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SplinterJD Apr 7th, 2003 07:57 AM

Which is better Splinter Cell or MGS
Which Espionage game do you think is the best?

Personally I've played both and I've come to the conclusion that Splinter Cell is better at the moment but we'll just have to wait and see for what Kojima can conjure up next.:phew:

MakgSnake Apr 7th, 2003 10:16 AM

Wha??..... The only reason people think Splinter Cell is better is because the game came out more then an YEAR later then MGS.

I agree Splinter Cell has more gadgets which are cool by the way, but thats IT!! (Where are the guns???) ....... And yeah SAM has gotten some cool moves too. But its the story what I love most about games now a days. It has to be good.

At some places Splinter Cell exceeds, no doubt (cause its a new game) but still OVER ALL the game doesn't even come close. Seriously....... I compare it with Syphon Filter, thats what its like. And even on that PAR I would say Syphon Filter is a little better then Syphon Filter (At some places).

Spank-A-Thon Apr 7th, 2003 11:11 AM

If you ask me which is the better stealth game then I say Splinter Cell wins hands down. The use of lighting is amazing as is the use of sound. I also find you have to watch other people more carefully rather than in MGS where I found myself staring at the vision cones on the radar more.

Plus, lets not forget the problem with MGS and its lengthy cut-scenes and codec transmissions. Fortunately Splinter suffers none of these.

I also find Splinter to be far more realistic than MGS (not that I've ever been a stealth agent of course!). A lot of the bad guys in MGS have been highly un-realistic - whereas Splinter offers more normal characters and no boss battles.

MGS to me is more of an arcade experience rather than realism and that's why I think Splinter is better - the realism allows me to be immersed more. Playing Splinter I get very tense knowing one false move can bugger things up - I don't get that sensation from MGS.

Besides, I happen to think whilst the MGS's are great games, they are vastly over-rated.

But hey - that's just my thoughts. Each to their own.

- S

Esjay Apr 7th, 2003 03:13 PM

Spank A Thon put it pretty well, they're both good in their own ways, and Splinter Cell is a much more realistic and believable game, the graphics are much better as well, and it's easy to spot the position of the enemy characters without the use of some 4-bit radar that consits of dots and lines. But as for the overall enjoyment factor, I think MGS is a lot better than Splinter Cell, especially the first game. So if you want an intense arcade gaming experience, then check out MGS or MGS2, but if you want a super realistic and graphically superior game, then Splinter Cell would fit that bill pretty well. Of course, they're both very different games in that sense of realistic and arcade like, so it's hard to compare them.

SplinterJD Apr 8th, 2003 06:00 AM


Spank A Thon

But I do agree with your points.;)

Beretta55 Apr 8th, 2003 06:19 AM

Bah both of the game's kick major ass.
but for me splinter cell exceed's more in the steath genre. you can do more stuff in splinter cell then you can in MGS2. but i mostly go with story so that's why i go with MGS2. the story was weird as hell and i liked it!XD not to mention how i loved to kick guard's off high place's. the simplest thing's amuse me:laugh:

Infernal Mass Apr 8th, 2003 06:40 AM

tenchu beats both of these games...but if i had to choose. It have to be MGS over syphon filt..erm i mean Splinter Cell.

- it's true

Zone Apr 8th, 2003 06:44 PM

I'm one of the few who thinks MGS2 is overrated, so I'll have to go with Splinter Cell.

Vic Viper Apr 11th, 2003 01:30 PM

what !! hitman 2 doesnt get any love..

HITMAN 2 all the way.. :P :ghost:

Sleazy P Martini Apr 11th, 2003 03:49 PM

Both games are "must play" titles in my opinion......but head to head Splinter Cell crushes MGS2. It seems much more realistic. MGS is great too, but the lengthy cut-scenes and super amounts of cheese are downfalls.



SNNAAAKKEE!!!!! :sarcasm:

MakgSnake Apr 11th, 2003 08:24 PM


Originally posted by Sleazy P Martini



SNNAAAKKEE!!!!! :sarcasm:
Well in my opinion its better then "GOOD LORD Fisher, now look what have you done, the mission is over, get out of there, we are over!" Over and over again....... or "Have you gone insane Fisher, get out of there, the mission is over".....

Sleazy P Martini Apr 11th, 2003 09:18 PM

Yeah thats your opinion and its all cool. Otacon and Rose just bug the crap outta me thats all. I always fast foward their codec calls.......actually I fast forward them all :laugh: Too much yappin. Luckily the 2 hours that you actually play the game are top notch. Well worth the greatest hits price.

SplinterJD Apr 11th, 2003 09:38 PM


Yeah thats your opinion and its all cool. Otacon and Rose just bug the crap outta me thats all. I always fast foward their codec calls.......actually I fast forward them all Too much yappin. Luckily the 2 hours that you actually play the game are top notch. Well worth the greatest hits price.
I usually fastforward all the codec sequences also coz after the completing the game one or two times its not really worth listening to them again unless its what you like to do. Really the only things I like better in Splinter Cell are the gameplay elements mainly the transparent like First-Person mode where you can move around with your gun pointed and holding up guards etc by holding them at gunpoint and being able to go in First-Person mode also to shoot while holding someone hostage.;)


ssjtrunks13 Apr 12th, 2003 12:11 AM

Can't vote because my decision would be a prejudice one because I've only played MGS2 and Splinter Cell doesn't look too appealing.

dan da man Apr 14th, 2003 05:50 AM

errr, MGS, for the game, if the question was stealth, SC, I cant beleive compare these two games, one day me any my friends finally come to the conclusion the splinter cell was a overrated shit game! why do people like it so much, its nothing new, IMO without of the firends influence, its a alright game, but not too mouch freedon in the game. thats what I dont like about SC, MGS all the way.


Well in my opinion its better then "GOOD LORD Fisher, now look what have you done, the mission is over, get out of there, we are over!" Over and over again....... or "Have you gone insane Fisher, get out of there, the mission is over".....
Lmao, I agree, If your friend just got killed you would shout his name, as in MGS that is the only was for the mission to fail, in SC there are to many ways to end the mission, because its "realestic" like everyones says.:sarcasm:

Preventer Wind Apr 15th, 2003 05:25 PM

Well I have only played about 3 hours of Splinter Cell...but I didn't like it much. I think I would like it more if it came out before MGS.

If you want to talk about realistic....some of those guys take way too many bullets. And I like the idea of fighting bosses. If you are given a lot of health to work with then it makes sense to have bosses. And if you people don't like the cut scenes then you most not like a good story. And I think a story has to be good in these types of games. I would definitely go with MGS because I think Splinter is WAS way overrated. Now that is on both the ps2 and x-box those damn x-box fan sissies can't call it great game because they would be calling a ps2 game good.

IMO Syphon Filter sucked, big time. Especially the second one.

Zone Apr 15th, 2003 06:37 PM


Originally posted by Preventer Wind
IMO Syphon Filter sucked, big time. Especially the second one.
I found all of them to be ten times better than MGS2. Of course that's just my opinion, so please aim your flamethrowers in another direction. ;)

I'm going to have to agree with Vic Viper, Hitman 2 is my favorite in the genre, next to the Syphon Filter series.

MakgSnake Apr 16th, 2003 07:53 PM


Originally posted by Preventer Wind

IMO Syphon Filter sucked, big time. Especially the second one.
I dont know, I found the second one the best in the series. It was like playing a movie sequence (every stage). Syphon Filter 2 is my fav out of all the Filters. I am really looking forward to Omega Strain.

JC Denton Apr 17th, 2003 03:28 PM

MGS fustrated me in some places, and as soon as you kill a gaurd anther one takes his place. I think that splinter cell has a more realistic storyline which i think is good and i prefer having less guns as it makes the game more challanging. In fact the only thing i didn't like about splinter cell was that it was pretty linear (you didn't really have many ways to complete a level) not compared to deus ex and i found the game wasn't addictive enough. I also found some bits repetetive. But i feel even so it is better than MGS and is one of the best games this year.

and who are you calling a sissie, i could say you are an a****** just because you dont like the same console as me but i dont.

Preventer Wind Apr 17th, 2003 04:48 PM


Originally posted by JC Denton
and who are you calling a sissie, i could say you are an a****** just because you dont like the same console as me but i dont.
Actually I own an X-Box. And a ps2. And a Game Cube. So I do own the same console. And I was just saying some people think that because they buy a certain system they have to defend every game that comes out for it by calling it great and saying it is better then similar games on other consoles. The same was true with Splinter before it came out on the ps2. X-Box fan sissies said it was the second best game ever made next to Halo. There are ps2 fans like that and game cube fans. To quote a lot of X-Box Fan Sissies: "This game would look 10x better on the X-Box" as if graphics are the only thing. If you can name a game that is 10x better on the X-Box then the ps2 then I will be surprised.

Seems like my Syphon Filter comment didn't fly so well...WELL IT'S JUST MY OPINION! :laugh:

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