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Mercury Shadow Feb 23rd, 2002 05:23 PM

Metal Gear Solid 2 for XBOX
I've heard a lot of rumors that Metal Gear Solid 2 will come out for the XBOX, and called Metal Gear Solid: X. I'm not talking the near future or anything, but sometime. If this rumor is true, do you think Kojima has sold out to his loyal PS fans?

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 23rd, 2002 06:34 PM

I dunno how many times i heard this but its not coming out.I looked at the release schedule for the next 2 years theres no mgs2 shown or anything

merylsilverburg Feb 23rd, 2002 06:37 PM

Hmm....I don't think those rumors are true. I read somewhere that Kojima said he will never bring the MGS series on any other console besides the PS2, because the first MGS did very well on the PSone. Where did you hear or read about that, Merc? If it's from the official X-Box site, then I think (no offense) they lied. I heard that the site usually makes a lot of rumors just to get the public excited. But, I don't think you'll have to worry, since MGS is considered "exclusive" to the PS only. Just like how Mario is exclusive to Nintendo, and Shrek is to the X-Box. :)

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 23rd, 2002 06:40 PM

Well just remember what they said on the mgs2 commercial.Quote"MGS2 only on Playstation2"

merylsilverburg Feb 23rd, 2002 06:55 PM

Yeah....but I heard that DoA3 was going to be on the PS2. And the commercial said "Only on X-Box". :blink:

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 23rd, 2002 06:56 PM


Originally posted by merylsilverburg
Yeah....but I heard that DoA3 was going to be on the PS2. And the commercial said "Only on X-Box". :blink:

No doa3 is an xbox exclusive,its going to stay on the box

GaseousSnake Feb 23rd, 2002 07:01 PM

Konami=luv Money
MGS X=May go to the Xbox

Konami=MGS For GBA
Konami=MGS2(maybe)for GC

merylsilverburg Feb 23rd, 2002 07:01 PM

Oh really? Man....:disturb: I was kinda looking forward to that game. In a way....

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 23rd, 2002 07:04 PM

Ok if Konami wants money they wont release it for xbox because mainly that the user baise for xbox is small compared to the extremly large one for ps2.And about gba i see a mgs game like the one for gameboy color rather than a low grade port.

Mercury Shadow Feb 23rd, 2002 10:56 PM

Both EGM and Gamepro magazines have rumored about Metal Gear Solid: X

It probably won't happen... but weirder things have happened. I think that if it does, Halo should be ported to the PS2 in exchange ;)

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 23rd, 2002 10:59 PM

Yeah but those rumors are pretty old and dead now

Mercury Shadow Feb 23rd, 2002 11:10 PM

The rumors were from the latest issues.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 23rd, 2002 11:13 PM

I know i read them.

Squaredsoft Feb 26th, 2002 12:27 PM

Halo? On ps2? No we ALL know THAT will never happen. In case yo didn't know, Microsoft OWNS the company(Bungie) that made Halo. On the other hand, Microsoft has also been buying stocks an negotiating with many top companies to get soe of ther best games on the Xbox to build its fanbase. One hapened to be Konami. I personally think it will be going o Xbox eventually. I'll rejoice if and when it does.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 26th, 2002 05:17 PM


Originally posted by Squaredsoft
Halo? On ps2? No we ALL know THAT will never happen. In case yo didn't know, Microsoft OWNS the company(Bungie) that made Halo. On the other hand, Microsoft has also been buying stocks an negotiating with many top companies to get soe of ther best games on the Xbox to build its fanbase. One hapened to be Konami. I personally think it will be going o Xbox eventually. I'll rejoice if and when it does.

Yeah i can tell your a xbox fan,why did you pick the name squaresoft when that company will never release games for the xbox.Anyways did you know Halo was originally a ps2 exclusive and scheduled to release within a month of when microsoft bought up bungie.Oh yeah and Konami has enough money and cares more the number of people using a system then the money it has

Squaredsoft Feb 26th, 2002 06:53 PM


Originally posted by SSSnake

Yeah i can tell your a xbox fan,why did you pick the name squaresoft when that company will never release games for the xbox.Anyways did you know Halo was originally a ps2 exclusive and scheduled to release within a month of when microsoft bought up bungie.Oh yeah and Konami has enough money and cares more the number of people using a system then the money it has

First, yesI am an Xbox fan. Second, th name is Squaredsoft, not Squaresoft. And third, yes, know Halo was origially scheduled to release as a ps2 exclusiv, but that is not and never will be so, becaue like I said before, MS now owns Bungie. S all thisis nothing new to me.

And finally, I am hoing for Squaresoft to release an Xbox title, as well as Konami, athough I know the chances are slim to none. Ad although I AM an Xbox, I'm also a NGC and ps2 fan, ad I stay loya to te Final Fantasy and Chrono series.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 26th, 2002 07:00 PM

Yeah nice little explantion.I've played the box and im not to satisfied with it mainly because i don't like its games.Not even halo was spectacular.But anyways i have a open mind about most systems,but for some reason i don't like the box as much as i do the cube and ps2,maybe its the guy who's running the show or that they have to buy everything to try to win

Squaredsoft Feb 26th, 2002 07:59 PM

Well, I'm thoroughly satisfied wih my Xbox, and I have only one complaint. WHEN I MORROWIND COMIN OUT!? I need my RPG fixture. Yo know how it is.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 26th, 2002 08:00 PM

Yeah the box is a little dry on rpgs

Sleazy P Martini Feb 26th, 2002 09:45 PM

You don't need an Xbox for Morrowind, it's coming to PC as well.

Squaredsoft Feb 26th, 2002 09:49 PM

I know this. However, I'm not much of a PC gamer. I would rather hold the controller to the console in my each than to use a third-party PC controller or keyboard and mouse. I'm not good with those.

Sleazy P Martini Feb 26th, 2002 10:12 PM

I hear ya. I prefer consoles too. Next year I hope to buy an Xbox too. I don't know why it's bashed so much.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 26th, 2002 10:15 PM

Reasons being for xbox bashing,people are immature and think everything they own is the best.Mainly so many people own ps2 they all think its the best and put down all other systems

Squaredsoft Feb 26th, 2002 10:38 PM

I completely agree. There is NO reason for anyone to bash ANY system, especially for THAT reason. I, on the other hand, couldn't bash in that manner if I wanted to, since I own them all.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 26th, 2002 10:44 PM

I hope to own them all but i need money. *Seaches Frantically for Liquidsmoke to borrow some dough*

GaseousSnake Feb 27th, 2002 10:22 AM

Cheer up SSSnake u will get to squeeze enough dough to buy all the consoles u dont have(I hope):disturb:

Sleazy P Martini Feb 27th, 2002 10:42 AM

I just got my PS2 recently so I can't run out and get an Xbox. When you're married you have to be fair. So the next expensive "toy" will be her digital camera. After that, it's Xbox time. ;)

GaseousSnake Feb 27th, 2002 11:24 AM

u seem quite proud of your marriage sleazy.

Sleazy P Martini Feb 27th, 2002 11:59 AM


Originally posted by GaseousSnake
u seem quite proud of your marriage sleazy.
Marriage rules.

LiquidSm0ke Feb 27th, 2002 01:40 PM


Originally posted by GaseousSnake
u seem quite proud of your marriage sleazy.
Marriage is cool.

In the words of Will Smith: "Married life is easy, you only got one woman to please."

LiquidSm0ke Feb 27th, 2002 01:44 PM


And finally, I am hoing for Squaresoft to release an Xbox title, as well as Konami, athough I know the chances are slim to none
There is a very small chance. At least until the release of FFXIII (already in the works) on PS2, we won't even start to think of X-BOX as a possible console to work on.

Secondly, Konami is a money hungry company, if MS provides enough funds, I would not be surprised to hear of an MGS release on X-BOX.

Uchiha Sasuke Feb 27th, 2002 06:29 PM

True,true.Game company's these days will release a thousand different ports of one game to make sure they get the most money outta a product

GaseousSnake Feb 28th, 2002 03:15 PM

U all know MS can buy up the whole of Konami if it meant that much to them.Konami on the other hand luv quick dough thats why i think theres gonna be an MGS for the Xbox.

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 1st, 2002 12:19 PM

I dont know if xbox doesnt sell well enough what reason would they have to release mgs2 on it

Mercury Shadow Mar 1st, 2002 02:55 PM

SSSnake, I guess because Microsoft is so desperate for people to buy their system they could offer Konami a ridiculously high price for the game that Konami can't refuse.

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 1st, 2002 04:30 PM

Yeah that is true but since some many people have the game they wont care if xbox has a copy of it

GaseousSnake Mar 1st, 2002 04:36 PM

I guess your right but do u think that MS will let konami make a port of MGS 2 after they had offered money for the MGS Series?

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 1st, 2002 04:38 PM


Originally posted by GaseousSnake
I guess your right but do u think that MS will let konami make a port of MGS 2 after they had offered money for the MGS Series?

MS offered money already.If they did and konami refused then we will prolly never see a port

talon101 Mar 4th, 2002 09:03 PM


Originally posted by SSSnake
Well just remember what they said on the mgs2 commercial.Quote"MGS2 only on Playstation2"
i dident know there was a commercial for msg2 and it dosent mean mgsx wont be on XBOX

Mercury Shadow Mar 5th, 2002 06:39 AM

Yeah, it could mean mgs2 is only for ps2 now... but in a year, it could be for another system

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