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kamari-ice May 6th, 2002 06:45 PM

FFXI>Simmer Down Ya'll
Okay this may burst your bubble.
The game $70.
Only on AOL <not playable on regular tv and ps2>
$10 fee every month.
an extra $7 for a new character in the game.
Huh, I ain't buting it.
Have to pay a fee, and its not on the regular ps2.
I at least want to play it like ffx, only on tv ps2, not ps2 computer.
Man, thats the only final fantasy I wont be able to play.
And I don't have AOL.
And my parents wont let me do that, because of extra money and stuff.
They don't like online fees.
Only Yahoo.
And bellsouth.

Hadoken May 6th, 2002 07:03 PM

where the hell did you hear that??
i think a lot of that information is wrong man.

IcyMourdor May 6th, 2002 07:12 PM

Ice, I think you will need to recheck your source about FFXI info. A lot of that info is false.

Infernal Mass May 6th, 2002 07:13 PM

i know there's going to be a fee to make a new character.I think i heard 7 dollars too somewhere.The whole AoL thing is a new one though.If that's true i definately am going to pass this game up.I doubt it is though with all the rumors of the game going multi-platform (Ps2,Gamecube)

Sword 4 Hire May 6th, 2002 07:26 PM

I already knew i wasn't going to play this...but if your sources are true then this strengthens my decision greatly

ChronoSquall May 6th, 2002 08:08 PM

I was always against the whole online thing anyway, I say make a diff rpg in the style of ff for online but keep the ff series the way it should be.

kupoartist May 7th, 2002 02:18 PM

:( - you didn't get this from the same place you got that "FFXIII" pic from, did you?

The Japanese prices put it about:
Normal PS2 game price
$7 for Playing each month (first month free)
$0.50 per new character (payed each month)
$0.50 for a months subscription to Triple Triad

And the stuff about AOL, and this special PS2 is just plain silly. AOL is for cavemen, and trying to make profit from people drawing pictures of Sabre-Tooth Tigers and Spacemen on the walls of their homes isn't adviseable.

Edit : actually the "special" PS2 thing isn't so untrue, as you'll have to be buying the HD and Modem...

kamari-ice May 7th, 2002 04:51 PM

And crap, they won't put it on the (tv and ps2) either.
I think they just want money because of ff the spirits within.
They could just put it in stores for (tv and ps2) for us lay-men, like me.
Not everybody is rich.
I mean, I don't like playing a game, and knowing I have to pay even $50.
No one here will play the game, thats for sure.
And I seen some pics, and it don't look that great anyways.
Its too back in the medevil times.
FFX will beat it heads off.
And a monkey man!
I seen a screen, that one character is full of hair like an ape.

Qjij_jijQ May 7th, 2002 06:06 PM

I don't get how they plan on doin' money with somethin' like that...
I mean, look all everything we have to pay/do just to play the game ! It's absolutely not "cost efficient". They are probably going to lose a lot of fans of the game with this concept... I think they should make the game playable without having to go online... Like Diablo. You can play alone OR go online to play with friends and get patches when they get new ones...

What do you think ?

kamari-ice May 7th, 2002 06:18 PM

They should do it like Diablo.I defenitley will quit being a fan, its harsh, and will be hard for me, I will cry constantly.But if thats what they want, they lost me as a fan.

Qjij_jijQ May 7th, 2002 06:23 PM

I hope you're readin' this Squaresoft !
You just lost one of your fan ! ... and now he's all sad !

Shame on you ! :laugh:

BTW, if you truly are reading this... Note that I still respect you and that I would gladly accept a free copy of the game... thank you.

kamari-ice May 8th, 2002 05:20 PM

Hey Square, he burned a final fantasy game before, yep, he threw it in a Bonfire.

happy_doughnut May 8th, 2002 06:06 PM

I have to admit that at first I thought FFXI was going to be a really big success. However, Qjij has a really good point there. How do they plan to make money with that game? I don't think many people are going to be playing it. I know I probably won't. It looks like this is going to be one FF I'm not going to be able to play..:weep:


IcyMourdor May 8th, 2002 06:06 PM

Ice, I think you're being a little bit childish about the game. EverQuest is strictly an online game, yet, still a very popular game worldwide. I know I'll be trying this game out. You appearantly aren't much of a fan if you aren't going to try the game at least. They usually have those 30-day free trial things that they apply for people. If you aren't willing to try, they aren't losing much of a fan then.

kamari-ice May 8th, 2002 06:15 PM

Huh, much you know mourdor. I will have to bye the HDD thing, and something else for it to hook up to my comp. And My parents won't let me do that computer thing. And I at least want to play a game for more than 30 days. I read that it could possibly be on Playonline, and it won't have to be paid for. And most of ff fans just have a ps2 and not a comp. Thats gonna be harsh on them, huh. Most people on here won't be able too. I might get a comp from my cousin, and if that Playonline thing is true, than I might be able too. *crosses fingers* Then I will tell ya'll, but if have to pay, its going down, and my parents won't like me buying a HDD, and only use it for 30 days, and not any longer.

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