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Sleazy P Martini Mar 15th, 2013 10:44 PM

Right on, glad to hear the moodys rocked.

Uchiha Sasuke Mar 16th, 2013 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Harry (Post 134836)
Uchiha Sasuke (SSSnake!): aaah long time no see around the forums. It is awesome to see you have a family, and makes me understand how much time has passed. I still remember you, Mourdor, Cannibal Clown going to school (high school I think? I never understood how the school system in the U.S. works) when you joined Ps2Fantasy (I wish we had not lost the first 100,000 post in the first DB crash of the website...).

Yeah it has definitely been ages. Pretty much all of us are either married and have families. Steve (Cannibal Clown) was pretty much convinced he would never find anyone...but of course he was wrong and married last year lol.

But yeah it has been quite the blast from the past coming back and seeing how everyone has been.

Also I have to mention that gaming and music are still huge parts of my life but sometimes have to step to the side for the children...(ah they are soo much fun)

Anyways I'll try to stay as active as possible. Free time is definitely a blessing when it does come.

Harry Mar 19th, 2013 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Uchiha Sasuke (Post 134851)
Yeah it has definitely been ages. Pretty much all of us are either married and have families. Steve (Cannibal Clown) was pretty much convinced he would never find anyone...but of course he was wrong and married last year lol.

But yeah it has been quite the blast from the past coming back and seeing how everyone has been.

Also I have to mention that gaming and music are still huge parts of my life but sometimes have to step to the side for the children...(ah they are soo much fun)

Anyways I'll try to stay as active as possible. Free time is definitely a blessing when it does come.

That's really cool! I still remember Cannibal Clown being the wild one in the forums, it was funny. But it is interesting to think about those times in perspective, and happy he found the right person.

Harry Mar 19th, 2013 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by DragonSphere (Post 134837)
Nice to see a bunch of the old names streaming in. Sorry for blanking out again for a few months since my last post. Harry: Saw your email from a few weeks back, and I'm glad it worked! Hopefully more will show their digital faces at some point again. :)

Goodman: You're not alone on finding Far Cry 3 kind of dull. I can enjoy it in quick bursts, but I do get bored of it after awhile.

Gaming-wise, I just spent 16 hours this weekend playing the new SimCity. Haven't binged-played like that in awhile! Great stuff -- when it works. Here's my gaming names if anyone wants to add me:

PS3 = Gunslinger_G
Xbox Live and Steam = theGLOVEbomb

You can find my writing over at GamesBeat. If anyone's got a Twitter, I'm on there too!

Thanks for coming back and posting! It is great to see you are now a journalist! Following you on Twitter (we are @magneticat on there). I will read through your articles, Gamesbeat seems to have nice coverage; I have just not been reading too much about games recently, but I should.


Originally Posted by Sleazy P Martini (Post 134839)
Lol Harry I am FAR from a guitar "expert". I just came out of a long music hiatus and this is my first project. I play bass these days......listened to too much Rush :D

Check out Uchiha Sasuke's band Rogue Gallery! They rock.

Ah! Well switching to a bass is not that unusual for a guitar player. I did the opposite when I was playing guitar loooong time ago! Where can I find
Uchiha's band on the net? I am finding only a U.K. based one (I will look harder later today)!

Sleazy P Martini Mar 22nd, 2013 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Harry (Post 134853)
Ah! Well switching to a bass is not that unusual for a guitar player. I did the opposite when I was playing guitar loooong time ago! Where can I find
Uchiha's band on the net? I am finding only a U.K. based one (I will look harder later today)!

I still play guitar (but just for fun) See me half ass EVH's beat it solo I like bass because there's no hassle with effects or being in the spotlight. I can just chill and hold the groove down. Will's band is here

I think they kick ass. :D

Sleazy P Martini Apr 19th, 2013 10:10 PM

Hey my wife and I just became blue belts in Kyokushin karate. OSU!

goodman Apr 20th, 2013 01:25 AM

Congrats! Martial arts are a wonderful mix of exercise and inner assertivness! I took some for a while in the 90's and really enjoyed it. How long have ya been a student of the martial arts?

Sleazy P Martini Apr 24th, 2013 08:29 AM

Thanks. We trained for a year, then took a year off due to work/life. Been back at it full time for 6 months or so. It is very satisfying.

jjmoohead Jul 7th, 2013 02:20 PM

Hey all, just wanted to drop a quick hello. Not sure why but something inspired me to check out the site today.

I am currently enjoying my summer break from teaching and just celebrated my 32nd Birthday. Funny when you think of how many birthdays I celebrated at this site.

I have preordered a ps4 and recently finished the Last of Us. BEST GAME EVER!

I will check in more frequently this summer as I have a lot of down time.

Phenom Jul 20th, 2013 01:26 AM

Stopping by again to say hello.

Mainly been working. Shift change yet again. Within the last 3 months I've been through more shift changes than I can ever remember doing last year. and it's not by choice either (We don't have a union so I don't get a say in the matter). It feels so weird waking up in the mornings again. I've been working Saturdays too, mainly because my student loans are about to kick back in again (had to do a deferment). These people must really think I'm superman or something.

As far as gaming goes, not much has really changed. Mainly been playing Street Fighter 4 and Street Fighter 3rd Strike. It's because of SF4 that I appreciate 3rd Strike more now. My problem back then with 3S was the roster. Didn't care for them. But seeing these characters in SF4 made me go back to see how they were in 3S, and seeing high level play played a huge role as well.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to go to EVO this year (work and no vacation time left). Had I known that this years EVO was going to be stacked with international powerhouses I would've definitely held out last year and went this year. I did get to see some of it streamed though, and it just don't beat being there to feel the hype.

As for new consoles... I'm going to hold out on getting the PS4. I'm hyped for it, along with some of the titles for it, but I want to give it some time just to see what kind of kinks gotta be worked out. That price point is solid too. Sony really made up for the PS3.

New games I'm waiting for;

Metal Gear Solid 5 (of course)
Ultra Street Fighter 4
Assassin's Creed 4
Batman: Arkham Origins

I feel like I'm missing something, but at the moment those are what amped for.

Anyway, I don't know who play fighting games here (and I'm a scrub in both SF3 and 4), but I'd like to have some Endless Battles someday just for pure fun, although, I don't know why, but my internet is crappy in my room but it seems to functions good in the rest of the house. Wireless routers sucks I guess.

Piggle_humsy Aug 5th, 2021 07:33 PM

Hey all, hope everyone is doing well. What strange times these are

Was just telling my partner about this place so had to stop in and check on it.

We play fall guys daily and as we are long distance we chat on mic during and it helps us stay connected :)

Anyway hope everyone is doing ok and staying safe

jjmoohead Sep 18th, 2021 10:54 AM

I had a facebook memory today from 11 years ago that Harry had responded to all those years ago. It inspired me to come here and take a peek. I just started my 18th year of teaching. Its crazy that I started that journey on this site. There are posts of me moving to England for my first teaching job. Even got to meet piggle in the post above for a brief moment before moving back home to Canada.

I kept the tradition alive of first day PlayStation owner picking up a ps5. Funny thing is I have yet to purchase a PS5 stand alone game. I still play the old PS4 games on it. I mostly play quick style games like Racing games, sports games etc. Just because my life is crazy busy. I get about an hour each evening to play something but am usually so tired I end up just calling it a night. New NHL will probably be my next purcahase.

If anyone stops in, I hope you are all doing well. Crazy memories.

happy_doughnut Sep 23rd, 2021 01:05 AM

ahhhh can?t believe this place is still here! thanks for maintaining, Harry. i have dropped in from time to time over the years ? aww, this was such a big part of my life in my teens.

so happy to read updates from you all.

i am now a teacher, and have moved from CA to WA state here in the US. i got my masters degree a couple of years ago, and that was a huge accomplishment for me!

sadly, i have no more time for gaming ? though i did try to continue the FF games a few months back. after stopping by here, i feel i spired to pick them up again.

hope everyone is safe during these strange and difficult times.

Harry Oct 8th, 2021 07:20 PM

Piggle_humsy, jjmoohead, happy_doughnut, thank you for taking the time to come here and post! What a beautiful surprise.

This place will stay up for as long as I am around. It is really here for this purpose, so that you can come back and read some old posts, and maybe let us know how you are doing, even if it's just once a year.

Piggle_humsy: strange times indeed. What a weird, tough couple of years have we all been going through. I am moved that you still think and talk about this forum! Say hello to your partner from the community!

JJ: 18 years already! Wow! Are you living in Manitoba, still? One of those legendary places for me - I watch and rewatch Guy Maddin's My Winnipeg whenever I can, and I always think about you when I do so. And it is great you still manage to find that hour to play everyday.

Happy_doughnut (mena!) - congratulations on getting the masters' degree (!!!) and for your teaching career. And look, WA state is another place of legend for me. I grew up to Nirvana, grunge and Twin Peaks, and I dreamed of those foggy mountains and woods. Gaming will come back to you when you least expect it to.

Sleazy P, goodman, Phenom: those are very old posts, but I had replied to them and then I had to restore a previous database backup due some hiccups.

I really thank you all for taking the time to write in here, it brightened my day (actually, night).

Not much has changed for me over the years! We are doing fine. I moved around a lot, in search of some kind of fortune or purpose, I suppose. Pu is doing fine, working as an artist (it's tough but worth it). This place reminds me of simpler times - even though, back then, they did not feel like that at all.

A big hug to all of you - and to others that might decide to check these forums. I will try to pay more attention!

jjmoohead Jan 15th, 2022 05:45 PM

Hi Harry,

Yes I am still in Manitoba. Have moved all over the province and have settled back where I grew up. Funny how that worked out.

I don't get to play hour per day but it's there if I wanted it. Iv started a few other hobbies which I seemed to switch back and forth with. It's hard to commit to story based games as there just isn't enough time to dive into like they deserve.

Glad to hear from you and everyone else. Sure do miss these simpler times. Really thought I might work in this industry if teaching didn't work out. I loved reviewing games. Just think Harry we could have been meeting at E3 every year doing podcasts and make the big bucks on YouTube. Ha! Oh well, my face was always much more geared for writen articles anyway.

Until next time!

goodman Mar 3rd, 2022 01:46 PM

Hi guys I am two years away from Medicare! Just turned 63 two weeks ago today! I’m playing Elden Ring on ps4 and pretty much enjoying life. Best wishes and Blessings to you all!

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