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Hadoken Feb 1st, 2002 08:40 AM

My gawd! this game looks GREAT!!
here are some nice clips of ACTUAL GAMEPLAY, not the intro.

these clips are quite long, so it may take a while to fully load.
and please note that these clips have been edited, so you only see parts of the battle, you dont see the battle command menu, since it takes a few seconds to select what moves to make..

here`s the first clip!

here`s the second clip!

these are kinda like EXCLUSIVE clips. tell me what you think of them. ;)

Edit: and if you have any problems loading these clips. tell me, i`ll try and find a way to solve the problem.

JC Denton Feb 1st, 2002 03:56 PM

when you said it might take a long time to load you meant it didn't you,
the graphics look pretty class, the gameplay looks interesting.
what platform is it on?

jenova_jeb Feb 1st, 2002 09:52 PM

It's on PS2, of course ;) .

Hadoken Feb 2nd, 2002 12:15 AM


Originally posted by JC Denton
when you said it might take a long time to load you meant it didn't you,
the graphics look pretty class, the gameplay looks interesting.
what platform is it on?

lol, it does take a little while to fully load, but i think its worth waiting for. you dont usually see clips like these laying around.;)

MakgSnake Feb 2nd, 2002 12:22 AM

I Dunno!
I Dunno Bout U Guys But It Took Me Less Then 5 Seconds To Get One Clip!.! The Graphics Are Pretty Cool......But Extremely Complicated Thing For Me!.! ......... Ofcourse Cause Its An RPG........The Whole Gameplay When Through My Head!.! But I Really Dont Care. As I Really Dont Think I'll Buy This Game. Cause It Doesn't Intrest Me!.!

But Those Clips Were Pretty Cool I Would Say!

Spirit Feb 2nd, 2002 03:44 AM

actually this will be another game that will topple FF series... of course not too many people know or heard about it, but any of you out there that played Xenogears KNOW what I'm talking about. This game has A+++++++++ story to it and it will have the best graphics to match the story/gameplay

Hadoken Feb 2nd, 2002 07:48 AM

Re: I Dunno!

Originally posted by MakgSnake
Ofcourse Cause Its An RPG........The Whole Gameplay When Through My Head!.! But I Really Dont Care. As I Really Dont Think I'll Buy This Game. Cause It Doesn't Intrest Me!.!

You dont play RPG`s?
well i think this game will be hyped quite a lot when its a few months before release.
i bet you`ll be interested then.:D

Hylas Feb 2nd, 2002 08:26 AM

I hope it will be as good as Xenogears! Graphics are sooo good, but if the story and the characters are bad, I won't like it!

IcyMourdor Feb 2nd, 2002 11:50 AM

[COLOR=sky blue]I'm definitly looking forward to the game.[/COLOR]

MakgSnake Feb 2nd, 2002 05:00 PM

I Guess!

Originally posted by Hadoken

You dont play RPG`s?
well i think this game will be hyped quite a lot when its a few months before release.
i bet you`ll be interested then.:D

Nope, I Am Not A BIG RPG Fan, Infact I Am Not At All An RPG Fan....But Then Again I Guess Ure Right........For All The Hype It'll Get Before Its Release Just Might Snatch My Attention, Just Like FFX Did....Cause I Wasn't Intrested In It Before But Now I Really Want To Play That Game BADLY!

Hadoken Feb 2nd, 2002 10:03 PM


Originally posted by Hylas
I hope it will be as good as Xenogears! Graphics are sooo good, but if the story and the characters are bad, I won't like it!
I hope it will be good too. I`m a bit anxious about how monilith handles this game.
I`m not sure if it was such a good idea for square to sell the rights to this game...

and btw, i found out that IGN has the same clip now. thats one day after i find it. lol

Spirit Feb 3rd, 2002 02:11 AM

yea well, I don't like watching a game clip, knowing that it will spoil the moment when I will get the game...

Zelgadis Feb 5th, 2002 03:16 AM

yea looks nice man im gettting this game for sure looks greta but characters suck

Hadoken Feb 6th, 2002 01:09 PM

Its due out this fall goodman. or should i say, dr. evil?!:eek:

Spirit Feb 7th, 2002 03:50 PM

this fall???? Christ that's long, I thought it would be out like before summer...

Hadoken Mar 1st, 2002 12:14 PM

Topic is back up :D
I`ve seen the intro to the game. has anyone else? it has this excavation site, and then these guys find this thingy and the guy puts the thingy in it that thingy area thing and then the thingy thing lights up and things come up from the sea.
so anyone else seen it?
and has anyone seen the recent gamewave trailer where the song... i think its called "pain" or something like that plays. and you see clips from the game.

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 1st, 2002 04:25 PM

I've also seen the intro,but im not sure where i got it from

LiquidSm0ke Mar 2nd, 2002 10:30 AM

I've played an incomplete version.

Hadoken Mar 2nd, 2002 06:50 PM

hey, wait a sec.
i think there are two intro`s now!
well, there should be one, but i dunno what the other is.
one of em is a buncha people in a spaceship capturing this golden thing in space(think that gold thing is called a monolith).
its got the names of the developers going around on there. so i think that one is the intro.
the one i talked about in my earlier post is completely CG. so it may just be a cutscene. it takes place in kenya. but again, i see this monolith thing, except its not gold. its more of a silver.

Hadoken Mar 2nd, 2002 08:15 PM


Originally posted by LiquidSm0ke
I've played an incomplete version.
I almost forgot to ask. where did you get an incomplete version from?

LiquidSm0ke Mar 2nd, 2002 11:57 PM


Originally posted by Hadoken

I almost forgot to ask. where did you get an incomplete version from?

Namco, I got to play it the last time I went to Japan.

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 3rd, 2002 12:06 AM


Originally posted by LiquidSm0ke

Namco, I got to play it the last time I went to Japan.

What was it like i must know

Hadoken Mar 3rd, 2002 12:09 AM

kewl, when did you go to japan?
I`ve heard some things about the game.
First off, I heard that its pretty good in almost every aspect. The only detail I hear people complaining about is the BGM(Background music). They say there there`s barely ANY BGM. One guy I talked to played 15 hrs in and finally heard some in a dungeon for the first time. He says there is usually only BGM during an event or in battle, but other than that, he hasnt heard very much. Takashi said that he didnt put in much BGM because he wanted the events to be dramatic, so thats why there is usually only BGM during an event. But other than this aspect of the game, people say its pretty good. And without the BGM playing, its not all that bad. The game is still pretty good to play. Another thing I hear people complaining about is some of the load times. They say sometimes it loads fast, but sometimes its a bit slow. Even with the HDD.
Anyone know more about this?

Spirit Mar 17th, 2002 09:02 PM


Originally posted by LiquidSm0ke

Namco, I got to play it the last time I went to Japan.

:laugh: doubtfull....
btw anyone know the exact date its coming out?

Hadoken Mar 17th, 2002 10:17 PM

lol, hehe, i forgot about this topic.
sure he went to japan. pfft, yeah right.:disturb:
but the release date for the US should be this fall. if we`re lucky, then around september, if we`re unlucky, it`ll be out right before christmas.
me want game now! it looks so nice...

makaveli Mar 18th, 2002 02:27 PM

anyway, i ame going to buy it any way :p
i hope its going to be a good game :p

Sword 4 Hire Mar 18th, 2002 03:32 PM

I'm glad it's comin out then, it'll give me time to actually FIND Xenogears and play it.

Mercury Shadow Mar 25th, 2002 05:18 PM

XenoSaga must be the biggest or most complex game on PS2 because it's the first game to have 2 DVDs, and DVDs hold a whole lotta memory!

Hadoken Mar 25th, 2002 10:55 PM

Actually, its just going to be on a single dual layer DVD. instead of 2 DVD`s.

Infernal Mass Apr 6th, 2002 10:27 PM

It is being made by almost the exact same team that made Xenogears.

Music Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda

Music Performed by: The London Philharmonic Orchestra

Character Designer: Kunihiko Tanaka

Production Designer: Junya Ishigaki and Kouichi Mugitani and Takumi Sakura

Art Director: Yasuyuki Honne

Screenplay: Sei Sato

Programming Director: Toshiaki Yajima

Producer: Hirohide Sugiura

Executive Producer: Masaya Nakamura

Story and Director: Tetsuya Takahashi

here's a xenosaga battle from start to finish..

I hear the loading time absolutely sucks w/out the harddrive, but i figure namco/monolith soft.. will clean that issue up a bit before it arrives.

Infernal Mass Apr 6th, 2002 10:33 PM

i think there's going to be some mini games as well...

Cards game

Casino :)

and of course the return of battle arena..

here's some xenosaga music
Yasunori Mitsuda

battle theme

Batlle end theme .mp3

Battling Kos-mos %20KOS-MOS.mp3

Last Battle %20KOS-MOS.mp3

here's some more tracks from the OST

the miracle .mp3



Hadoken Apr 10th, 2002 08:24 AM

kewl, thanks for the links and pics.
i think that site`s server was down for a few days, so it wasnt working before. Its ok now though.
But did you hear yet? They might have to tone down this game for the US version. I think that seriously sucks.
I hope ESRB just slaps on the mature rating for it and doesnt tone it down and put on a teen rating.
This game has some violent scenes in it. and from the pic of the box you showed in your post, it looks like it has some sort of warning on it. the same warning i saw on the resident evil and silent hill games.
This is one of the reasons I hate that damn parents board. They always make the developers tone down the game if its too violent or has any adult scenes.

The game contains a scene where the character albedo rummages around the inside of the character M.O.M.O., looking for something left by her creator. It is after she is exposed to some kind of a light source. Albeddo dives his arm elbow deep into her body through her chest/stomach area. They are both clothed. M.O.M.O. is lying on his lap. Albeddo taunts her in the process and she does squeal in pain. M.O.M.O. is not human, so she is rescued unharmed. If your wondering how he can do that, its because he has some sort of strange power where he can make his arm like liquid and go into her body.

That scene may sound sick and very gruesome to you, but its there not to show that albeddo is some sort of pedophile, but to show that he`s more of a sadistic person who enjoys inflicting pain on others and to himself as well. there is another scene where albeddo rips off the arm of a M.O.M.O. clone, and then rips off his own arm to show that he can regenerate.
a friend of mine who has the game says he thought that scene was more disturbing than the one where he looks through M.O.M.O., which people call a somewhat "sexual" scene. That will most likely be toned down if not completely taken off the US version. Albeddo does rummage/fondle around her stomach area for around 10 minutes.
That scene i`m ok with them toning down a bit, but with other scenes and the violence. well, that just wouldnt be right. I want the game to be as much intact as it was with the japanese version. except with english in it. Thats why I hope ESRB just puts on a mature rating.

Infernal Mass Apr 10th, 2002 04:05 PM

i hope they don't take too much out of the game..thanks for the info though. that event you described sounds a bit..what's the word excessive.... a whole 10 minutes :shock:

if the event you described adds to the character, i hope they keep it in.. but if it's just in there to be graphic they most certainly will take it out.i wonder who decides these things...they will most likely see cartoon characters and say it's a little kids game and blood/gore should not be in it..although look at Xenogears, it was rated E for everybody and included a booty shot at the beggining introduction sequence and blood in at least three of the CG sequences..if they let those slip by with a E i'm hoping that they will let some things slip by with a T rating but it would be best to make it an even better idea is to make two versions.I seriously doubt that will happen though. :(
thanks again for the info..i am most deffinately buying Xenosaga when it's released.Hopefully they will announce the release date soon.

Hadoken Apr 10th, 2002 04:27 PM

yeah, excessive may be the word. but the developers always have a reason to put a scene in. they wouldnt put one in for no reason, cuz that would just be dumb.
That scene was just to add to albeddo`s character. to make it totally clear that he`s one sadistic s.o.b..
Its kind of the same with other things.
They have shion fight a battle without KOS-MOS and puts her with weak ass stats against an opponent thats like god to show that shion is weak, and KOS-MOS is strong. lol
oh, and btw, I heard there is a scene where the characters are on a beach in swim suits and fight. but that scene may also get toned down as well. they might just have them wear normal clothes. lol

Reid Apr 11th, 2002 10:43 PM

Those screens make the game look great, but do you need to have played Xenogears in order to play this one?

DragonSphere Apr 14th, 2002 09:18 PM

Not exactly, since Xenosaga (Episode I) does start at the very beginning of the series. But I suggest you do play Xenogears (Episode V) as it has brief explanations of the Episodes before it, and is probably more enjoyable.(As for the last comment, look for more details in the "Xenosaga-Disappointment!?" thread.)

Hadoken Apr 14th, 2002 11:08 PM

If the series goes well enough. look forward to a xenogears remake(episode V). But if not... well, you wouldnt know the entire story neways... but that xenogears remake would take quite a few years to come out. so might as well play it now. its pretty good neways. if you can bare with the dated graphics and a few other things.

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