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The_Senator Dec 14th, 2002 12:31 PM

The Getaway
I got The Getaway yesterday, and it really is challenging. It's more of a simulator. If you get shot a few times it's realistic. You're slowed down if you are shot, you can pick up and use two handguns and the main character, Mark Hammond, holds his wounds when he is shot.

It's really easy to escape the police and you're not pulled out of the car and busted straight away. The police have guns, which is not realistic but overall it isn't a bad game. The Getaway is for people who are looking for a really good simulator, but otherwise GTA is much much better!!

If you have any questions about the game plz ask!!

dan da man Dec 14th, 2002 01:29 PM

i have played the getaway, it is challenging, ive got some questions but some obvioulsy might of not go this far. many weapons are they?
2.are the missions intresting and realistic?
a good storyline?
(i know one stroy line his son is kidnapped and his wife is shot so then u have to work for a big man gangster)
3.can u buy assets? there weapons shops or can u pick them off the floor aswell?


Sword 4 Hire Dec 14th, 2002 04:04 PM

Ah so it's out then...

BTW does this thread belong here...

dan da man Dec 14th, 2002 05:33 PM

i think senator wants him and us to compare the games vc and the getaway so y not.

The_Senator Dec 15th, 2002 11:31 AM

To answer Dan's questions: -

1) So far I've come across three weapons

-The hand guns, which you can hold two of.
-The Shotgun
-And the AK47

2) The missions are really really good, they are realistic and quite enjoyable. You die after a few shots which does make it realistic and you can heal your health by standing near a wall and waiting for your wounds to heal, doesn't take long and its useful.

So far there is only one story and I think it's the only one, Mark Hammond's wife Suzie is shot in the beginning and his son is kidnapped. Charlie Jolson, who is the main bad guy, wants you to do his dirty work before he gives you his son back.

3) Unfortunately you can't buy anything seeing as you're not making any money out of what you do. You're trying to get your son back.

4) You can't buy weapons which is not good. For every mission you start, you're equiped with the hand gun and you're given the chance to kill people with shotguns and AK's, but they use them on you first and you have to kill them to get their weapon which puts you at an unfair disadvantage as you're fighting someone with AK's and shotguns with your measly handguns.

Hope that answers your questions.

I'd just like to say to anyone who doesn't like the game compared to GTA: VC, is what do you expect, this is Team Soho's first attempt and they did pretty well. I mean just look at GTA 1, if that was released now, and it was Rockstar's first attempt how would it look compared to The Getaway.

If you don't want to buy the game best thing to do is to rent it to get a taste. It really is a good game!!

dan da man Dec 15th, 2002 11:44 AM

thx for the info i have played that story aswell when his son is kidnapped, and his wife shot (i played the demo)

when u shoot the barrels and they explode he says f**k in helll!
thats pretty realistic and funny

Beretta55 Dec 15th, 2002 03:08 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

thx for the info i have played that story aswell when his son is kidnapped, and his wife shot (i played the demo)

when u shoot the barrels and they explode he says f**k in helll!
thats pretty realistic and funny
alot of other game's are getting that horrible 4 letter word now:laugh: EX: BMX XXX,run like hell,die hard vendetta and now the getaway....just thought i would point that out:laugh:

ludaman99 Dec 18th, 2002 07:40 PM

i never knew the getaway was out is it out in the U.S or somewhere else cuz i havent seen it at wal mart or anythin lol just jk about the walmart thing

mark0™ Dec 18th, 2002 07:46 PM

US Release Date
February 2003

taken from here

Its out here in the UK, Coz Team Soho are a british company. Whiuch is good, you americans always get stuff first :frust: lol

dan da man Dec 19th, 2002 12:01 PM


Originally posted by mark0

US Release Date
February 2003

taken from here

Its out here in the UK, Coz Team Soho are a british company. Whiuch is good, you americans always get stuff first :frust: lol
i agree its not fair!

Beretta55 Dec 19th, 2002 12:03 PM

oh come on now it's not our falut!!:laugh: but enjoy this game while you can when cooler game's we will get them first. muahahahahahahahahahahaha! jk jk:laugh:

ssjtrunks13 Dec 19th, 2002 12:04 PM

Why does the UK usually get the games after us americans? Why don't they just release them at the same time in the two countries?

Beretta55 Dec 19th, 2002 12:06 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13

Why does the UK usually get the games after us americans? Why don't they just release them at the same time in the two countries?
well it's alot more harder then that. for the uk they have to change the game to pal version's. since us game's dont work on uk system's and such. so it's hard work to get a game on a uk system. if i didnt explain well enough maybe someone else can.

mark0™ Dec 19th, 2002 12:11 PM

We can play NTSC titles, not too much hassle, requires some tweaking though which isnt advised, I have a NTSC Xbox, Gamecube and N64, because I visit the US quite often, but you forget, NTSC is poorer quality than PAL :P But usually we wait about 3 months to get the game after you guys, it aint a big deal, the problem really isnt as much as converting to PAL, but Producing all the PAL disks for release.

Beretta55 Dec 19th, 2002 12:13 PM

or! companies are a bunch of meanies....:laugh: but there is alway's import.

ssjtrunks13 Dec 19th, 2002 12:23 PM

What does PAL stand for?

mark0™ Dec 19th, 2002 07:59 PM

PAL = Phase Alternation by Line
NTSC = National Television Standards Committee

Daniel Legge Dec 27th, 2002 10:33 AM

I think the reason ppl think the Getaway isnt that good is because the hype it got. If this game had been released without any hype i think it wud probably get better reveiws.

I have the game and think it is ace. any Qs plz ask.

MakgSnake Dec 30th, 2002 01:48 PM

Well I am waiting for this game to come out here, and then I'll think about it. I saw the video and it didn't look that good, I was like "After 3 years of work, this is what they are giving us"..... I mean it wasn't jaw dropping. And I love the cover of the PAL version, the NTSC verson's cover isn't that that great either (but that wont stop me buying this game).

I just need to read some seriously nice reviews about this game for me to get it. I have been waiting for it ever since I saw its trailer which said "Releasing soon August 2001"...

Vic Viper Dec 30th, 2002 03:36 PM


Originally posted by MakgSnake

I just need to read some seriously nice reviews about this game for me to get it. I have been waiting for it ever since I saw its trailer which said "Releasing soon August 2001"...
check out gamerankings makg, they have alot of reviews their..;)

heres the link:

The Getaway. avg. ratio 77% :mad: , no matter what the score is it wont keep me away from buying this game. man i want this game so bad..:laugh:

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