregular toy store nearby they always have good deals a few months ago I bought Half-Life for 14 bucks!!!

Enjoy your time in new-mexico take some Rosswel pictures for me;)

dan da man Sep 1st, 2003 09:11 AM


Originally posted by the_artist

Not likely. Doom III has been confirmed as an early 2004 title. Quite frankly, if the entire basis of the excitement which surrounded your title was its Graphical ability and your Title wasn't Half-life 2, you'd want to wait for the dust to settle before releasing it, just to be safe. (unlike UT2004. can you say "commercial suicide"?)

Rant = (no ID Software Game has ever had a decent storyline, and ID's "we're the best, and you'll except whatever we do" attitude means that Doom III probably won't have one either - no ID title has ever really had fantastic weapons either, it was a simple case of "getting there first"). Anyone heard about their plans for Up to 4 Player Only Deathmatch?! At this rate, their attitude will give us a "ID Salutes you!" ending screen as a reward for beating the game. The tits.

Well done on your bargins Goodman! It never hurts to get a decent price on games, and you've got a nice selection there :D

LMAO, good old artist bringing half life and unreal into it, btw I saw UT 2004 yesterday on a magazine, looks awseome!! Doom 3 looks the best phyhsics engine i've seen in a long time! okay half life 2 is slighty better! *dont hurt me*!:laugh:

goodman Sep 1st, 2003 10:11 AM

I got my new pc for what should be a very fun Doom 3. Its schedule release here in the U.S. is for late Fall this year, but i wouldnt be surprised if its 2004. I dont play enough pc games, one way or another i will check it out... The ps2 will keep me busy through the fall for sure, and i expect Baldurs Gate 2 will be fun along with everythiing else ps2...

kupoartist Sep 1st, 2003 04:52 PM


Originally posted by goodman
I got my new pc for what should be a very fun Doom 3. Its schedule release here in the U.S. is for late Fall this year, but i wouldnt be surprised if its 2004. <- says they announced the delay at this year's Quakecon (a kind of mini-E3, but with a mega-Lan party element). Apparently, 4 Player Deathmatch was shown, and people were suprised at just how good it was....

goodman Mar 21st, 2008 12:49 AM

Thought id dig up a nice memory :)...... Completed ZOE 2 a week or so ago, its one wonderful game! And im into Dark Cloud 2 now about 5 days, and must say its one totally absorbing experience! The games i originally mentioned in this article some years ago still are very much in my "to be played" list, and am looking forward to playing them the remainder of this year (i have most of them and even others). Its sweet not having to buy new games or anything, and being able to enjoy the fruits of what was a very productive time for the ps2 at the time of these games releases. Its all good in the world of ps2 gaming!

goodman May 25th, 2008 04:00 PM

Hey guys! Thought id give a current update. Ive officially beatedn Dark Cloud 2, am playing a after game fun part. Definitely one of the best action/adventure/fun fun fun rpg's in a long time. This game was way overlooked 5 years ago when it came out due to the glut of releases going on. Just think, some of the people that we know from here have moved on with other things in their lives (who knows just how far and what not!). But anyways ive just recently found and purchased some sleeper survival horror type games that didnt get much play in the press, again probably due to the glut of other games out at the time. They are Ghost Hunter, Siren, and Primal. All three had reviews of no less than 7.5, and were low priced (very). Yes, friends, my days from the next gen consoles have been expanded due to the large amount of unplayed ps2 games and the fact that these are ever bit as much fun for no financial or other concerns. You know when your buying something on amazon or ebay they like to compare other products to what you bought? Well that is how i found out about these other games. If your in the market for some good survival horror types i will let you all know what i think. I know the next 3-4 months will be entertaining at least :).........

jjmoohead May 26th, 2008 12:04 AM

Hey Farf,

I must say I don't know how you do it, but I do envy you in a way. Being able to stay away from the next gen is impressive. Your right its expensive.

At least this way though when you do make the jump up you won't be sitting around and waiting for the next big title to come out, you can go back and play games like Uncharted that will have been out for a over a year before you get a system. Its really smart thinking on your part.

On that note though, I don't regret getting my PS3 on launch day. Its been great, every minute of it. I have more then got my money out of the PS3 and with only a couple weeks away from MGS4 the time is now if you don't already have one. Especially with the MGS4 bundle.

With that said though, I am really happy you are back using the consoles. Hopefully one day I will finally get to do some online gaming with you.

Hope all is well with you.

goodman May 27th, 2008 03:35 PM

Yeah it was online gaming with WoW and Everquest that threw me off of consoles over about the same time weve all been chatting here on psfantasy. But in all honesty, this has been a great experience playing some very good quality titles on the ps2. Back when the ps2 was in its heyday i criticized some of their marketing strategies and now that ive had a chance to actually get into some of these games i definitely have to say ps2 rocks ass! And with Bluray coming down in price over the course of the next year the ps3 system will also become more reasonable and i can grab some sweet deals on games. And yes JJ i will get the chance to beat you in some bowling game, lol... I just found that there are so many games ive never played, why not just go ahead and do it instead of going all next gen and have tons of games sitting around that never even get looked at? And getting a full time girlfriend kinda changes things too, lol, be safe mr. moo!

goodman Sep 19th, 2008 03:29 PM

Currently playing Dragonquest 8 on the ps2 after having beaten Drakan recently. Must say its a very fun game, and a great return to the turn based rpg genre. Like many games that slipped through the cracks this one is not to be missed, and i highly recommend it. Even came with a demo of FFXII which eventually i will look into. Also, i repurchased Tenchu Wrath of Heaven for future entertainment!!! I will continue to watch prices drop and enjoy ps2 heaven!!!

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