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Uchiha Sasuke Mar 11th, 2002 10:33 PM

Amazing Ps3
Well here's a little info i found that sounded really good so i decided to put it up

PS3 Speeds
Sony has already said that PS3 will be 1,000 times as powerful as the PS2. Woah. This fact has become even more real since IBM, which is working with Sony and Toshiba on the PS3 processor called the "Cell," announced in New Scientist magazine that they've created a processor clocked at 110 Ghz. Now think about the PS2, with its 300 Mhz Emotion Engine. Sounds too good to be true.

If this is what sony next console is going to look like just think of the possibilitys for making games.

Spirit Mar 12th, 2002 12:22 AM

whoa sounds like a really powerful computer but by then it will look kind of small compared to how fast computers will run.... hmmm can you post the site you got it from?

BowevelJoe Mar 12th, 2002 07:57 AM

110 gighertzs? whow, comps are only at about 2.2, obsolete my ass, this system is going to rock! hah, Xbox can suck it :laugh:

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 12th, 2002 08:26 AM

I heard it from if you must know

IcyMourdor Mar 12th, 2002 08:28 AM

[COLOR=sky blue]That would make Nintendo and Microsoft think twice about trying to compete against Sony.

With 110 Ghz, any machine will be obsolite against the PS3.[/COLOR]

GaseousSnake Mar 12th, 2002 10:44 AM

Oh my GOD.

Speechless................Sayanara XBOX

BlackThornn Mar 12th, 2002 10:49 AM


Originally posted by GaseousSnake
Sayanara XBOX
Hehe. Indeed. ^_^ I can't wait for the release of the PS3.

Soul Angel Mar 12th, 2002 12:17 PM

Hey that sounds pretty good! :)
Lets hope when they ever do release the PS3 that they do better job at it then what they did with the PS2

kupoartist Mar 12th, 2002 03:47 PM

110GHZ?!?! surely they'd need to completely change processor architecture and manufacture it in Nano-sizes to run it that High! Unless the PS3 happens to also double as a Fridge of course...

Faile Mar 12th, 2002 04:42 PM

sorry to ruin the party, but like the_artist said, its not possible currently unless you want a fridge that sounds like a hundred vaccum cleaners when turned on.

When this technology is finally released, what will stop microsoft from manufacturing a faster console a year later, such as they did with the xbox ?

and also, take a look at the price of a 2GHZ processor for a pc.

And then ask yourself how far in the future this ps3 will be, for technology prices to fall to an extent whereby this spec is cost effective to produce .

enjoy the moment ! ps2 has its networking facilities coming soon ! No need for ps3 until most of us are working in proper jobs .

eek . now thats a worrying thought

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 12th, 2002 05:06 PM

Sony is developing there processor in a very different way.There using tons of micro processr working in unison to make a network inside a micro chip.And i guess that this is the first time its being attempted.

Sword 4 Hire Mar 12th, 2002 09:29 PM

Yeah in my PSM magazine it explains how it's called "Cell" because it works like the human body using tiny Cells to work together in unison. I think it said it'll take like 3 or 4 years to complete they think.

They also said that they're working on putting these Cell chips in every piece of technology so you could literally switch your air conditioner on using your PS3, because everything will be connected with this new Cell thing. But that wont be until like 2010!

With all this new technology circulating we'll be closer to the infamous PS9 commercial than we think....c'mon you remember that beast!

But oh how sweet it will be!

BowevelJoe Mar 12th, 2002 09:36 PM

the PS3 is to debut in 2005, not too far away eh? but they gotta jump a bit because the PS2 is kinda outdated a bit ya know..

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 12th, 2002 09:53 PM

The ps3 using the cell technology which is talked about above is coming out in 2005

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 12th, 2002 11:37 PM

Heres some newer detail i found that were put up on ign.

March 12, 2002 - In the continuing saga of the thing that may or may not be PlayStation 3, which has so captivated the minds of the bored of late, SCE president Ken Kutaragi has dropped another few notes on the potential successor to Sony's current game system in a Korean newspaper. He stated that he envisions the disappearance of videogame consoles as independent appliances if a data communications network can be established with speeds exceeding 15 megabytes per second. With such a network to serve as the means of delivering interactive content and connecting users, the "game system" as it were would be a single unit combining a television and a network connection -- this would be your "PS3," a unit delivering movies, games, music, and other entertainment all downloaded from other sources.
Regardless of the technological possibilities bouncing around, the date presently being pondered is in the vicinity of 2005.

BowevelJoe Mar 13th, 2002 07:57 AM

aye, its cool, theyve kept that same release date ever since the PS2 hit the market :lol

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 13th, 2002 08:24 AM

Yeah the release date was kept the same mainly because an average systems life is 5-6 years.

Sword 4 Hire Mar 13th, 2002 06:08 PM

Ah man the PS2's like an atari compared to that monster!

talon101 Mar 14th, 2002 06:20 AM

:shock: :shock: 110 ghz thats alot of ghz
i dont know what to say
about this im totaly
amazed:shock: :shock:

BowevelJoe Mar 14th, 2002 07:32 AM

aye, i didnt even realize it would be that big of a monster, man microsoft is gonna ****ta brick when they see that mofo hit the market, xbox will be severely outdated :laugh:

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 14th, 2002 08:38 AM

Well Sony is really catching the other companies off guard with this move.Nintendo and microsoft are not ready for this.

kupoartist Mar 14th, 2002 02:08 PM

didn't you say that it'd take 3 years for it to happen? that sounds like more than enough time to me...

BowevelJoe Mar 14th, 2002 03:23 PM

aye, someone will rat out the info to the other companies and they will catch up and stuff, dont worry about that stuff...

BlackThornn Mar 14th, 2002 10:41 PM

Okay. That settles it. When the PS3 comes out, I'm selling a kidney and buying one. :D

I think it's a bad idea for Sony fans to be circulating this stuff around, though.. there was this one bigmouth professor who absorbed information from Sony execs and then blabbed annonymously to some paper. Sony does *NOT* want this stuff being passed around! And for good reason! You just know that Microsoft is gonna be trying to get contracts with chip makers to develop a similar system to try and one-up sony again. >_<!!

BowevelJoe Mar 15th, 2002 07:59 AM

ah man i read about the pS3 and the technology like 2 years ago, everyone knows about it by now dude, so its FAR from underwraps dude dont worry about that stuff lol

BlackThornn Mar 15th, 2002 10:49 AM

True. *laughs* It sucks, though. One loudmouth and the whole secret's blown. Odds are Microsoft's scrambling to make a clone of that technology now, or design one of thier own with a company other than IBM. Them evil peoples.

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