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Deathwatchz Dec 4th, 2002 05:33 PM

New type of FF gaming
Comparing FFVII, where anyone can use the summon materia and summon a creature, or FFX, where only one person can summon. How about them using a system where there is a new character class, with something like vincent from FFVII. They could have 3 or 4 people who, instead of summoning an outside creature, have the ability to transform into a more powerful creature with limited moves. They could have a person with elemental-based transformations, a person with different kinds of attack type transformations (something like a piercing, blunt, or aggravated attack), etc. It would make it so that you could actually fight people who can do the same. FFX had you fight other summoners, but they were far apart and not that much of a challenge. well, whaddya think??? :confused:

IcyMourdor Dec 4th, 2002 08:45 PM

Naw, that character would be way too powerful to do something like that.

I prefer the other types like Materia or GFs.

Deathwatchz Dec 4th, 2002 10:08 PM

No, thats my point, I was saying about having the character so he is just a little more powerful than he was as a human, just that he is able to change his types of attacks and stuff. Vincent used it as a limit break, and you could have the character to have some kind of limitation, like he spends mp for every attack he makes in that form, and when they run out, he turns human again. Also, you can make it so that the characters have to face people just like them, so they will be facing people just as or even more powerful. If your main char. was a shapeshifter, and your main enemy was one too, that could work out. I was just saying as a base idea, if you have a suggestion, I wouldnt mind.

Spank-A-Thon Dec 5th, 2002 05:56 AM

What you have written sounds just like a limit break, or perhaps more specifically 'Trance' from FFIX. It also reminds me of Terra's 'Morph' in VI. So really, it's kind of already been done in previous FFs.

- S

kupoartist Dec 5th, 2002 01:45 PM

hmm... theres nothing to wrong with that idea, but the whole "lots of fighting other morphers" makes it sound as if it would work better as the basis for a game without a FF label...

Frozen Dec 7th, 2002 07:21 AM

It actually sounds to me as an outstanding idea, and I don't see the overpower thing as an issue, they would mange some way as for this not to happen, just teh same way they did with the Aeons in FFX, if you were not careful in the way you used them, they could have perfectly been killed with just one or 2 blows from a mild enemy.

I think it's an excellent idea, Deathwatchz, I really hope they do somethign like this in a FF.

I just would not like the game to have it as a whole new way of gaming, but as one of the game's many features.

ssjtrunks13 Dec 7th, 2002 10:56 PM

Sounds great to me. Now, Why couldn't I have thought of it?

Deathwatchz Dec 8th, 2002 11:06 PM

hey frozen, thanx for the support. for some reason, i think about a lot of stuff like this, not just for games, but t shirt ideas and stuff, but i never capitalize on them!!! i should start copyrighting this stuff and selling them off..... and artist, i wasnt saying that you had to fight a lot of other shapeshifters, just as an idea, you can play around with stuff like this. it wouldnt make very much sense if your character was the only one in the world, or if you were the only team with them on your side. if you have a world with it possible, there has to be an evil one right? another thing i was thinking about is puting a game where YOU are the evil one for once, and you have to destroy the world, instead of saving it. well, keep those replies going people!

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