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merylsilverburg Sep 11th, 2006 02:52 AM

Cooking Mama
Call me a dork/geek, but is anyone else looking as forward to this DS game as I am? I am so happy they translated it into English! I found out about this title when it was released about 4 months ago, but figured they'd never bring it over here because, well, simulation/puzzle cooking? Unheard of! But, the fact that they did really makes me happy. :D

There are certain Japanese cooking games that I really want to try, but never gets ported. Looking at the screenshots and the concept of this game reminds me of another Japanese game that I played (involving curry though). If anyone wants to check out the official site, it's here (in Japanese). If you want to know more about the game, go here which is Wikipedia's article.

I really hope the game is as good as it sounds.

merylsilverburg Sep 14th, 2006 02:01 AM

Well for anyone who cares, I got the game today and played quite a bit of it. There are a lot of recipes (76, I believe) but most of them are spawned from the same core recipe. For example, Fried Rice will branch off to Chicken FR, Shrimp FR, etc. While it's pretty fun and addicting for a while (and thankfully, not tainted for US audiences), essentially it lacks replay value since there's not much to do after you unlock the recipes. Even though there's a mini-game mode where you test out your skills as the levels advance (like how fast you can chop an onion) there's no story mode, challenge mode, nothing. The only thing you can do via WiFi is share created combination recipes with a friend. Not surprising that it's only $20. Oh well, it'll keep me amused for a while, so it's not a bad buy. :)

Berserker Sep 15th, 2006 01:37 AM

Sounds like a bizarre game, the DS keeps surprising me with original ideas atleast they try different routes.

merylsilverburg Sep 17th, 2006 04:25 AM

:laugh: Yeah it's kinda bizarre, but Cooking Mama is the one of the least strangest titles I've seen for the DS...there's another game called Londonian Gothics which is an RPG featuring a heroine who goes through Victorian-era London killing supernatural enemies by dressing up in different "Gothic-Lolita" oufits, LOL. They'll definitely never translate that, which is too bad because I want to play it. :nerv:

Berserker Sep 18th, 2006 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
:laugh: Yeah it's kinda bizarre, but Cooking Mama is the one of the least strangest titles I've seen for the DS...there's another game called Londonian Gothics which is an RPG featuring a heroine who goes through Victorian-era London killing supernatural enemies by dressing up in different "Gothic-Lolita" oufits, LOL. They'll definitely never translate that, which is too bad because I want to play it. :nerv:

Does she kill them by dressing up or does she dress up and then kills them in a more traditional way? How do you kill someone by dressing up.

merylsilverburg Sep 20th, 2006 01:03 AM

I found out a little about the game and the game is actually like Pac-Man...she kills the supernatural by "capturing" them. I believe the dresses that she changes into (and can make) are for powerups. :D

Pu the Owl Mar 3rd, 2007 01:24 AM

I suck at this game. Really. There are some things that I just can't do. It's truly beyond my powers. But I am rather excited now that there is a Cooking Mama for Wii. Can you imagine using the control to play with it? How cool is that?? :nerv:

In Europe it will be out around the time of my birthday. I don't have a Wii yet, but I'm planning to get one, and this game too. Er... Harry? *hint*

merylsilverburg Mar 23rd, 2007 06:50 AM

My sister bought "Cooking Mama: Cook Off" today and we gave it a go. Here's my thoughts:

The gameplay is pretty much the same as the DS version (chop, stew, mold, etc.) so those who've played it should feel right at home; I think there are a few new "moves" but I haven't gotten far enough to know. The graphics are similar to the first as well except some of the ingredients and end results look slightly more improved and realistic looking. It makes me hungry playing the game! XD

The food list have expanded to desserts and international cuisines like Borscht, Tortillas, Cream Puffs, and more. This gives the game a bit more variety than the first. And because of the international cuisine, you've got international friends to compete against (too bad they're all girls). So you can challenge your French or Russian friend in making their native recipe (such as competing against your Japanese friend in making sushi). Each nationality gets their own theme/jingle song while cooking. Though it's not much, it's a lot better than the same jingle heard in the DS and also heard in this game's single and multi-player. Depending on the outcome of the battle, you get prizes that you can put in your virtual kitchen. Unfortunately, this virtual kitchen is so dull and boring because you can't interact with anything (not even zoom in or out).

The multiplayer mode is really fun to play because, get to compete against your friends (who do not have super abilities like the AI). A multiplayer mode was missing from the DS so this is a welcome addition. You must unlock the recipes from single-player mode in order to play in multiplayer but this isn't a huge issue. As for single-player, it's the same as the DS. This time though, after you beat the recipe the first time, you can "Challenge" the recipe (which is almost the same as the challenges in the DS version) and earn points (though I don't know what these points are for).

Also, "Mama" and the international friends have voices now, so you can hear Mama commenting on your performance during and after the recipe. The good thing (but perhaps bad for some) is they didn't bother dubbing Mama's you basically have a Japanese female speaking heavily accented and sometimes incorrect English. So you'd hear "Geh-ting beh-tah!" (Getting better!) or "I'll hel-roop for you" (I'll help for you or correctly, "I'll help you"). The friends all speak in their native tongue which is a huge plus, at least for me. :D

Using the Remote to play makes the game fun and a pain at the same time. It's fun because the motions are a bit more realistic now. You can turn the remote sideways to roll out dough or to crank the meat grinder. And certain motions for cutting (like slicing shrimp) is pretty realistic and fun too...

...yet, the downside comes from the motion sensor. The sensor doesn't always register at the right time so you end up missing a few crucial steps and fail the recipe. Also, even though it's encouraged to turn the remote to make the step realistic, it doesn't always work because of the sensor. They tell you to turn the remote sideways to roll out dough...but it works better (and it's much easier) to simply point and shake the controller. Another downside is how incredibly anal the game is. The DS version was pretty nitpicky too but with the stylus, it was a bit more manageable. But this time with the remote, every single motion must be done exactly or you'll fail. A few examples: cutting squid or peeling shrimp. You have to hold down the B button and follow the arrow. That's all well and good but with the motion sensor and that you have to follow the line exactly (along with the timer ticking along), it makes that step a real pain to perform. A few hours into the game and you might end up having carpel tunnel because of all the excessive hand-wrist movement that is needed.

I don't think the game is bad because there's a good amount of replayability and variety this time; but I definitely don't think it's worth the $50 price tag.

Whoa, I didn't realize I actually wrote a review, hehe. But there you have it for those who are curious. :D

Aubrey McFatum Apr 27th, 2007 11:16 PM

My sister is crazy for this game. I suck at it. i can't complete a signle recipe :laugh:

Piggle_humsy Sep 7th, 2007 09:43 PM

I bought this and it was alright at the beginning but after doing the same things for different recipes I started to get a bit bored.
I completed most of the recipes and now have lost interest in it.
It was alright though, kept me entertained for a little while at least.
I think it's good for a younger audience as it'll probably take them longer to master things

Stacked Rapture Feb 13th, 2009 12:49 PM

They released some press on Garden Mama which should appeal to you Cooking Mama fans.

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