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merylsilverburg Apr 5th, 2008 02:05 AM

Ponyo on a Cliff
So I'm sure you guys have heard about Hayao Miyazaki's latest project which is Gake no Ue no Ponyo or Ponyo on a Cliff. It's supposed to be shown in theaters in Japan this summer and news of the US/Worldwide release is around 2009.

The story is about this boy Ponyo who meets a goldfish princess who wants to become human. It sounds like "The Little Mermaid" but I'm sure there's a twist involved. The theme of the film is supposed to be the relationship between parent and child. According to sources, Miyazaki had to deliberate for a while before deciding to base Ponyo on his son, Goro. Could this project be a means of trying to make amends with his son for their rift regarding "Tales of Earthsea"? Who knows?

The main theme is titled after the film and sung by a little girl, Ohashi, Nozomi, and a male, Fujimaki, Fujioka. I bought the Image Album so I was able to hear it. I like it a lot! It's startling catchy and I assure you it'll remain in your head for a while. :laugh: It has the same tone of "Sanpo" from "My Neighbor Totoro" but still entirely different. :)

I'm looking forward to seeing it. :D

Pu the Owl Apr 9th, 2008 02:05 PM

I hope they will release the movie here! Not after a couple of years it's been released everywhere :P

Oh well, in that case I'll buy the DVD. I always have to do it with Miyazaki's movies :(

merylsilverburg Apr 22nd, 2008 09:52 PM

It's unfortunate Europe gets everything so late. :( Do they actually dub Miyazaki's films into Italian or leave them in Japanese with Italian/English subtitles when they're shown in theaters there? This, or distribution issues, may be one of the reasons for the delay but I'm not sure. I actually hate the dubs for the English editions so I always pick up the DVDs too. Luckily, Howl's Moving Castle had multiple languages if you got the special edition. I was able to show my mom since they even had Mandarin Chinese! I hope they do it again for Ponyo. :)

Pu the Owl Apr 24th, 2008 09:26 PM

Cartoons here are most of the time considered for kids only, so DVDs very rarely have original language and subtitles. That's why I get the greatest part of animation DVDs from amazon or other similar sources. It's a shame. Animation isn't for kids. Will they ever understand it? Not all animation is like Disney/Pixar :mad:

merylsilverburg Apr 24th, 2008 10:26 PM

That's a real shame! I'm surprised it happens like that since I thought anime/animation was actually well-regarded in Europe as opposed to the US. I'm sorry to hear it. :( Studio Ghibli works and animation are far from the kiddish feel that people consider it to be. Maybe they should see Porco Rosso...totally more mature than, say, My Neighbor Totoro.

Perhaps Disney/Pixar are children-geared but some of Disney's classic stuff are not as juvenile as their modern stuff nowadays IMO.

Stacked Rapture Feb 13th, 2009 12:56 PM

Miyazaki is a anime genius and most of his stuff really pushes animation to another limit. I'm excited for it!

Pu the Owl Feb 17th, 2009 03:34 PM

I could watch the Japanese release of Ponyo. It's one of the cutest anime movies ever. I don't know if it reaches the heights of other Studio Ghibli works, but this isn't very important. One shouldn't always compare when it's not necessary. I felt completely absorbed watching it. It was magical :)

merylsilverburg Jul 7th, 2009 03:38 PM

Just saw the film yesterday (JP DVD release) and here's my thoughts:

I like it but I don't love it. It's not because it's not epic or grand like the other Ghibli works but because the story seemed weak and underdeveloped and rushed...there also seemed to be subliminal messages about nature and man and destruction throughout the entire film (more on that later).

The characters are very cute which led to funny and some heartwarming moments but the characters themselves seem very one-dimensional. I think the best parts of the film came from the "newborn awe" that Ponyo exhibited as a human. Think of Disney's "The Little Mermaid" when Ariel came across the fork at dinner but a million times improved. Ponyo's displays came off very real, very raw so it was touching. But as personalities themselves, the characters just seemed bland to me which is unfortunate. Their innocence and childlike natures are very present but nothing more.

The story and overall film had that feeling of trying to recapture the magic and childhood fantasies, like in "My Neighbor Totoro." However, there wasn't enough of that "magic" for me to feel like, well, it was magical or fantastical. It was very disappointing because I was waiting for that moment when I felt in my heart that surge of childlike excitement but it never came, except in certain moments but it wasn't as powerful or enough. Those moments were merely "Oh, I am seeing something mystifying happen" but I never feel it.

As for the subliminal messages, okay, perhaps I am thinking too deep into the film - a film intended solely as a children's film for children thus explaining why it's so simple - but it seemed the story was very choppy and rushed because there was no real plot. Instead, the story of Sousuke and Ponyo were merely backdrops to the actual message about ocean preservation and nature vs human. Yes, it had the whole "Little Mermaid" background of Ponyo wanting to be a human and a very traditional "true love" fairytale story but these are not very developed and gets lost when you see all imagery of the ancient "fishes" and animals and super clear and clean water during Sousuke and Ponyo's search - especially when you think about the scene where Ponyo gets swept up in the net cleaning all the garbage and filth in the ocean.


The eco-messages in the film came at the moments mentioned above but it's also furthered when you think about the characters in the film too.

Fujimoto - one of the most likeable, goofiest "villains" - represents a conservationalist. He was a human once but probably due to some love for the water (we will never know since the guy was never developed other than being Ponyo's dad; however, I wonder if they based him off of the old Japanese folktale of Urashima Taro, except he never left the ocean to return to land?) he married Ponyo's mom and became a scientist-wizard living in the water. He creates an elixir that will destroy the world, giving way to another Cambrian Age "rebirth". Okay, so he wants to revert the earth back to the time when organisms first developed invertebrates so that perhaps he can control the evolutionary timescale so that humans never came to be? Or that aquatic creatures will rule? Or that there'll be more humans like himself or Ponyo? Because he loves the ocean so much and can't stand how humans are destroying and tainting it (once the elixir got accidentally released by Ponyo, we see how the world transformed into the prehistoric age...the time of purity and "newness.").

Ponyo's mom, Grande Mamare, represents the "humans" in that she understands they are needed to despite their destructive ways. Sousuke and Ponyo thus represent the balance between nature and humans, working and being together to bring harmony. Because, as we've seen, too much nature (the result of Fujimoto's elixir) isn't a good thing while the humans (the garbage in the water) isn't either. Each has to respect one another for harmony's sake.

Again, it seemed to me that this was the central message of the story. Perhaps that's the point: for kids, it's the happy fairytale while for adults, it's the eco-message. But the fairytale wasn't as predominant so I couldn't help but feel annoyed that the latter was most important to Miyazaki.

It was a good film overall but not memorable for me.

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