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ssjtrunks13 Jan 31st, 2003 10:51 PM

What's a HDD? I just went to and it says the release date is in November.

David Feb 1st, 2003 03:08 AM

I'm so excited!!! Here, read this guys, makes you want it, it is long, but worth it, trust me!!!


And Trunk's I think it's the Hard Disk Drive, but is that the network adaptor?

Harry Feb 1st, 2003 09:10 AM

It's the Hard Disk Drive. Basically, until there aren't official words about the release of the peripheral in North America, the launch of Final Fantasy XI is impossible.

kupoartist Feb 1st, 2003 09:40 AM


Originally posted by Harry
It's the Hard Disk Drive. Basically, until there aren't official words about the release of the peripheral in North America, the launch of Final Fantasy XI is impossible.
It was rumored that Square were considering making the HDD non compulsory for FFXI: after all, the actual installation of the game basically involves you copying the entire contents of the DVD onto the drive, which seems a little un-necessary. Yet, the solution that people were claiming was in development, using a Memory Card for the job, sounds impossible (due to the downloadable updates, which probably total more than 8mb). So I guess the HDD is necessary for the launch after-all. I think that the HDD in the US is likely, if after some delay, but Europe? yet another reason why I think PAL gamers will be forced onto the PC...

ssjtrunks13 Feb 1st, 2003 12:41 PM

I see now! It needs a hard disk drive? Shoot, it's upsetting that if Square over here wouldn't release it. MAybe it'll happen when they group toghther with Enix(I read this in an isuue of PSM that it's actually going to happen)

kupoartist Feb 1st, 2003 01:48 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13
Maybe it'll happen when they group toghther with Enix
I'm not sure if this thing is on or off anymore... about a month ago, a major share holder said that he felt that the deal was bad for Square, and they had to adjust the shares Square employes would receive to appease this guy... and then, Key un-named employees from both companies said that they would leave their respective companies if the merger went ahead. So as far as I know, the whole deal is in limbo. Poo.

Incidently, I've never seen an Enix game in the UK. I've heard about the "Insanely popular Dragon Warrior series that is so insanely popular that you european scum will never play!!!!1" , but I've never seen one available. Weird.

Harry Feb 1st, 2003 10:26 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

It was rumored that Square were considering making the HDD non compulsory for FFXI: after all, the actual installation of the game basically involves you copying the entire contents of the DVD onto the drive, which seems a little un-necessary. Yet, the solution that people were claiming was in development, using a Memory Card for the job, sounds impossible (due to the downloadable updates, which probably total more than 8mb). So I guess the HDD is necessary for the launch after-all. I think that the HDD in the US is likely, if after some delay, but Europe? yet another reason why I think PAL gamers will be forced onto the PC...
The HDD is necessary, on my opinion - also because even if we don't consider expansions and add-ons, patches and updates are a necessity when it comes to online games. And when it comes to MMO games, it's almost impossible to contain the size of patches within a 8MB memory card. ;)

Btw, the artist, I also see the release of the HDD in Europe very very difficult. Damn, everyone is still waiting for the Network Adapter (sorry AdaptOr) to come.

David Feb 2nd, 2003 03:33 AM

Geez. This is not going well for Square... They should of done something about this problem, before the merger. And the HDD problem should of been solved long ago, before FFXI comes out to us. They are so deorganized....

ssjtrunks13 Feb 2nd, 2003 10:25 PM

they'll probably hold back the release date then. Unless they're insanely unorganized or they have something up their sleaves.

David Feb 4th, 2003 04:49 PM

Great... If you go to, the game FFXI, is now delayed, and I mean for a long time... Why Nov. 4, 03!? Why!? I better get a game too enjoy myself awhile. Maybe EQ online adventures.

kupoartist Feb 4th, 2003 05:45 PM


Originally posted by David
Great... If you go to, the game FFXI, is now delayed, and I mean for a long time... Why Nov. 4, 03!? Why!? I better get a game too enjoy myself awhile. Maybe EQ online adventures.
well at least they're being realistic now I suppose. Just consider yourself lucky that FFXI has got a release date at all in the US :/

David Feb 5th, 2003 03:34 PM


Originally posted by the_artist

well at least they're being realistic now I suppose. Just consider yourself lucky that FFXI has got a release date at all in the US :/
Yeah, I suppose. But they could of confirm this sooner... It brought me down like a flap jack, when I saw the date change... You know, it's coming out in a month, and now it's almost next year it's gonna go out. Man! That bites.

ssjtrunks13 Feb 5th, 2003 06:38 PM

I guess we should be thankful it has a release date at all. It just had to be in November, I was hoping to be released soon after I get a job and the money for it. Anyone know the costs involved?

David Feb 5th, 2003 11:41 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13

I guess we should be thankful it has a release date at all. It just had to be in November, I was hoping to be released soon after I get a job and the money for it. Anyone know the costs involved?
Yeah sure, im the right guy to know this.;) The game is about
US $49.99 the game, the expansion card is US$9.99, and monthly fee is US$10.80, price could go up when out, so best to preorder it, if you can.

ssjtrunks13 Feb 6th, 2003 12:04 PM

That's a lot of money, if I were to ever get the game and play it I would have to have the money to pay for the monthly fee, damn.

David Feb 6th, 2003 03:41 PM

But then again Trunks, you will also need a HDD, and a mouse. There could be more?

ssjtrunks13 Feb 6th, 2003 05:01 PM

Sure there might be, I never let that skip over me. My statement would still hold true, though.

David Feb 23rd, 2003 07:14 PM


Originally posted by ssjtrunks13

Sure there might be, I never let that skip over me. My statement would still hold true, though.
Maybe the slow date release is kinda good for you, because it well allow you to save up for the stuff Trunks. If you want to.

ssjtrunks13 Feb 23rd, 2003 09:22 PM

It would and I am happy that there's a chance I will have caught up in the games I want to play. There's a whole list, I'll put some of them up:

Dark Cloud 2
the Breath of Fire game for PS2
Zelda: Link to the Past/Four swords
.Hack: Infection
Devil May Cry 2

dan da man Feb 24th, 2003 07:56 AM

Ive got two question-

1) Does this game have a official release date?

2) Can you get game cards like EQOA?

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