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merylsilverburg Feb 5th, 2003 09:53 PM

"Otaku"= Insult
Hello all. :) I just thought I'd share this little information with all you anime fans in case you didn't know.
Now, I'm sure that some of you guys have heard the term "otaku" and while it's used for other hobbies, such as automobiles, technology, etc. this term is mostly heard referring to anime. Well, if you're one day called an "anime otaku", it should make you feel insulted instead of proud. It ends up that being called that is really a negative way of saying that you're a "anime freak/monster" and it produces an extremely negative image. The reason? In Japan, around the mid-eighties there had been several murders and molestations and rapes of girls around ages 6-12. There were at least 10 missing and the body parts were cut up and some pieces were missing. This was considered pretty big news because the crime rate during that time hadn't really soared that much. One day, the police arrested this 28 year old man and went to his apartment and found it covered with anime videos. There was literally no room to walk around...the videos were piled up to the ceiling, they were in every corner. Not only that, but the apartment was unfurnished except for a fridge. When the police checked the fridge, they found the rest of the body parts of the dead girls. The neighbors of this man said that he was very quiet, lonesome, "secluded" kind of a guy. It didn't seem he was capable of such a horrific crime. The guy confessed that he raped and took pictures of the young girls and he enjoyed looking at the smooth bodies of anime women and girls and could never think about real women. Well, this crime made it in every newspaper and shocked the entire country. From then on, the term "otaku" was used to describe a person who is basically an obsessed freak. In demon books, the word was everywhere and it meant "monster".
In the US, Americans have "westernalized" the term and use it proudly, unknowing of the real meaning of the word. I'm not sure if using the word "otaku" now in Japan still has a strong meaning, but it's best not to use it at all unless you want to receive stares and be isolated.
Basically, otaku means "house", so it's a proper term to use for those people who stay in their houses and do nothing but watch and obsess over anime 24/7.
On this one site, "Chika's Otaku 101" she describes what the difference is between an otaku and an anime fan. She described it pretty well, but unfortunately the page is no longer up. She also told her story of why she hates otakus so much and one reason is because she was almost a victim to a molestation by an otaku.
I think this is pretty interesting facts to know (pretty creepy though)'s also helpful for those who didn't know the real meaning of this term.

Suzuki_Fanboy Feb 5th, 2003 09:58 PM

Yes, that is quite interesting indeed...I don't consider myself an "otaku," but I am fascinated with Japanese culture and history, and I like anime. I have never actually referred to myself as an otaku, and now I'm glad :heh:

Nelo Angelo Feb 5th, 2003 10:24 PM

Otaku means fanboy in Japanese.

So really, I'm not surprised you would consider it an insult.

merylsilverburg Feb 6th, 2003 02:20 AM


Originally posted by Nelo Angelo

Otaku means fanboy in Japanese.

So really, I'm not surprised you would consider it an insult.
Yes, that's true, but there are some people who don't really care if they're called a "fanboy". But being called "otaku" goes beyond a "fanboy", so it really is more than an insult. Ah, maybe I should've re-phrased the title of my thread. :right:

Beretta55 Feb 6th, 2003 02:34 AM

one word........damn:shock: i never called myself a otaku why? because i dont know what the word is. i never say word's i dont know the meaning of so i dont get looked upon strangely:laugh: but thank's for the info.........and i cant belive there are people like that.

merylsilverburg Feb 6th, 2003 02:53 AM


Originally posted by ZeroSniper

I'm not sure it this is really derragatory in America or Western cultures.

An ' anime otaku ' is basically a fan on an extremely obsessive level.
In Japan, this is a derogatory term. Used anywhere outside of Japan, otaku automatically refers to an anime obsession.

So technically, whereas this term may serve as an insult in Japan, I don't think the westernalized version is as bad, mainly because people usually only say this because they assume it only means a devoted fan of anime.

Good info, Meryl :)

That's true too. If used in the US or anywhere, this word may not sound so bad...but an anime veteran (who does know this term's true meaning) might find those who use it casually really naive. I'm only sharing this information for the people who don't know what the word means because I don't want anyone going to Japan and saying this word only to get stunned looks by people. :(

mark0™ Feb 6th, 2003 09:28 AM

Thanks for the info, although I'm just the casual anime watcher, I'm trying to learn jaspanese,very very slowly lol

I can say "My name is ..." and " Good Day Mr ... ", or at least I think I can :disturb:

ssjtrunks13 Feb 6th, 2003 12:01 PM


Originally posted by Suzuki_Fanboy

Yes, that is quite interesting indeed...I don't consider myself an "otaku," but I am fascinated with Japanese culture and history, and I like anime. I have never actually referred to myself as an otaku, and now I'm glad :heh:
Very interesting. I am also interested in Japanese culture and history and like anime. I had no idea what it meant either, but I'm glad I never considered myself as one.:cool:

Cannibal Clown Feb 6th, 2003 05:05 PM

I heard of that before. About the durder thing. but in Japan, it doesn't mean as harsh as Meryl makes it seem. They still use it as simply an over obsessed fan of anime. And considering that in America, not many poeple know about the real meaning of Otaku. We just see it as a anime goon. Not an insult at all. But actually, there is a serious sickness in Japan, a mental sickness, of people who have a serious obsession with anime, and this mental problem is known as Otaku. But in America, it's nothing but an anime fan referring to another anime fan.

merylsilverburg Feb 6th, 2003 07:50 PM


Originally posted by Cannibal Clown

I heard of that before. About the durder thing. but in Japan, it doesn't mean as harsh as Meryl makes it seem. They still use it as simply an over obsessed fan of anime. And considering that in America, not many poeple know about the real meaning of Otaku. We just see it as a anime goon. Not an insult at all. But actually, there is a serious sickness in Japan, a mental sickness, of people who have a serious obsession with anime, and this mental problem is known as Otaku. But in America, it's nothing but an anime fan referring to another anime fan.
Well, like I said before, I don't know if using the word still has a strong of a meaning as when they used it right after the incident happened. Maybe now in Japan, the tone has soften down a bit. But the reason why I said it's an insult is because it is a pretty awful word to be called because from what I know of being called that, you're basically just a freak...a monster. I don't think people would mind being called a "fanboy", but I don't think anyone wants to be called "a freak" and be shunned by society. That's why I said it's an "insult". Ah, like I said before, I really should change the title of my thread since I seem to be confusing a lot of people. :heh:

ssjtrunks13 Feb 7th, 2003 10:26 AM

Well, I think you'll be glad to know I am not confused about waht you've said at all. Is that all the news on this that you have?

MakgSnake Feb 7th, 2003 03:43 PM

Poor Otacon.........

mark0™ Feb 7th, 2003 04:00 PM

^ haha

But Otacon probably is an "Otaku" in the japanese sense... That buisness with his mother for christs sake!

merylsilverburg Feb 7th, 2003 06:41 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

Poor Otacon.........
:laugh: True, true. :laugh:

ssjtrunks: Yeah, unfortunately that is all the info I have on this. I would put the link for that "Chika's Otaku 101" site since she really describes her hate for otakus (and she's Japanese) but sadly it's not up anymore. :(

I'm glad that some people enjoyed the information. It really shocked me the first time I read about this too.

MakgSnake Feb 7th, 2003 06:45 PM


Originally posted by mark0
But Otacon probably is an "Otaku" in the japanese sense... That buisness with his mother for christs sake!
I really have to agree with you, his relationship with his mother was sick and that E.E wanted to marry HIM was even MORE SICK! I guess it was an Otaku family.

Oh well.....
But good info....nice nice.

Fox Feb 9th, 2003 02:26 AM

cut up body parts in a refrig? thus the birth of hentai.

Suzuki_Fanboy Feb 9th, 2003 12:51 PM


Originally posted by Fox

cut up body parts in a refrig? thus the birth of hentai.
Har har! The sad thing is, you're probably right...:heh:

ssjtrunks13 Feb 10th, 2003 12:02 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

I really have to agree with you, his relationship with his mother was sick and that E.E wanted to marry HIM was even MORE SICK! I guess it was an Otaku family.

Oh well.....
But good info....nice nice.

I'm really confused now. I don't remember the game saying that E.E. was interested in him in that way.

MakgSnake Feb 10th, 2003 03:59 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13

I'm really confused now. I don't remember the game saying that E.E. was interested in him in that way.
She was, check the scene when she is about to die on Otacon's lap, she says that she still remembers playing that game where Otacon use to act as a husband and she use to act as his wife when they were young and then she says, she wanted it to happen in reality.

Which in my opinion was another SICK thing... I couldn't believe all that, and on top then Otacon spelled out after her death that he had an affair with her mother and all. Man Otacon is sick... no wonder Kojima gave him a nick name ---> "Otacon". See it all makes sense now. ;)

Thanks to Meryl. (Diana).

ssjtrunks13 Feb 10th, 2003 07:16 PM

You're right. I forgot about that. Wow, I see now why his nickname is Otacon too. Scary. Yeah, thanks again Meryl you've helped us see MGS2 in a whole new light.:cool:

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