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Redpyramidhead Feb 7th, 2003 01:49 AM

Breaking things!
Do you have a tendency to break things? I do. :frust: List the biggest most important things you've ever broken and the things you break the most on a regular basis. We want to know!

_RED_ stuff

DSgamer Feb 7th, 2003 01:55 AM

OMG dude, this is the perfect thread for me to tell every1 my favorite story. :)

here goes:

My g/f and I are playing Contra (for NES). My bro is acting like a little bitch (as allways). Then, he turns off the console as my g/f and I are in the last level of Contra. I got super pissed off. I grabbed a hammer, and did one of the most unbelieveable things ever. I grabed his PC, and smashed the hell out of it in the backyard.

Too bad for him. I build all the computers in my house. Including his, so it didnt pain me as much as it pained him. That ungrateful basturd.

Berserker Feb 7th, 2003 03:00 AM

LOL, great thread!!!!
I used to break a lot of things when I was younger, mostly playing at constructionsites and shit. It is a bit stupid but I was atrue little hooligan in my time:laugh:
The best things I remember is driving a electro car hotwired through a wall, throwing big cabinets(???) four stores down etc.
When I started doing work I still continued my rampage but on a minor scale. Including breaking someones toe by driving over it with a vorklift truck, spilling about 450 litres of applejuice on the upermarket floor, destroying a cutting machine( by accident).
Nowadays I calmed down the only thing I break ona regular bases is wind:laugh:

Piggle_humsy Feb 7th, 2003 04:50 AM

Well I can't remember breaking anything recently but I know I have! So many times!

But I remember when my brother broke something, he was at his friends wedding and it was a big wedding, coz the girl was rich, it was in a massive cathedral type thingy full of guests and being video'd and my brother was best man, after the service had finished the bride and groom made their way out and then my brother followed and as he did he just brushed a MASSIVE candle holder thingy with a big candle in it and knocked it over which then rolled and fell down three stairs (coz he was standing on a platform bit) My brother said that a few little bits chipped of from it as it was mainly metal but had decorative bits on it! It was probly centuries old or something! lol!
It was so funny watching the video of it tho!! :laugh:
When I remember the stories of mine I will tell them!

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

ssjtrunks13 Feb 7th, 2003 09:58 AM

I can't remember if I broke anything on purpose but my younger brother does that stuff all the time. He FUBARed('F'ed up beyond All Recognition) my CD, but in the end he gave me the money on another CD. Then I go and buy an edited LimpBizkit CD.:mad:

dan da man Feb 7th, 2003 10:04 AM

Damn, ive broken alot of things but not by being clumsy just pure stupidty or messing around or by accident.

I mostly brake things around the house, its beeen a long time though, when I was young I broke things, now i dont really, the biggest thing I broke was probally a window, infact sevral, when i was young and now playing soccer and basket ball even throwing things. And then i just have broke small things like varses and everyday house stuff.

mark0™ Feb 7th, 2003 03:58 PM

Erm, I put my fist through a wall once... thats probably the biggest damage I've done.

Once I smashed a lamp, cleaned up the glass (or or so I thought), came back in that room later (bare-foot of course) and got a tiny piece of glass lodged in my foot. I casually sat down, wondering what the hell it was. I saw the tiny thing, plucked it out, and blood was spilling everywhere. So I walked into the bathroom to get some badages, leaving a big trail of blood hehe (like in Die Hard)

My mum was pissed, but what did she expect me to do? Hop to the bathroom on one foor whilst holding my foot at the same time, haha.

Dunno If that really relates to the subject, but it was fun :)

MakgSnake Feb 7th, 2003 04:58 PM

I THANK GOD that I am not a kind of person who break things. Instead I am always very carefully about ever single thing around me. I am very very very very possisive about my things, so I take good good good very good care of them, and I know how one would feel if I break their stuff, and so thats why I feel very sad and my heart really aches when even someone else breaks their stuff or loose their stuff.

I get attached to any object (even paper, on which I have written "scribbled".... in Economics class back in 1996). So I dont brake or lose stuff. Mashallah.. (Knock Wood).......

My sister on the other hand is totally opposite to me, thats why I get worried when she is in my room dancing and bringing down my Metal Gear figures on the floor (head first).........

goodman Feb 7th, 2003 06:23 PM

Hey, RPH, remember the Stealth controller? Although i didnt break it, i notice that it doesnt work properly with certain games, so although i dont really break things, i do sometimes get things that are broke! Im gonna just try and see what games it works on, its such a neat concept, and controller, but it wasnt useable on DMC2 and it looks like even Rygar is having a hard time with it...

Gadzoox Feb 7th, 2003 07:41 PM

Biggest thing I broke was an irreplacable vase that my mom's friend gave her right from Sweden!!! Oopsie!! She wasn't really upset though so it wasn't too bad. :phew:

merylsilverburg Feb 7th, 2003 08:43 PM

I don't break many things but I sometimes break the most annoyiest expensive things. XD

For example:
My mom got me one of those authentic beaded bracelets made of glass that usually are from Asia (I hope you guys know what I'm talking about :right: ) and it was all "purified" in the temples and stuff. Well, she wanted me to wear it and so I the end of the day, some of the beads were shattered and cracked. :P I don't know how I did it either....

I also have broken my PS1, PS2, and Dreamcast. :heh: I think it's a curse. :laugh:

dan da man Feb 7th, 2003 09:06 PM


Originally posted by mark0

Erm, I put my fist through a wall once... thats probably the biggest damage I've done.

Me too, I did that when I was pissed off!!

Beretta55 Feb 7th, 2003 09:18 PM

me break thing's noooooooooooooooooooooo *crosses finger's*:laugh:
i either break thing's out of stupidy or clumsyness. or when im pissed off.
when i was mad once i kicked the door and my foot went through the wood.....i was wearing shoe's so yeah. then when i was at the age of 7 or so i broke a statue of honest abe. you know a mini one of him at the white house where he is sitting in a chair.

Redpyramidhead Feb 8th, 2003 01:53 AM

Don't hold back...break things as long as they hold no meaning...

Originally posted by merylsilverburg

I don't break many things but I sometimes break the most annoyiest expensive things. XD

For example:
My mom got me one of those authentic beaded bracelets made of glass that usually are from Asia (I hope you guys know what I'm talking about ) and it was all "purified" in the temples and stuff. Well, she wanted me to wear it and so I the end of the day, some of the beads were shattered and cracked. :P I don't know how I did it either....
Meryl, your's so far sounds to be the worst:laugh: ...that sounds like one extremely valuable and meaningful item. Don't worry, I myself am not innocent when it comes to breaking valuable things and since i started this thred it is only fair that I make a few confessions....
Lets see....well basically the most expensive things i've managed to total are a couple of used cars. (Under $1000) One of them did happen to be a BUick, however, so all theories as to how I pulled that one off...well you can use your imagination, but know the accident was not my fault. That's right, I'm on my third used car and I'm only 22. *knocks wood*
There was the time i snapped in half the neck of one of my guitars which luckily was my oldest one and I didn't play aymore, but was planning on selling for much needed money. That occured during a fit of rage. Should I mention at this point that I have a bad temper? I'm constantly having to fix holes in my walls or atleast put up a poster over it before i can get to it. Don't get me wrong...most of my possesions i absolutely treasure and when I feel anger coming on I keep away from them. My computer, PS1 and PS2, stereo, anything that has to do with my car in it or on it, and especially my guitars and amp along with other sound equipment, art supplies and related stuff, stuff to do with my passions and hobbies, etc. All that is usually safe from my clumsiness or destructiveness.

_RED_ stuff

Chara Feb 8th, 2003 03:51 AM

The only time I remember when I did break something was when I was so pissed that I punched a hole in the wall and tossed a lamp across the room. But other than that I am real careful around stuff.

I'm sure I broke some things when I was younger but it wasnt anything of big importance that I'll remember.

merylsilverburg Feb 8th, 2003 06:44 AM

Re: Don't hold back...break things as long as they hold no meaning...

Originally posted by Redpyramidhead

Meryl, your's so far sounds to be the worst:laugh: ...that sounds like one extremely valuable and meaningful item.
Yeah, my mom was really annoyed with me and now she knows better not to get me anymore jewelry. :laugh:


Lets see....well basically the most expensive things i've managed to total are a couple of used cars. (Under $1000) One of them did happen to be a BUick, however, so all theories as to how I pulled that one off...well you can use your imagination, but know the accident was not my fault. That's right, I'm on my third used car and I'm only 22. *knocks wood*
Whoa now...that's..uh...pretty terrible. :shock:

Piggle_humsy Feb 8th, 2003 08:29 AM

Oh man i've broken so many things i cant remember all of them! I put my fist through the glass top half bit of my side door once! I was so angry so i just whacked my fist into it and it completely smashed to bits and i had bits of glass in my arm and even in my neck and stuff it was a big mess! Normally i break things (Normally of my sis') and dont say anything then i et the guilty pang and say "I have a confession to make" and then my sis says "what have you done this time...." lol! It seems to make her less angry aswell!

One of the little girls i look after used to break stuff then hide it somewhere and we would only find out when ages later we'd come across smething broken stuffed behind the fridge or sofa and we'd know it was her! She tells us now! :laugh:

I broke my sisters kareoke machine once coz she wouldnt shut up so i just went upstairs threw on the floor (it was a big standing up one!)and jumped up and down on it! lol! it was crushed where the speaker bit was but it still worked! i was gutted! after it happened i felt really bad but now its just funny! :laugh:

Piggle :roll:
x x x x

David Feb 9th, 2003 11:46 PM

OK. Here I go... I destroyed a rotten cabin... I thought it was deserted. I destroyed my coffee table, practicing martial arts... got in the way of my back twirl kick. I broke my cousin's wrist by accident. I kneed my closet door, and well... it went through badly. I broke severel mirrors... Good thing my bad luck is gone. ;) I destroyed lots of things... I broke my door down to get in once. The first one, I said, it was an accident...:evil: Ok, I was angry, but I didn't know it was still owned... I say im a big :nono: I shouldn't of done it... Now I feel guilty again... Man I was a trouble maker when I was little.

Redpyramidhead Feb 10th, 2003 06:04 AM


Originally posted by Piggle_humsy
Oh man i've broken so many things i cant remember all of them! I put my fist through the glass top half bit of my side door once! I was so angry so i just whacked my fist into it and it completely smashed to bits and i had bits of glass in my arm and even in my neck and stuff it was a big mess! Normally i break things (Normally of my sis') and dont say anything then i et the guilty pang and say "I have a confession to make" and then my sis says "what have you done this time...." lol! It seems to make her less angry aswell!
Piggle :roll:
x x x x

Piggle!!!:shock: So far you have shown the most utter disregard for the value of other people's things out of anybody! :laugh: I'd hate to make you angry near any of my stuff! ;) I knew there was something with those constantly whacked out eyes :roll:

_RED_ stuff

ssjtrunks13 Feb 10th, 2003 11:56 AM

I remembered something I broke in the past three years. It was my Dreamcast, I was playing Grandia II and I had done something that I didn't want to do and reset the console. At the time I had no idea that like the PS1 and PS2 you can use the controller to reset it. Well, I had pressed on the top once and it reset and then I thought that was how you do it. A few hours after I had set it up I had mad eit so it couldn't read disks witht he lid closed. I was so upset that I broke something after such a short time using it.

kupoartist Feb 10th, 2003 05:22 PM

gah! i'm boring... i can't think of anything i've ever broken :( I even pulled the TV over when I was little... and that survived! ... I've never even broken any bones :(

oh well... at least I did *see* somthing get broken today. A £120 Hockey Stick... the end just flew off of the damned thing... if that'd happened to me, I would've cried like crazy!

ssjtrunks13 Feb 10th, 2003 07:32 PM

i remembered something else. A long time ago i had spilt some orange juice on a TV and it got messed up.

David Feb 11th, 2003 05:54 PM

Hmmm... I remember a little more now, but I think I told a little too much... oh well, I stabed books, I destroyed a baby apple tree, I broke my game boy, the old version. That's all I could think of right now.

sk8er_kyle Feb 11th, 2003 10:45 PM

I chew everything. Every pen in my house has been wrecked because i chewd it up. I almost broke my PS2, I had just bought it and i was taking it to my room. My parents told me to be carefull and not drop it. Right after I said I wont I dropped it. Luckily it hit my couch before it hit the ground. I would have been really mad if i had broken the PS2 i just got. I have broken lots of other things I just cant remember them right now.:ghost:

dan da man Feb 12th, 2003 08:44 AM

This wasnt by accident, but I shot a green house with a metal BB gun and the window smashed!:P :laugh:

ssjtrunks13 Feb 12th, 2003 11:32 AM


Originally posted by David

Hmmm... I remember a little more now, but I think I told a little too much... oh well, I stabed books, I destroyed a baby apple tree, I broke my game boy, the old version. That's all I could think of right now.
Oh yeah, my parents both had their own Gameboys, also the original, and me and my brothers had messed them up. Both had their screens either scratched or it was torn off completely. The battery covers to them are also broken. But I take care of my own Gamboys, except that I had took my older brother's pocket Gamboy to school and by the end of the day the screen had been pressed in and the inside shattered. Luckily, he had just got his GBC. I have spent $69.99 times three, on just Gameboys. I bought two GBCs and now I have a GBA.

David Feb 13th, 2003 06:32 AM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13

Oh yeah, my parents both had their own Gameboys, also the original, and me and my brothers had messed them up. Both had their screens either scratched or it was torn off completely. The battery covers to them are also broken. But I take care of my own Gamboys, except that I had took my older brother's pocket Gamboy to school and by the end of the day the screen had been pressed in and the inside shattered. Luckily, he had just got his GBC. I have spent $69.99 times three, on just Gameboys. I bought two GBCs and now I have a GBA.
I feel better now, im not the only one.

ssjtrunks13 Feb 13th, 2003 11:53 AM


Originally posted by David

I feel better now, im not the only one.
Have you spent as much money as I have on Gameboys, just the systems disregearding games. I had lost my first GBC during gym, I had it in my gym locker and by the time I got back someone stole it. So, I had to get a new purple one, the first one I got was the berry color.

rpgKing Feb 13th, 2003 11:54 AM

I just broke my dual shock controler over my knee(luckly i didnt break any thing else. I wish I would have bought two. now what am i going to do.

dan da man Feb 13th, 2003 11:57 AM


Originally posted by rpgKing

I just broke my dual shock controler over my knee(luckly i didnt break any thing else. I wish I would have bought two. now what am i going to do.
Broke it over your knee! they must not be as strong as I thought, unless You were despratley trying to snap it.

BlackThornn Feb 13th, 2003 09:40 PM


Originally posted by gamer

OMG dude, this is the perfect thread for me to tell every1 my favorite story. :)

here goes:

My g/f and I are playing Contra (for NES). My bro is acting like a little bitch (as allways). Then, he turns off the console as my g/f and I are in the last level of Contra. I got super pissed off. I grabbed a hammer, and did one of the most unbelieveable things ever. I grabed his PC, and smashed the hell out of it in the backyard.

Too bad for him. I build all the computers in my house. Including his, so it didnt pain me as much as it pained him. That ungrateful basturd.
O_O! Dude! That wasn't punishment enough! You should've used that hammer on his head! :laugh:

As for breaking things.. It's always cool. Hmm.. what's the most expensive hing I've broken. Must be an 80's mustang that belonged to this ass that was bugging (stalking much) my girlfriend at the time. Smashed it up with a metal bat.

rpgKing Feb 14th, 2003 12:02 PM


Originally posted by dan da man

Broke it over your knee! they must not be as strong as I thought, unless You were despratley trying to snap it.
ya I got a new one. Now I just have a habit of throwing it to the ground. It doesnt break but the top buttons always fly out everywhere

Redpyramidhead Feb 14th, 2003 05:23 PM


Originally posted by BlackThornn

O_O! Dude! That wasn't punishment enough! You should've used that hammer on his head! :laugh:

As for breaking things.. It's always cool. Hmm.. what's the most expensive hing I've broken. Must be an 80's mustang that belonged to this ass that was bugging (stalking much) my girlfriend at the time. Smashed it up with a metal bat. sound to be the most violent so far. I do not know if I condone such actions:laugh: :laugh:

_RED_ stuff

Deathwatchz Feb 14th, 2003 11:01 PM

i used to break stuff all the time from clumsiness. ive gotten better though. there were a few times it was on purpose though. once i was trying to kick this guy who had hit me at school, i had my steel toe boots on, and he jumped out of the way. i ended up putting my foot thru the metal door on one of the lockers. also, i have broken a couple of guys noses :P they deserved it tho' lol

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