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Qjij_jijQ May 11th, 2002 08:47 PM

Wtf ?!? You're not really gonna wait that long ?
Ah man... if someone dies everyday, you should be done in less than a year.

kamari-ice May 11th, 2002 08:51 PM

Maybe, but it will take a long time than that.
Who knows, they all might come back, instead of Rei.
But, I won't wait long, because you don't want that, so I won't, by november or december

kamari-ice May 11th, 2002 08:56 PM

May 12, 2002

Rei comes back to life, locks up another site, then dies. Qjij_jijQ wakes up to a peaceful morning. Rei is calling him, he says, wtf. Rei appears in the toilet. I mean in the water of the toilet. She says, "get kamari off the site, he keeps spamming." Then she says, "wtf, don't press that flusher, keep kamari away from general CHAT." Qjij_jijQ just flushes the toilet, and goes outside. Mourdor is still asleep in his scooby-doo blanket and pajamas. He wakes, and falls back asleep. Guess who he is dreaming about?

To Be Continued!

Rei May 11th, 2002 09:10 PM


Originally posted by kamari-ice
No, I am making everybody die, because it is called ps2fantasy virus. There will be only one person alive, try to guess who it will be. And if ya'll want to know, I don't know what spamming is, so, SORRY rei for posting a thread you don't like. I am gonna OBEY your rules. :mad:
It's not that I don't like the post, the fact is that posting stuff like that here is forbidden because piracy itself is forbidden by law. Downloading copyrighted stuff from the Internet is piracy. So you cannot post stuff like that in a public place. That's why I have closed your thread.

happy_doughnut May 11th, 2002 09:18 PM

Imagine if Rei closes this thread. That would be funny! :laugh:
Hmm...can I be one of the few that lives? If not...can I have a REALLY REALLY efil death? :D

Qjij_jijQ May 12th, 2002 06:40 AM

Woohoo ! I'm not dead !
Mena, maybe we could escape from the virus together in a spaceship or somethin' :D

Of course that would mean we would have to repopulate the earth by ourselves... :D :D :D

kamari-ice May 12th, 2002 12:55 PM

lol, ya'll two.

May 13, 2002

Mena is dreaming away. Dreaming about if Qjij REALLY likes her. She thinks that she is Hello Kitty, and well she is. She wakes up and notices that Qjij left her a note. It says, "hello, sweet honey bun, I have been dreaming of you, thinking that you are Hello Kitty. Have you too been dreaming, Mena. Well if you don't write back, I know you do. I am the King of the world{end of letter}. Rei somehow comes back to life, and turns to Cartoon Network, and watches Jhonny Bravo. She starts acting like him. Fortune busts in, and Rei starts to watch The Powerpuff Girls. Rei then turns into Bubbles and loses all her hair. Fortune drops all her stuff, and faints. Rei/Bubbles blows a bubble. She then flies over a volcanoe, and somehow loses control and falls in, but before she goes in she rolls down the hill, and doesn't go in to the volcanoe. She takes off her shoe and notices she got Foot Fungus. Mourdor comes out of the blue, and kills her off. He says, "I wish I can keep on coming back like that." Soul comes behind him, and starts to kiss him. Well then you know what happens then.

May 14, 2002

Mena walks around with her cute Hello Kitty purse and says, "where is Fortune?" She almost falls into a crack in the road, but then Qjij comes and saves her. She lives a long life, Thtas what her Horoscope says. And also Qjij does too. Merylsilverberg comes out of a blue ocean, and starts to run for some reason. She can't find her long lost love.

To Be Continued/

Qjij_jijQ May 12th, 2002 01:21 PM

lol !
That, I like ! :D

MakgSnake May 12th, 2002 03:27 PM

I Dunno.
I Dunno Kamari, But This Story Of Yours Doesn't Make Me Laugh At All. Infact, I Thought It Was Corny...And Was Not A Good Humour. Sorry, But Most Of The Time, I Can Tell.....Each Member U Dont Like Or Have Anything Against Ure Swearing Or Making Him/Her Suffer In Ure Fiction. And No One Can Blame U For Talking Or Telling Them Arrogant And Vulgar Stuff Cause Then U'll Say Its Just Pure Fiction And Nothing Else.

I Seriously Think U Could Have Done A Better Job In Making Us All Laugh. I Know People Liked It (Guess They Didn't Get The Reality Behind The Fiction) But Still........!.!

Qjij_jijQ May 12th, 2002 04:03 PM

I know what you're sayin' MakgSnake... Hope there isn't anyone that's actually gettin' hurt in all this, 'cuz if it's the case, it becomes really not a laughing matter.

I don't know... I thought it was all in good fun. Rei didn't seem too offended by that, but it still is some pretty rough stuff. AS long as others don't mind, I guess it's okay...

happy_doughnut May 12th, 2002 10:04 PM

Well, you two do have a point there.
Yet, I think this is just a story. It's just like when I wrote mine. It was supposed to be funny and yet, someone got offended even after I specified that anything said in the story was of no real meaning. People should not get offended over a simple story. Sure, if the writer does in fact do it out of mischief, then they do have a right to be upset.
However, like Qjij said, Rei, IMO, was the only person that could have taken this story offensively. Yet, she didn't.

I mean, come on. These are just stories that are meant for fun. Personally, I did find this story quite humorous.

BTW: Sure Qjij...I think we better begin to plan our escape! :D

Qjij_jijQ May 12th, 2002 10:14 PM

Excellent Mena ! I knew you would come... :D

Let's just hope the future will be kind to us ( kamari-ice )

Have any ideas for our children's names ? ;)
After all... the sake of the entire human race is up to us.

happy_doughnut May 12th, 2002 10:23 PM

Haha !!

Yes, let us hope the future does not suddenly decide to decimate our future plans.

Em, perhaps we should name one after you. Qjij_jijQ. That's a congenial tongue twister, ne? :D

Qjij_jijQ May 12th, 2002 10:27 PM

lol !

I totally agree with you Mena :laugh:
But don't forget that we're in this together... So if it's a girl, let's call her Mena Jr. :D

Or... if we end up having something that's neither a boy nor a girl, we'll just call him/her Mejij or Qjina. What do ya think... honey ? ;)

happy_doughnut May 12th, 2002 10:39 PM

Ah yes, of course we can call her Mena Jr. if she happens to be a female.

A child with no aparent gender you say? Would it then not be considered a monster, or perhaps maybe even a mutant? That'd be a little scary, ne? Ah. I think Qjina would suit it perfectly!
You are such a bright intellectual...honey bunch :laugh:

Qjij_jijQ May 12th, 2002 10:43 PM

Ah ! Come on... you're makin' me blush cupcake ! :D
You know that you're pretty smart yourself...

If our kid ends up being a mutant... We'll just raise "it" like it was a normal kid and maybe, just maybe... someday, "it" will become the next president of the United States... I would be so proud :happy:

With both our superior intellects, we can achieve anythin' !

happy_doughnut May 12th, 2002 10:55 PM

Yes, you are completely right again!
It doesn't matter if our bundle of joy isn't exactly -normal-. We will still raise just as if it were!

Ah, yes. If we coalesce our erudition together, we can create a truly extensive knowledge! Imagine if our little one were to in fact become president...I too would be extremely proud my sweet honey pu!

Qjij_jijQ May 13th, 2002 05:33 AM

Ah ! The joy of being incredibly intelligent... what a blessing ! :D

Plus, if he/she gets your charming personality, no one would ever be able to say no to him/her... It's physically impossible. ;)

I'm sure you can agree with that sweety !

kamari-ice May 13th, 2002 05:35 PM


May 15, 2002

Makgsnake Helps out Qjij_Qjij and Mena{formaly known as Hello Kitty}, out of the hole. Mena gives Makg a kiss on his cheeks. He then gets beet red. He walks around and soon finds this ugly person she says, "You look like a man." He turns around and flicks the finger. Then she says, "Like that hurts me man." Then she says, "You know what?" Makg says, "No?!" She says, "You look like a man." Then Makg, "You look like a B***H." She says, "Tryin to come back huh." He just walks off. Later on he goes into a warp, he then sees the future. He sees him having no true love, he sees a scroll saying, the next women you see will be your true love, and if you don't kiss her, you will not have a true love. He goes back to the present. He bumps into this good lookin women, better lookin than Christina Agularia. She drops her books. Makg helps her out, "Here let me help you." She says, "Thanks, but I can handle it." He helps her out even though, and when they start to get up, Makg kisses her. He french kisses her. Her name is Sara. Maybe they can get the HOOK' UP.
Guess who comes back and says, "You look like a pan."

May 16, 2002

Well everybody is afraid of the Ps2fantasy Virus. Rei is in a someones bed, and when that person puts down the covers she says, "I see dead people." The man just faints. She sits in front of a messed up t.v. and a station that the man can't catch. His wife comes in, and Rei says, "Harry's back." Then she gets a furrball stuck in her throat. She disappears. Fortune wonders what Harry is doing. She is about to go searchin for him, when she opens the door he is standin there with a smile on your face. Fortune gets some VIAGRA from the cabinet. And I don't have to say whats next. *COUGHS, AND CLEARS THROAT*

happy_doughnut May 13th, 2002 11:07 PM

Oh would you look at that. I was not aware of the fact that we were in a hole darling!
Yes dear. Superior knowledge is truly a blessing! However, let's not be arrogant...remember, there's still some humans left besides ourselves! When they're gone...then it'll be different :D

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