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Cannibal Clown Feb 5th, 2002 09:36 PM

Japanese Music
I was wondering if there is anyone here who likes Japanese music. I feel like I'm the only one in my school other than a friend of mine who has about ten Japanese CD's and a billion songs on her computer.
I don't have any CD's, and I had to toss about foutry of them from my computer, so now I'm only left with about thirty.
I know that there are a lot of anime fans out there, so I was thinking that anime music is also a fav for a few people on these forums.

IcyMourdor Feb 5th, 2002 09:40 PM

[COLOR=sky blue]The only japanese music I've been hearing recently is from anime. I love the ending theme to Cowboy Bebop. The lyrics of the song seem to flow better in japanese. I probably could find many songs on the internet, but my speakers don't seem to be working and I can't listen to them unless I get a burner or mp3.[/COLOR]

Rei Feb 5th, 2002 09:48 PM

I like J-music! Not a long time I'm into it, so I don't know lots of songs and artists, but I like it!
And yes, I like also Soundtracks from anime: some of them are great!

MakgSnake Feb 5th, 2002 09:56 PM

I Do!
I Am Not Sure About J-Music As In SONGS But I Love Japanese Instrumental Music!.! Its Sooo Beautiful!!!! I Still Have To Look For Some Amazing Instrumental Tracks On The Net.

If Anyone Knows Any Good Ones. Please Mention It Here So I Can Download Them!

Thank You!

BowevelJoe Feb 5th, 2002 10:03 PM

Sounds cool, i have been interested, but the problem is i dont know where to start looking for them. what is some good stuff to look for man?

Pu the Owl Feb 5th, 2002 10:39 PM

Makg, do you mean Ruichi Sakamoto or stuff like that?

MakgSnake Feb 5th, 2002 11:06 PM


Originally posted by Fortune
Makg, do you mean Ruichi Sakamoto or stuff like that?
Hmmm......Sorry Fortune I Dont Know What That Means. I Meant....Japanese Instrumental Music, I Have Heard Many Great Ones!.! But Didn't Know The Names To Note Down.

Something Like "Shenmue's Main Theme" Or "The Best Is Yet To Come"... Or An Amazing Instrumental. I Just Love Jap-Ins-Music As A Whole!

Rei Feb 5th, 2002 11:12 PM

I know Ruichi Sakamoto! If I'm not wrong, he also worked with European artists like David Bowie and Brian Eno.

Cannibal Clown Feb 6th, 2002 10:55 AM

I don't know who Ruichi Sakamoto is but I do know a very famouse J-Pop artist named Maaya Sakamoto who's music I love.

Oh yeah, and Makg, if you like Japanese instrumental, then find the sone titled "Tank". It's the opening song from Cowboy Bebop and i love it. I've got it on my computer and I'm listening to it right now.

x157anz Feb 6th, 2002 01:11 PM

LOL japenese music ! :(
Cant say iv ever heard it ,, or ever want too :p
Simply because i wont understand it

Pu the Owl Feb 6th, 2002 03:00 PM

If you're interested, the author of Cowboy Bebop soundtrack is called Yoko Kanno.

Cannibal Clown Feb 6th, 2002 03:26 PM

Yoko Kanno also does all of the music to Macross plus and Escaflowne which was created by the same company. And in Escaflowne, Yoko Kanno and Maaya Sacamoto work together on just about all of the music. Maaya is also the japanese voice for Hitomi.

But since I can't order off the internet and there isn't any stores around here where you can get anime yet alone it's CD's I'm stuck with having to download all of his music.

Oh yeah, This afternoon I just bought the first DVD of Escaflowne AND IT'S REALLY COOL.

jenova_jeb Feb 6th, 2002 03:57 PM

I don't like Jap music that much cause I have no idea what the lyrics are saying. If I did, I'd probably like it a little more..:confused:

BowevelJoe Feb 6th, 2002 07:19 PM

i dunno, something about listning to music that has no lyrics can be alot more soothing than listning to music that you can understand the words, maybe its just me on common guys gimmi some stuff to look for on morhpheus :)

Cannibal Clown Feb 6th, 2002 07:44 PM

Actually, the only reason I ever started listening to japanese music was so that I had something to listen to while doing my homework.
Music without lyrics is supposed to help your mind express itself better and clear your head. And Japanese music has words that you can't understand, so it's like the same thing. And JPop has an instrument that we don't, it's the human voice, we hear nothing more than sound while English music has all that crap called words in their music, so it takes the effect of "Music" away completely.
I'm not sure if I got my point across or not. I'm bad at explaining things and not good with my words.

Spirit Feb 6th, 2002 09:47 PM

I love japanese music, especially themes like the itnro of PE and other similar things in Japanese, such as DOA game themes

Pearl Feb 7th, 2002 09:58 PM

I don't know much about Jap music. I'd like to get something to get used to it. Suggestions?:confused:

Cannibal Clown Feb 8th, 2002 07:30 PM

I don't know about most people, but I like the music to Slayers, some of the songs are awesome, I also love the stuff from Saber Marionette J, and my favorite Japanese song is Zankoku na Tenshi No Teze also known as Cruel angels Thesis from Neon genisis Evangelion.

Rei Feb 8th, 2002 07:38 PM

I think CB has some great songs and Eva too.

merylsilverburg Feb 8th, 2002 07:47 PM

Yah! GLAY!
I love to listen to J-Rock/J-Pop music. My absolute favorite Japanes band of all time is GLAY. They're so cool! :cool: I have tons of anime CDs because after I watch a certain series, I quickly go online and buy the soundtracks, singles, etc. I've got the Cowboy Bebop soundtracks, I have some Final Fantasy soundtracks, Shenmue, Fushigi Yuugi, Rurouni Kenshin.....and a lot more. The J-Rock/J-Pop bands I like are: GLAY, Aucifer, Smap, Judy and Mary, m-flo, Hana Hana, Sophia, Eden....and a couple others, I can't remember. But, I mostly listen to anime music and GLAY. :)

Rei Feb 8th, 2002 07:49 PM

I shall listen to Glay then...

merylsilverburg Feb 8th, 2002 07:57 PM

Don't be intimidated by their looks, okay? :D When I heard about them, it was about 3-4 years ago, and I was still into American music and stuff. So I bought their greatest hits album "REVIEW". Their other CD's have them on there and at first, they looked kinda weird, but now.....they're so CUTE! :D It takes awhile to get used to the music, but otherwise they're great to listen to.

Rei Feb 8th, 2002 08:02 PM

Ok! I promise! I won't be scared!!!

Urahara Kisuke Dec 15th, 2004 09:05 PM

Yah, I enjoy Japanese music a lot. Right now I only have the music from animes, but maybe sometime I will be able to get some more Japanese music. :approve:

LrdAlucard Dec 16th, 2004 02:16 AM

im into animetal right now O.o does that count? lol :misc:

kupoartist Dec 16th, 2004 10:15 AM

Woah... Retro-thread! You're better off just starting a new topic you know... actually, it's even weirder that you've ressurected this thread, because there most be at least 2 threads on the subject created since this one...

Anyway, for the record I listen to a little Japanese music. A lot of it is through Game (I've downloaded the Katamari Damashii soundtrack out of my love of weirdness) or Anime soundtracks (watching a new anime usually results in me downloading the title song ^^)... but I do have a few mainstream Japanese songs... TBH, I've only got more than two songs for about three bands (Dir en Grey, Malice Mizer and X-Japan), but it's all fairly good. Oh and it's always handy to have some [i]Judy and Mary[i] around when you really want to scare someone.

TtTackler Dec 16th, 2004 07:37 PM

Good j-rock bands? Okay:

The Pillows
Asian Kung-Fu Generation
OP King
Captain Strider
Orange Range
Tokyo Ska Orchestra

want anymore..?

REChick14 Dec 16th, 2004 08:14 PM

I've been into Japanese music for a while now. I have a friend of mine thats a fanatic. I love it cus he lets me borrow his burned cds of Japenese music. Some of them I still havent returned and he'll never get them back. Muwahahahaha.... J/k Umm right now im listening to Faye Wong. I really love songs from anime, especially from outlaw star Hiiru no Tsuki and the song Suteki Da Ne from FFX.

merylsilverburg Dec 17th, 2004 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by TtTackler
Good j-rock bands? Okay:

The Pillows
Asian Kung-Fu Generation
OP King
Captain Strider
Orange Range
Tokyo Ska Orchestra

want anymore..?

Would the Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra really be J-Rock? It seems to me they're a bit of "instrumental-world" type genre. :confused:

Keyblade Master Dec 23rd, 2004 07:35 PM

The most recent J-music I have heard (so many time I know the words
even though I don't understand them) are the songs from the shows on "Adult Swim". I love their music, my personal favorite is the beginning
song on "Full Metal Alchemist" I know the whole word to that song...
:shappy: I can sing it right now if you like...(Note: Don't worry, you won't
here my voice, just the words typed down...)

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