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Berserker May 2nd, 2006 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Kaena from teh game, the only thing it has is that Devil Within game...which is actually kind of like an improved "arcade mode".

Okay, thanx kinda dissapointing I was looking forward to playing those.

Phenom May 2nd, 2006 01:49 AM

I am about to start playing FFVII. I'm just going to play it till I get FFVIII back. I've had it (FFVII) for quite some time now, but when I started playing for the 1st time, I turned it off about 5 minutes when you take control of Cloud. Due to graphic issues.... (I'm a graphics whore, and I started out playing FFVIII 1st.... "shrugs") I'm hoping I can look past the graphics this time around. So any advice for a up and coming FFVII player?

merylsilverburg May 2nd, 2006 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Knightmare
I've had it (FFVII) for quite some time now, but when I started playing for the 1st time, I turned it off about 5 minutes when you take control of Cloud. Due to graphic issues.... (I'm a graphics whore, and I started out playing FFVIII 1st.... "shrugs") I'm hoping I can look past the graphics this time around. So any advice for a up and coming FFVII player?

When I first played it in '97/'98, I didn't enjoy it because I never played RPGs before, so I was so utterly lost and confused. But, I finally fully played and finished the game last year, so my only advice for you is to just to stick it out despite the older graphics. And get used to using Materia, which is like the Junction system of FFVIII. The Materia system, which I found confusing at first, is incredibly addictive because with the right Materia and customizations to your weapon, your characters can become super powerful. :)

Playing "Castlevania: Curse of Darkness" right now. It's somewhat fun, somewhat not. :right:

Faile May 2nd, 2006 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Knightmare
I am about to start playing FFVII. I'm just going to play it till I get FFVIII back. I've had it (FFVII) for quite some time now, but when I started playing for the 1st time, I turned it off about 5 minutes when you take control of Cloud. Due to graphic issues.... (I'm a graphics whore, and I started out playing FFVIII 1st.... "shrugs") I'm hoping I can look past the graphics this time around. So any advice for a up and coming FFVII player?

Really, stick with it and just enjoy the way it unfolds. It really is an amazing experience and those graphics were cutting edge, back in the day! I'm still amazed by the game today, it's just a work of beauty.

Edit: Oh, and I'm playing Ultimate Spider Man at the moment.

Phenom May 18th, 2006 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Faile
Really, stick with it and just enjoy the way it unfolds. It really is an amazing experience and those graphics were cutting edge, back in the day! I'm still amazed by the game today, it's just a work of beauty.

Edit: Oh, and I'm playing Ultimate Spider Man at the moment.

I don't really consider cubes or whatever as hands to be cutting edge (nor do I like that chibi [I think that's the word] look), but nevertheless, I put the graphics aside and I am enjoying it a little bit. (I still like FFVIII better though) ^^

I took a break from it and decide to rent Kingdom Hearts 2. It was an experience. I just beat the game, and to be honest, I don't really have much of a problem with the game. Hell, I like this one better than the 1st, but that's just me. And I'm not that much of a fan of the series, so "shrugs"

You can also call me a cinematic freak. The little fighting sequence between
Spoiler: show
Cloud and Sephiroth took the cake.
The reaction commands were pretty nice, but they could've made it a little more challenging like the QTE's in Shenmue.

I know one thing is for sure. I am never entering that door that takes you to Xenmas again. As I am typing this right now, my 1st finger and middle finger is a little shaky because of that one attack
Spoiler: show
Xenmas did with the thousand lasers and you're pressing the triangle and X buttons together rapidly.

Overall, the game was pretty good. I just didn't pay much attention to the story. (I never do in any games which is really a bad habit.)

Sleazy P Martini May 19th, 2006 10:42 AM

I just started Dragon Quest 8. I think I'll be playing that for quite a while :D

Phenom May 23rd, 2006 12:06 PM

Playing FFVII again.... Had to start over because I messed up when getting Yuffie.

Beretta55 May 23rd, 2006 10:35 PM

Well right now I'm playing Grandia 2, Winback 2 and since I got Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition today I'll probably play that too. I'm then putting FF7 and The Suffering: Ties That Bind on the back burner for now.

Sleazy P Martini May 24th, 2006 08:05 AM

Put Dragon Quest aside to try Shadow of the Collossus. That is just nuts!

Berserker May 31st, 2006 01:34 AM

I started replaying Killzone, I realise the main thing I like is the grimmy look of it all and the amazing sound effects and cool Helghast voices....Grenade!!!!....Advance!!!!! :laugh:

Infernal Mass Jun 11th, 2006 09:28 PM

Prince of Pesia The Two Thrones, and Liberty City Stories. Mostly just PoP.

Beretta55 Jun 14th, 2006 06:03 AM

I beat Winback 2 and I bought Marc Eckos: Getting Up Contents Under Pressure for ten bucks new at a circuit city game sale mid May and beat that. It was a surprisingly decent game, it seems like the company who developed and Marc who penned the story and direction of the game actually gave a crap about it and not just looking for a quick dollar.

But for right now I'm playing my 360 since I recently got Hitman: Blood Money, Full Auto (for half price so it was 30 dollars.) and Burnout: Revenge for my 360. Hitman is getting the most play though; I'm addicted to it. :P

Sleazy P Martini Jun 14th, 2006 10:55 AM

Playing Liberty City Stories and Onimusha 3

RobHardo Jun 14th, 2006 02:24 PM

Hitman: Blood Money and Battlefield 2: Armored Fury

Infernal Mass Jun 17th, 2006 06:17 PM

Max Payne, never played it before. Bought Max Payne 1&2 for cheap, Great game so far.

Berserker Jun 20th, 2006 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Infernal Mass
Max Payne, never played it before. Bought Max Payne 1&2 for cheap, Great game so far.

I've seen them laying around for only 10€, let me know if you get further what your impressions are.

Infernal Mass Jun 23rd, 2006 01:06 AM

I got to chapter 2; part seven. Made a mistake though, I went into the options menu and toggled the settings for the weapons. I reconfigured the A button (xbox version) and I could no longer open any cabinets, very strange. I'll have to start over soon.

As for my initial impressions of what I experianced up to that point; The bullet-time gameplay feature has been mimiced/improved apon in multiple games since Max Payne. This was the first game to get it right though, It draws alot of influence from John Woo films and Chow Yun Fat's gunplay style. There's nothing like diving into a room occupied with 5 guys taking them all out in slow motion, the aftermath of all the carnage is pretty sweet. I think it's going to be a pretty solid game, highly recommended for how inexpensive the 2 games are now.

Berserker Jun 23rd, 2006 03:14 AM

Thanx for the info Infernal, sounds like good value for money. It's really a good time to catch up on missed games with the ps3 coming.

Beretta55 Jul 1st, 2006 06:49 AM

I found Guilty Gear X2: #Reload for Xbox about two days ago. Blockbuster/Gamerush was having a game clereance and they had this for five dollars new, I only had to pay that and fourty two cents for the tax, pretty good deal I say.

I'm addicted to this game, I've been out of 2D fighters for a few years but this game alone makes me interested again. So far I'm only decent with Chipp Zanuff and Axl Low. Axl is my all around favorite but blitzing around the screen with Chipp at break neck speeds is something to be seen.

Berserker Jul 3rd, 2006 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Beretta55
I found Guilty Gear X2: #Reload for Xbox about two days ago. Blockbuster/Gamerush was having a game clereance and they had this for five dollars new, I only had to pay that and fourty two cents for the tax, pretty good deal I say.

I'm addicted to this game, I've been out of 2D fighters for a few years but this game alone makes me interested again. So far I'm only decent with Chipp Zanuff and Axl Low. Axl is my all around favorite but blitzing around the screen with Chipp at break neck speeds is something to be seen.

Guilty gear are on of those games, where everything fits perfectly the speed, the controls, character design, music(especially) I love these games! It's a shame their aren't more 2d fighters like guilty gear graphic and presentation-wise cause that would really boost the genre.

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