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David Jan 17th, 2003 07:48 PM

Final Fantasy XI Info Thread
I hope you like this you guys, heres a link to it:

Click on the underline writing, if it doesn't work, save it into your media file, and then watch it.


Theres more! Ever seen online love?

Here is a following pics that may interest you?

Having an online girlfriend..., sounds OK to me.

This next one, is kinda bizarre, is it man and man? You guys tell me?:confused: :disturb:

So, what do you guys think? Am I such a searcher or what?:D


To be forgotten is worse than death...

Macceh^ Jan 18th, 2003 03:35 AM

Exellent movies, very well done to you finding those :)

kupoartist Jan 18th, 2003 06:23 AM

I may get round to watching these, but I probably don't have the time right now *sniffle 28k sniffle* ... uh anyways, I assure you that the likelyhood of there being a love interest in FFXI. I initially thought that Square would at least try to intergrate some kind of story, but they have done next to nothing to do so. Did you know that the Evil "Shadow Lord" mentioned in the prolouge is just a lame respawning monster that many have already defeated :(

Edit: oops... I though the lower part of your post was you sig :laugh: oh, sure Its possible to get married with little Tarutaru Bridesmaids and people casting magics as confeti :P ... but tbh, the idea kind of creeps me out. If you ever get married invite me to the wedding though!!!!

I can't see the bottom link though...

Edit2: if you have divx, you may as well check out the FFXI opening movie here:

Soul Angel Jan 18th, 2003 09:26 AM

Those are some interesting pics.
Online love taking a whole new step, I'm not to sure if that is a bit creepy or not.

But anyway great pictures David.

David Jan 18th, 2003 08:17 PM

Hey, im just trying to show the interesting stuff about this game, so I can get people playing it, and ill be glad to show more if you ask, but when I get this game, I want to have the two-handed sword, so I can do what the girl did. ;)

And here's a scoupe you guys, there is gonna be another expansion card for FFXI in Japan soon, I don't know what it is called, but I read it contain's more varity selections for choosing your character and jobs, such as a summoner's job, sweet huh?!

When you guy's get the game, ill be glad to form an alliance with you.

Remember ill post more thing's here about the game of FFXI in this thread your reading now, plus, you know my avatar, it is one of the characters that you can choose to be in the game.

And the bosses are hard in the game, I don't want to get you wrong artist, but not many people interfaced "The Shadow Lord" in the game, but if they did, well, good luck, one blow might almost take you out, if you were not in LvL. 50 or more, but I didn't truely experience it lively, but when I do, ill be glad to share my adventures on the game with you, when I get it.

And I kinda don't mind online love, it would be interesting to experience it. ;)


To be forgotten is worse than death...

Nelo Angelo Jan 18th, 2003 09:05 PM

Haha, those pictures of love remind me of PSO Marriages........^_^;;;;;

Nice pictures. :o

David Jan 18th, 2003 10:51 PM

Alright, here's a FFXI season pic, cool huh!

There's a star over the live monster tree. Chrismas?

ssjtrunks13 Jan 19th, 2003 03:46 PM

The pictures shown here really makes the game seem interesting. Don't know if I'll be able to play it when it comes out.

David Jan 19th, 2003 03:52 PM


Originally posted By ssjtrunks13

The pictures shown here really makes the game seem interesting. Don't know if I'll be able to play it when it comes out.
Why not?

ssjtrunks13 Jan 19th, 2003 04:55 PM

I would have to buy the interent adaptor, the game, and I heard there's a fee to play it.(don't have the money and my dad wouldn't do all this for me) I'd have to wait for me to get a job when I graduate. I can't get one now because I am having enough problems dealing with school.

David Jan 19th, 2003 05:32 PM

Oh I see, that sucks, well, school go's first anyway.

kupoartist Jan 19th, 2003 05:39 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13

I would have to buy the interent adaptor, the game, and I heard there's a fee to play it.(don't have the money and my dad wouldn't do all this for me) I'd have to wait for me to get a job when I graduate. I can't get one now because I am having enough problems dealing with school.
hmm... It wouldn't get rid of the monthly fee problem, but have you considered the PC version? The PS2 Version is a very expensive option if you have a PC capable of running that version - and the PC version has the benefit of better graphics etc.

Hell... PC games are so much more cheaper than PS2 games anyway. That doesn't really make a hell of a lot of sense :peoples:

ssjtrunks13 Jan 19th, 2003 05:42 PM

It's not just the money. I'll have to deal with school first.

David Jan 19th, 2003 05:58 PM

Dont worry trunks, I understand, im in high school to, but I still managed to have a job, and work part time, I got exams coming up real soon, oh the pressure is getting to me... :sick: Just kidding!

David Jan 19th, 2003 07:44 PM


Alright, this thread is now for use of Final Fantasy 11 information, if you find any info. of FFXI, display it here for people to see.

I also wanna say thank's to Rei for changing the thread for me, well, I think it was her, but still, I say thanks to Rei.

I don't know if this well work, but if it doesn't, can one of you guys tell me how to make a link into a simple words as, click here.

Anyway, click the link for the Vana'Diel Livecam.

Enjoy, because I'll give more scoups, pics, and sites about FFXI.

Beretta55 Jan 19th, 2003 11:42 PM

marraige on a videogame? way!!:laugh:
guy: can love and friendship really bloom on the battlefeild of FF11
*another guy knock's him out*
guy2: NO!:laugh:
but it sound's cool it would be the ps2 version for me since my comp suck's. that's if i even get the game.

David Jan 20th, 2003 07:17 AM

Hey don't go to far with this!! Having a online love, would be kinda, well, OK I guess, but marriage, I don't think so.

I will be the last person to ever have a online marriage. It makes me shiver thinking about it.

All right, I got a pic for you, will soon anyway, it well amaze you, when you see a gun in the game!!

Beretta55 Jan 20th, 2003 08:38 AM


Originally posted by David

Hey don't go to far with this!! Having a online love, would be kinda, well, OK I guess, but marriage, I don't think so.

I will be the last person to ever have a online marriage. It makes me shiver thinking about it.

All right, I got a pic for you, will soon anyway, it well amaze you, when you see a gun in the game!!
Dont worry there is alway's FF buddies!:cool: and gun's in a FF game....coolness:P

ssjtrunks13 Jan 20th, 2003 12:02 PM

What's so special about guns in a FF game? There have been guns in FFVII, FFVIII, and FFX. MAybe if there wasn't guns in all these maybe I'd be stunned.:cool:

Lost_myth Jan 20th, 2003 02:29 PM

dudes, that is going to be so awesome. That looked raw!

David Jan 20th, 2003 03:27 PM


Originally Posted By ssjtrunks13

What's so special about guns in a FF game? There have been guns in FFVII, FFVIII, and FFX. MAybe if there wasn't guns in all these maybe I'd be stunned.
It's special because this is suppose to be a medieval Final Fantasy game sort of, but finding gun's in this game is hard, and rare. I'll try to get the picture of a Tarutaru holding a 12-gauge Shotgun.

mark0™ Jan 20th, 2003 03:31 PM


Originally posted by Frostman445

marraige on a videogame? way!!:laugh:
What about Harvest Moon 64??!! getting marriend on that game was quite challenging, having a baby is even harder, ahem :disturb: lol.

I dunno bout this game, I'll have to be working at least part time to afford it, and I'm not to keen on that lol.

kupoartist Jan 20th, 2003 03:44 PM


Originally posted by David
It's special because this is suppose to be a medieval Final Fantasy game sort of, but finding gun's in this game is hard, and rare. I'll try to get the picture of a Tarutaru holding a 12-gauge Shotgun.
and chances are, unless you have a very high lvl in the "Archer" class, you won't be able to equip them. A bit of a gimick in a way, but they were supposedly being offered for high prices by a secret NPC guild in the game... trouble is, finding them or meeting the requirements. I've lost my picture of a hume carrying the damned thing, but the "Gunner" class has been rumored for quite some-time and is one of the more popular classes.

Oh, and the expansion will supposedly offer at least some of the classes that so many wanted in the first place: Summoner, Ninja, Samuarai and Dragoon were massively debated, and I would really like to be that last one :happy: (also, I'm wondering if the Expansion won't be already integrated into the out of Japan releases...)

David Jan 20th, 2003 05:16 PM


Originally Posted By the_artist

and chances are, unless you have a very high lvl in the "Archer" class, you won't be able to equip them. A bit of a gimick in a way, but they were supposedly being offered for high prices by a secret NPC guild in the game... trouble is, finding them or meeting the requirements. I've lost my picture of a hume carrying the damned thing, but the "Gunner" class has been rumored for quite some-time and is one of the more popular classes.

Oh, and the expansion will supposedly offer at least some of the classes that so many wanted in the first place: Summoner, Ninja, Samuarai and Dragoon were massively debated, and I would really like to be that last one :happy: (also, I'm wondering if the Expansion won't be already integrated into the out of Japan releases...)
Yes, you do need to be in a high level to equip a gun, it's even harder to get alot of Gil, because it is kinda scarce in the game, anyway is that it would be expencive and so would the ammunition.

And it is true that they are making a new expansion card for FFXI,
but it's not out in Japan yet, I heard it is coming out soon over, probally in the Spring or Summer, and I want to be a Dragoon too. :happy: But the thing about the card is, it allows you to get better weapons, and items, there can be more, but thats all I know about the new expansion card.

I will show you guys that picture of the Tarutaru holding a gun real soon, so how do you guys like the Vana'Diel Livecam?

David Jan 20th, 2003 05:20 PM

Here you go guys, a Tarutaru holding a 12-gauge Shotgun.

Sweet no!? I love this game so much, that I didn't even played it yet!

ssjtrunks13 Jan 22nd, 2003 02:47 PM


Originally posted by David

It's special because this is suppose to be a medieval Final Fantasy game sort of, but finding gun's in this game is hard, and rare.
I see now, that's very cool! I also saw the picture and I think the Tarutaru looks really funny holding it.:laugh: (I just never pictured something so small holding a gun)

kupoartist Jan 22nd, 2003 03:01 PM

that player is kitted out pretty cooley really... and that not just the gun. Dark Knights look pretty damned cool as well. I wonder if there are any Tarataru's out there holding scythes?! (wow, I think I just realised what i'm gonna play as for a little in FFXI... That'd just be too scary... a knee high little girl scything your ankles... rarrr!!!)

David Jan 22nd, 2003 04:55 PM


Originally Posted By ssjtrunks13

I see now, that's very cool! I also saw the picture and I think the Tarutaru looks really funny holding it. (I just never pictured something so small holding a gun)
Yeah, that is the first thing I thought too. I thought, by the time he took a shot, the tarutaru would fly 3 feet from the ground, by the impact.


Originally Posted By the_artist

that player is kitted out pretty cooley really... and that not just the gun. Dark Knights look pretty damned cool as well. I wonder if there are any Tarataru's out there holding scythes?! (wow, I think I just realised what i'm gonna play as for a little in FFXI... That'd just be too scary... a knee high little girl scything your ankles... rarrr!!!)
It would be funny to see that, but I think there should be a size for a tarutaru. Some weopons may not be equiped to some races.

ssjtrunks13 Jan 23rd, 2003 11:59 AM

If I take the size of Magus' scythe and imagine a Tarutaru holding I'd say it would look really cool:cool: and funny.:laugh:

David Jan 30th, 2003 10:19 PM

I found a release date for FFXI, it may change, but here, March 3rd for North America, but im having a hard time finding a release date for UK, and European area. Remember, the dates may change. I'm also starting to have a hard time to find pics, and scoupes for the game. I wont give up thou.

ssjtrunks13 Jan 31st, 2003 01:05 AM

I found that out a while ago. It's too close.:P

Harry Jan 31st, 2003 10:17 AM

The problem is that at this point in time Square has not made any official announcement regarding a European launch for FFXI. All press releases are referred only to North American or Japan market.

Anyhow, I just had a phone conversation with SCEE, and I asked them about official release dates regarding the launch of "Playstation 2 Online" in Europe. Unfortunately, there is still no official date and they con only stick to a generic Sprin 2003 release date.

I also asked about Everquest Online Adventures for Europe, that will probably be released long before Final Fantasy XI - my Pr contact was able to confirm the release of the game for this year in Europe, even if he was very cautious, as there aren't official announcements about it yet.

Unfortunately, in Europe there are many problems caused by the strong differences between countries, and because of an irregular diffusion of Internet broadband services even in the most important countries.

Maybe I'm pessimistic, but all things considered I expect Final Fantasy XI to be released somewhere in Spring 2004 in Europe.


Originally posted by David

I found a release date for FFXI, it may change, but here, March 3rd for North America, but im having a hard time finding a release date for UK, and European area. Remember, the dates may change. I'm also starting to have a hard time to find pics, and scoupes for the game. I wont give up thou.

ssjtrunks13 Jan 31st, 2003 01:01 PM


Originally posted by David

I'm also starting to have a hard time to find pics, and scoupes for the game. I wont give up thou.
Well, I'll be pullin' for ya, now go out and find those pics!

kupoartist Jan 31st, 2003 02:26 PM


Originally posted by Harry
Maybe I'm pessimistic, but all things considered I expect Final Fantasy XI to be released somewhere in Spring 2004 in Europe.
Nope, I refuse to be outdone in the pessimist stakes! the PS2 Version will simply not be released in Europe! ... ok thats a bit too harsh, but I do think that we'll see FFXI in Europe by the end of the year. Only on PC. they'll think about the PS2 later, but regardless, as soon as the PC version is out in the US, it'll be easy to purshase from Europe anyway, and US - Europe PC releases are virtually simultaneous anyway. (eg. Unreal 2 is out on the 4th and 7th respectivly)

Edit: I may as well point out the big FFXI Expansion News going around at the moment:
we can expect all the things currently listed there. Also, in the pictures the Ninja-like clothes suggest a playable Ninja Class, and the Tarataru with the Summoner's horn confirms, along with pictures of the summons Titan, Iftit and Carbuncle, that you can be a Summoner in FFXI : Vision of Ziraat

David Jan 31st, 2003 04:31 PM


Originally Posted By Harry

I also asked about Everquest Online Adventures for Europe, that will probably released long before Final Fantasy XI - my Pr contact was able to confirm the release of the game for this year in Europe, even if he was very cautious, as there aren't official announcements about it yet.
That is good, for European EQ fans. But Harry, do you think it may delay a little longer than the date set at March for FFXI?

David Jan 31st, 2003 04:35 PM


Originally Posted By the_artist

Nope, I refuse to be outdone in the pessimist stakes! the PS2 Version will simply not be released in Europe! ... ok thats a bit too harsh, but I do think that we'll see FFXI in Europe by the end of the year. Only on PC. they'll think about the PS2 later, but regardless, as soon as the PC version is out in the US, it'll be easy to purshase from Europe anyway, and US - Europe PC releases are virtually simultaneous anyway. (eg. Unreal 2 is out on the 4th and 7th respectivly)
You should really not give up Artist, but it would be better if it went out for PC, for you guys, because you said, you well probably get it more on PC? Am I right?

And I ain't to worried about the new Expansion Card for FFXI, we still have the first one to try.;)

Oh yeah, thank's for the incouragement Trunk's, it would be better if I had the game, and I just took pictures what I would of seen so far.;)

kupoartist Jan 31st, 2003 04:47 PM


Originally posted by David
And I ain't to worried about the new Expansion Card for FFXI, we still have the first one to try.;)
the out of Japan Release of this is probably going to be a weird one anyway... Because it's quite likely that they'll release this at the same time or with the basic game... who knows (incidently, it's on a DVD, which could spell trouble for many PC owners anyway)

David Jan 31st, 2003 08:05 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

the out of Japan Release of this is probably going to be a weird one anyway... Because it's quite likely that they'll release this at the same time or with the basic game... who knows (incidently, it's on a DVD, which could spell trouble for many PC owners anyway)
Well Artist, I got some pics from, these are probably demo pics of the new FFXI Expansion Card.

I think the summoner job is going to be awesome, but the bands on the foreheads with the spike, look like dragoon style?

And your right Artist, there well be a ninja, samuria job, cool!

Harry Jan 31st, 2003 09:14 PM


Originally posted by David

That is good, for European EQ fans. But Harry, do you think it may delay a little longer than the date set at March for FFXI?

I sincerely think the March release for North America is far from being certain. The official release date for North American remains a generic 2003.

Anyhow, there is also another simple consideration that show how a March 2003 release is very unlikely. As you know, the HDD is needed to play Final Fantasy XI, and at present SCEA don't want to make any official announcement about it.

For curiosity, and to give you a precise answer, I just contacted our Pr contact for SCEA, and he gently asked corporate representatives about updates regarding the release of the HDD in North America - unfortunately they were absolutely unable to give any precise release date or a detailed launch plan.

David Jan 31st, 2003 09:42 PM

Alright, thank's Harry. I also know that I need a HDD for Final Fantasy XI. Thank you for informing this, it is important to know.

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