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goodman Feb 19th, 2006 10:05 PM

Ive got the demo disc and must say Black does indeed look good. I put $5 down for Omnimusha 4 and they gave me the demo for Black. Dont think i will buy it at first but will do a Blockbuster rent and see what its looking like. Down to the final part of Fatal Frame 3 now, so should be anytime now heh...

jjmoohead Feb 23rd, 2006 03:05 PM

since i am ps2less at the moment, i have been focusing my time towards the PC. I have finished GUN, GTA:San Andreas, like 95% of NFS:Underground 2. I have also dived into FEAR back playing HL2 and my girlfriend currently has me mixed up in a game called Second Life.

I didn't like it at first, but my creative juices are now enjoying the time spent.

REChick14 Feb 25th, 2006 10:11 AM

DMC 3. Yes I know its been out for a while but I just got it a few days ago, its the special edition one. Im having fun so far so its all good.

Phenom Feb 25th, 2006 04:56 PM

Last game I played was X-men Legends. Master Mold was freakishly crazy..... Although I've faced harder characters, he was pretty hard. Especially with all them other crackish sentinels keep on popping up. Don't think I'll play it again though because you have to go through all that levelling up again. (start from 1.... that's a bunch of bullsh*t)

I'm not playing anything at the moment.... Don't have any new games and I haven't been to block busters.

Infernal Mass Mar 12th, 2006 09:25 AM

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. I've been holding off on this one, for about 2 months. Finally got around to it, and i'm currently about 30 hours in. The verdict so far..

It feels like some old school RPGing, I'm talking back to the basics..random battles and turned based action galore! This isn't Fable, it isn't's back to the fundamentals, and it feels great.

Berserker Mar 13th, 2006 02:23 AM

King of fighters 2002

Great fighting engine(as always) better graphics this is about the best it can get with the old arcadeboard they use. I like the striker thing being dropped and old school 3 vs 3 returned. I'm glad Joe Higashi is (still) in it, I like the overall cast. Move execution(input) seems a bit tighter than 2001, but still easy to pull off in heated battle(allthough some getting used to after 2001). Overall great game, if you're into 2-d get this!

merylsilverburg Mar 14th, 2006 03:37 AM

Ah well I'm currently playing the demo version of "Okami" (Great God) on the OPM demo disc. It's such a unique and innovative game! I would've never thought of a concept of using a calligraphy brush to cut objects, paint bridges/rivers, and destroy your enemies. I love it so much so far and I can't wait until the finished version. :cool:

Vic Viper Mar 14th, 2006 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by merylsilverburg
Ah well I'm currently playing the demo version of "Okami" (Great God) on the OPM demo disc. It's such a unique and innovative game! I would've never thought of a concept of using a calligraphy brush to cut objects, paint bridges/rivers, and destroy your enemies. I love it so much so far and I can't wait until the finished version. :cool:

crap theirs already a demo out, im gonna have to get that, this game is one of my anticipated game this year. :smirk:

Phenom Mar 14th, 2006 04:11 PM


I'm playing Prince of Persia (the 1st one) at the moment. I like it but it's pissing me off....

merylsilverburg Mar 16th, 2006 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Vic Viper
crap theirs already a demo out, im gonna have to get that, this game is one of my anticipated game this year. :smirk:

If you do get your hands on the demo, beware: the stupid thing has a time-out session, so if you leave the game idle for, oh, a second, it'll take you back to the main page. :sarcasm: That's why I had to play the demo a bunch of times, just to get through everything and I still don't think I've covered it all.

Phenom Mar 19th, 2006 06:48 PM

Maybe it's just me.
Right now I'm playing Kingdom Hearts. (Big talk in the gaming community I suppose?) But right now it's another one of these games that I feel it's been overhyped. Maybe I'm not giving this game a fair chance because I'm only in wonderland. But at the moment, I am not feeling this game at all. It's like it's trying too hard to be Zelda so to speak. These controls.... meh, still trying to get use to this camera toggling.

Maybe it's too early for me to judge, so I'm going to continue playing for a little bit more. But personally.... I don't see what's so good about this game. (Maybe I have bad taste in games or something. I'm also starting to lose interest in videogames.... maybe that's it? *shrugs*)

merylsilverburg Mar 20th, 2006 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Knightmare
Right now I'm playing Kingdom Hearts. (Big talk in the gaming community I suppose?) But right now it's another one of these games that I feel it's been overhyped. Maybe I'm not giving this game a fair chance because I'm only in wonderland. But at the moment, I am not feeling this game at all. It's like it's trying too hard to be Zelda so to speak. These controls.... meh, still trying to get use to this camera toggling.

Maybe it's too early for me to judge, so I'm going to continue playing for a little bit more. But personally.... I don't see what's so good about this game. (Maybe I have bad taste in games or something. I'm also starting to lose interest in videogames.... maybe that's it? *shrugs*)

You're not alone. "Kingdom Hearts" is one of those games that you either love or hate. If you suspect that you don't like it from the beginning, you probably won't like it in the least that's what some people say.

Perhaps the game is a bit overhyped probably because the shocking realization that Disney and FF characters can and do mix well. While this may be it, I personally love the game to pieces. The story is wonderful...I especially love the important focus on the meaning and word "promise." The game made that word so much more powerful and meaningful that I get chills when I think of it. The game is just meaningful overall...near the end, there is such a cliched scene (
Spoiler: show
When Sora is shutting the door on Riku and Mickey
) that you'd think any gamer would just roll their eyes...yet, I couldn't help but feel such sorrow seeing it because of the silent meaningfulness of it.

There's also a real sense of purpose in the game - you really feel like a true hero trying to destroy evil. I know RPGs can make you feel this way, but "KH" is much shorter than RPGs and doesn't have many sidequests, so I can focus much better. Also, the characters have a really wonderful chemistry between them...Sora, Donald, and Goofy are so likeable. I loved how SquareEnix was able to give Donald, Goofy, and Mickey some dimension in their personalities; their cartoon personalities are so unlikeable sometimes and so 2-dimensional. But in the game, they feel real.

Overall the game is great, it made me laugh, cry, and cry some more. :shy: You should play a little further into the game and then determine if you really like it or hate it. :)

Berserker Mar 21st, 2006 02:10 AM

Playing Battlefront 2 at the moment, must say stunning visuals on this one! Possibly the best graphics I've seen on the ps2 so far, especially the second level in that "Rise of the empire" mission with all the beautiful flowers and surreal floating sphores quit mesmerizing indeed.

REChick14 Mar 24th, 2006 10:20 AM

currently I am playing silent hill, i guess ever since I saw the movie trailer it made me want to play it again. It was the first game i played on my ps1, so I dont really remember how to do everything in the game which makes it fun. Whenever my parents arent home I play it since i am currently banned from playing for a while. But of course I do have my ways and I take every advantage I get :happy:

Phenom Mar 25th, 2006 06:45 AM

Alright... so I've decided to play Kingdom Hearts a little more. Currently at Akrabah. (whatever) I'll admit it now. My views have changed substancially, but I'm still not hyped over the game like everyone else were. It's not Zelda or Ninja Gaiden, but it's no slouch either. (It's pretty fun for a genre that I don't care much for. It makes me want to play FFVIII again that's for sure.)

Main parts that're getting on my nerves is the Coliseium (sp?) where you choose to be timed. (Is that mandatory?) And the crackish mini game in the deep forest where you're collecting fruit.

Uhh... other than that.... this could possibly keep me occupied for a while.

TtTackler Mar 25th, 2006 07:19 PM

Just beat Metal Gear yesterday. Going to start Snake's Revenge soon. In the middle of Ac!d 2 currently, waiting on Elder Scoll's Oblivion to come in the mail from gamefly, and then KH2 when it comes out. Not to mention WoW takes up a lot of my time..

Vic Viper Mar 29th, 2006 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by TtTackler
Just beat Metal Gear yesterday. Going to start Snake's Revenge soon. In the middle of Ac!d 2 currently, waiting on Elder Scoll's Oblivion to come in the mail from gamefly, and then KH2 when it comes out. Not to mention WoW takes up a lot of my time..

hows Ac!d 2 Tt, is it much better than the first ? :lick:

debs Apr 13th, 2006 09:17 AM

silent hill 2
heyas im playin silent hill 2 and im stuck tryin 2 get the last coin so i can open a locker 2 get a key .i also cant find out what i have 2 do with the rubbish caught in the rubbish chute if anyone could help id be :laugh: cause me head is wrecked over it.

debs Apr 13th, 2006 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by debs
heyas im playin silent hill 2 and im stuck tryin 2 get the last coin so i can open a locker 2 get a key .i also cant find out what i have 2 do with the rubbish caught in the rubbish chute if anyone could help id be :laugh: cause me head is wrecked over it.

its in the apartments

Berserker Apr 14th, 2006 01:19 AM

Spoiler: show
You need to drop something heavy through the rubbish chute in order for it to drop down, if memory serves me correct it's some sixpack or bottle.

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