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Hylas Mar 9th, 2003 07:05 PM

Happiest day
What was, if there is one, the happiest day of your life, the one you will remember forever and why? It has not to be a particular day, it can also be an event or a brief moment happened that brightened that day so much that you'll remember it as the best ever...

Preventer Wind Mar 9th, 2003 07:15 PM

That's tough. I wouldn't say I had that one-day.... I guess the happiest day of my life cam two summers ago. I was pitching for the travel I am on and we were ahead by like 8 runs. Then all of a sudden we were only ahead by one run. It was the 6th inning (We only play 7) 1 out and a man on second. I came in to pitch and got 1 guy to ground out and the other to strike out. The next inning I came out and got the first to guy to strikeout then the second to ground out then I struck out the coaches son (always a plus when the kid is not good) to win the tournament.

I wasn't truly excited when it happened but when I saw my team mates and family jumping for joy it made me feel really good. The coach gave me the trophy and I gave it to my dad (He is one of those parents who says stuff like, "You can do better then that." we were not talking at the time) He cried and we made it up (to cut it short)

dan da man Mar 9th, 2003 07:16 PM

This is crazy but, on my birthday last year, I got MGS2, and played it straight to the end, quite sad, but one of my happiest days of my life, theres some more of course but im just sharing this one, until I rember some more.:)

Piggle_humsy Mar 9th, 2003 07:29 PM

The Best day of my life was when my sister won tickets to The World Premiere in London for The Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the Ring!
Yeh Baby!!
It was so cool walking up the carpet past the celebs and fans and camera's with the reporters shouting to all the celebs we passed as I walked in with my sister! We sat in the cinema and watched people arriving on the big screen coz they were showing footage from outside, It was so cool, then after everyone was settled Peter Jackson came on stage and talked and then introduced the cast as they ran up on stage, they were waiting in the isle sort of right next to us (We were two seats away from it!) Then after the film we walked outside (Next to Brian May) and got driven to the After-show Party @ a secret location which was so cool! It was all themed inside, the food and the rooms, they had a big bar so you would feel like a hobbit and a hobbit bar so you would feel like you were in Hobbiton! lol! It was fantastic! I met all the hobbit boys, Liv Tyler who went out of her way to say bye to me when she was leaving!! Peter Jackson (He really is a Real-Life hobbit!) Viggo! He apologized for being in my way when I was walking round! lol! I felt like saying "Hell, it's your night man! push me out your way!" :laugh:! Graham Norton, Frank Skinner and Max from Hollyoaks (Only people in u.k will know who they are!) Anyway it was a great night that I will never forget! We walked out with Elijah Wood, Got our Goody bags and got back to our hotel at about 4am! It still seems like a dream! Too good to be true!
Well thankyou for giving me an excuse to boast! I love to tell this story! :laugh:

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

dan da man Mar 9th, 2003 07:35 PM


Originally posted by Piggle_humsy

The Best day of my life was when my sister won tickets to The World Premiere in London for The Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the Ring!
Yeh Baby!!
It was so cool walking up the carpet past the celebs and fans and camera's with the reporters shouting to all the celebs we passed as I walked in with my sister! We sat in the cinema and watched people arriving on the big screen coz they were showing footage from outside, It was so cool, then after everyone was settled Peter Jackson came on stage and talked and then introduced the cast as they ran up on stage, they were waiting in the isle sort of right next to us (We were two seats away from it!) Then after the film we walked outside (Next to Brian May) and got driven to the After-show Party @ a secret location which was so cool! It was all themed inside, the food and the rooms, they had a big bar so you would feel like a hobbit and a hobbit bar so you would feel like you were in Hobbiton! lol! It was fantastic! I met all the hobbit boys, Liv Tyler who went out of her way to say bye to me when she was leaving!! Peter Jackson (He really is a Real-Life hobbit!) Viggo! He apologized for being in my way when I was walking round! lol! I felt like saying "Hell, it's your night man! push me out your way!" :laugh:! Graham Norton, Frank Skinner and Max from Hollyoaks (Only people in u.k will know who they are!) Anyway it was a great night that I will never forget! We walked out with Elijah Wood, Got our Goody bags and got back to our hotel at about 4am! It still seems like a dream! Too good to be true!
Well thankyou for giving me an excuse to boast! I love to tell this story! :laugh:

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

wow, that was cool, what competition was it?!?!?!? the London premier, for LOTR TTT, you were so lucky!:P :laugh:

ssjtrunks13 Mar 9th, 2003 08:14 PM

Bets day of my life? I guess that would be when I first talked to Jennifer, the first girl you see that you'd like to spend the rest of your days with is probably the best day of anyone's life. Especially if you've been lonely as long as I had been. Wish I could see her again to atleast find out how she's doing. If that ever happens then that would turn out to be the best day of my life.

dan da man Mar 9th, 2003 08:22 PM

Thanks for that post trunks you reminded me of something, another one of my best days was I had the hots for this girls so bad, im mean she was a babe, I got talking to her, chatting her up on a walk throught the hills, we had such a great time joking around, infact I still like her now, Ive asked her out but............................................... ..........

Beretta55 Mar 9th, 2003 08:46 PM

Hmmmmmm........i have good day's but i dismiss them as happy day's. one would be that my brother's football team got to the championship agaisnt jinx. the toughest team in highschool football. we lost but hey we made it at least and i was happy for him. now for myself i dont really know. when igot my ps2 maybe.

Gadzoox Mar 9th, 2003 10:49 PM

Tha happiest day of my life so far... well the one I remember the most clearly right now was when I went to the Everclear concert two years ago. February 28, I believe.

It was amazing. I went with a bunch of my friends and I was /really/ into them then, it was so perfect!

There was a couple parts in that day that just made me want to cry with joy. The first was when I was right in the middle of the crowd and I held my camera staright up in the air to try and get a picture of the singer, Art Alexakis, and he looked right at me, then smiled! *melt*

Part two was when I was on the side stage, near Craig Montoya the guitarist, I had dyed my hair permanent green, well anyways, he had red hair and I was right up against the bar at the front and he saw me (how could you miss curly green hair?!) smiled, and then started headbanging! So of course I joined in! :>

PArt three was at the very end of the show when everyone (all my friends) had met up in out meeting spot and my friend said "I got Art's pick." to me. I didn't quite understand so I just nodded, thinking he took a picture of Art. Then he was like, "No, I got his /guitar/ pick!" and held it out; clear printed on the front was 'ART', on the other side 'everclear', and it was all smuged from use. I almost shat myself! He gave it to me because my birthday was in a couple of days and he knew i'd appreciate it more than he.

I still have it, in a velvet drawstring bag which is in an emptied mint tin. :love:

I hope they come to Orleans again.

DragonSphere Mar 10th, 2003 12:18 AM

I've had some happier moments than usual, but none in particular could I consider my "happiest day". So, it's more of a work-in-progress kind of thing right now...

Berserker Mar 10th, 2003 02:06 AM

When ajax won the champions league in '95 and we were partying with one million fans in amsterdam, it was the biggest freakin'party ever!!!

Piggle_humsy Mar 10th, 2003 04:17 AM


Originally posted by dan da man

wow, that was cool, what competition was it?!?!?!? the London premier, for LOTR TTT, you were so lucky!:P :laugh:
It was in The Daily Mail Newspaper, And it was for The Fellowship of the Ring not Two Towers, Altho I tried to go to that one aswell but couldnt get tickets in time! :(

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

ssjtrunks13 Mar 10th, 2003 11:11 AM


Originally posted by Gadzoox

Tha happiest day of my life so far... well the one I remember the most clearly right now was when I went to the Everclear concert two years ago. February 28, I believe.

It was amazing. I went with a bunch of my friends and I was /really/ into them then, it was so perfect!

There was a couple parts in that day that just made me want to cry with joy. The first was when I was right in the middle of the crowd and I held my camera staright up in the air to try and get a picture of the singer, Art Alexakis, and he looked right at me, then smiled! *melt*

Part two was when I was on the side stage, near Craig Montoya the guitarist, I had dyed my hair permanent green, well anyways, he had red hair and I was right up against the bar at the front and he saw me (how could you miss curly green hair?!) smiled, and then started headbanging! So of course I joined in! :>

PArt three was at the very end of the show when everyone (all my friends) had met up in out meeting spot and my friend said "I got Art's pick." to me. I didn't quite understand so I just nodded, thinking he took a picture of Art. Then he was like, "No, I got his /guitar/ pick!" and held it out; clear printed on the front was 'ART', on the other side 'everclear', and it was all smuged from use. I almost shat myself! He gave it to me because my birthday was in a couple of days and he knew i'd appreciate it more than he.

I still have it, in a velvet drawstring bag which is in an emptied mint tin. :love:

I hope they come to Orleans again.
Cool, it sounds like nothing can top that day. I know if soemthing that closely resembled that happened to me I don't think anything could top it.

kupoartist Mar 10th, 2003 02:03 PM


Originally posted by Piggle_humsy

It was in The Daily Mail Newspaper, And it was for The Fellowship of the Ring not Two Towers, Altho I tried to go to that one aswell but couldnt get tickets in time! :(

Piggle :roll:
x x x x
darn... i even get that newspaper :laugh: ... congrats piggle... contain jealousy... ahem...

I suppose I have nothing to add... I've never had a truely wonderful day, but life has been fairly enjoyable in its way :)

XxmandykissezxX Mar 10th, 2003 02:59 PM

The happiest day, oh that would have to bee when I found out that I was to go to Greece, France, Italy, & England as an exchange student thing. But of course I didn't go because I didn't feel like staying with weird people that I didn't know :P But it was still a cool thing to know that I was qualified :)

DSgamer Mar 11th, 2003 01:14 AM

my happiest day in my life was when i met "anna". from that day on, we hang out every day, she's my best friend :D *feels special*

Hero Mar 11th, 2003 03:14 AM

My favorite day was when I saved some kid's life.... That actually made me feel important. Aside from that I don't have any happy days... happiness is an endangered feeling, to me at least.

Berserker Mar 11th, 2003 03:57 AM

You saved a kid's life wow..........hence the name...
I only endangered people's life ;)

Hero Mar 11th, 2003 06:19 AM

Well I don't like to make a liar out of myself, heheh.

Yeah, I saved him, but then again, people in California don't know how to drive so you can only expect that a lot of people run out into streets to save kids.

BTW, what do you guys think of my sig?

DSgamer Mar 11th, 2003 06:48 PM

ur sig kix ass

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