Including Functions.php

Time Before: 0.00042 seconds
Time After: 0.00050 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00007 seconds

Memory Before: 435.469 KB
Memory After: 445.523 KB
Memory Used: 10.055 KB

Connect to Database on Server: localhost

Time Before: 0.00055 seconds
Time After: 0.03732 seconds
Time Taken: 0.03677 seconds

Memory Before: 445.461 KB
Memory After: 446.375 KB
Memory Used: 0.914 KB

Datastore Setup
SQL Query
FROM datastore
WHERE title IN ('attachmentcache','cron','profilefield','loadcache','noticecache','iconcache','mailqueue','prefixcache')
1SIMPLEdatastore rangePRIMARYPRIMARY52 8100.00Using index condition

Time Before: 0.07628 seconds
Time After: 0.08280 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00652 seconds

Memory Before: 943.133 KB
Memory After: 943.961 KB
Memory Used: 0.828 KB

Time Before: 0.03976 seconds
Time After: 0.08295 seconds
Time Taken: 0.04320 seconds

Memory Before: 446.078 KB
Memory After: 974.156 KB
Memory Used: 528.078 KB

Session Handling
SQL Query
FROM session
WHERE userid = 0
	AND host = ''
	AND idhash = '1a0093adb042331a938f40fa2f251df9'
1SIMPLEsession ALL    241920.10Using where

Time Before: 0.09483 seconds
Time After: 0.10206 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00723 seconds

Memory Before: 992.141 KB
Memory After: 992.578 KB
Memory Used: 0.438 KB

SQL Query
SELECT languageid,
			phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global,
			phrasegroup_forumdisplay AS phrasegroup_forumdisplay,
			phrasegroup_inlinemod AS phrasegroup_inlinemod,
			phrasegroup_prefix AS phrasegroup_prefix,
			options AS lang_options,
			languagecode AS lang_code,
			charset AS lang_charset,
			locale AS lang_locale,
			imagesoverride AS lang_imagesoverride,
			dateoverride AS lang_dateoverride,
			timeoverride AS lang_timeoverride,
			registereddateoverride AS lang_registereddateoverride,
			calformat1override AS lang_calformat1override,
			calformat2override AS lang_calformat2override,
			logdateoverride AS lang_logdateoverride,
			decimalsep AS lang_decimalsep,
			thousandsep AS lang_thousandsep
FROM language
WHERE languageid = 1
1SIMPLElanguage systemPRIMARY   1100.00 

Time Before: 0.10540 seconds
Time After: 0.10948 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00407 seconds

Memory Before: 1,004.055 KB
Memory After: 1,004.055 KB
Memory Used: 0.000 KB

Time Before: 0.08313 seconds
Time After: 0.10960 seconds
Time Taken: 0.02648 seconds

Memory Before: 986.953 KB
Memory After: 1,045.117 KB
Memory Used: 58.164 KB

SQL Query
FROM style
WHERE (styleid = 5 AND userselect = 1)
	OR styleid = 5
ORDER BY styleid ASC
1SIMPLEstyle constPRIMARYPRIMARY2const1100.00 

Time Before: 0.13550 seconds
Time After: 0.13678 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00128 seconds

Memory Before: 1,184.758 KB
Memory After: 1,185.344 KB
Memory Used: 0.586 KB

SQL Query
SELECT title, template
FROM template
WHERE templateid IN (18403,18492,18848,18850,18849,18503,18500,18502,18499,18501,18507,18509,18493,18506,18494,18495,18508,18510,18505,15976,18909,18838,10350,7917,14226,18406,18405,18407,18402,18401,18678,14225,7055,18631,18632,18898,18901,18910,18651,18652,18653,18654,18852,18915,18914,18916,18919,18925)
1SIMPLEtemplate rangePRIMARYPRIMARY4 48100.00Using index condition

Time Before: 0.15439 seconds
Time After: 0.18968 seconds
Time Taken: 0.03529 seconds

Memory Before: 1,369.883 KB
Memory After: 1,371.266 KB
Memory Used: 1.383 KB

End call of global.php: 0.23116493225098
SQL Query
SELECT forum.forumid, lastpost, lastposter, lastthread, lastthreadid, lasticonid, threadcount, replycount, lastpostid, lastprefixid
FROM forum AS forum
1SIMPLEforum ALL    26100.00 

Time Before: 0.28524 seconds
Time After: 0.29025 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00500 seconds

Memory Before: 1,555.531 KB
Memory After: 1,558.195 KB
Memory Used: 2.664 KB

SQL Query
SELECT moderator.*, user.username,
IF(user.displaygroupid = 0, user.usergroupid, user.displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid
FROM moderator AS moderator
INNER JOIN user AS user USING(userid)
1SIMPLEmoderator ALLuserid_forumid   40100.00 
1SIMPLEuser eq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4psfantasy-forums.moderator.userid1100.00 

Time Before: 0.30290 seconds
Time After: 0.31516 seconds
Time Taken: 0.01225 seconds

Memory Before: 1,608.781 KB
Memory After: 1,611.984 KB
Memory Used: 3.203 KB

SQL Query
SELECT user.username, (user.options & 512) AS invisible, user.usergroupid,
	session.userid, session.inforum, session.lastactivity, session.badlocation,
	IF(user.displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, user.displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid
FROM session AS session
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON(user.userid = session.userid)
WHERE session.lastactivity > 1716948303
ORDER BY username ASC, lastactivity DESC
1SIMPLEsession ALL    2419233.33Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1SIMPLEuser eq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4psfantasy-forums.session.userid1100.00 

Time Before: 0.32954 seconds
Time After: 0.47160 seconds
Time Taken: 0.14206 seconds

Memory Before: 1,712.148 KB
Memory After: 2,953.266 KB
Memory Used: 1,241.117 KB

SQL Query
	announcement.announcementid, startdate, title, announcement.views,
	user.username, user.userid, user.usertitle, user.customtitle, user.usergroupid,
	IF(user.displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, user.displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid
FROM announcement AS announcement

LEFT JOIN user AS user ON(user.userid = announcement.userid)

WHERE startdate <= 1716951903
	AND enddate >= 1716951903
	AND forumid IN (12,8,-1)
ORDER BY startdate DESC, announcement.announcementid DESC
1SIMPLEannouncement rangeforumid,enddateenddate6 124.00Using index condition; Using filesort
1SIMPLEuser eq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4psfantasy-forums.announcement.userid1100.00 

Time Before: 2.36699 seconds
Time After: 2.47562 seconds
Time Taken: 0.10863 seconds

Memory Before: 1,743.453 KB
Memory After: 1,743.516 KB
Memory Used: 0.063 KB

SQL Query
SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads, SUM(IF(thread.lastpost > 1716951903 AND open <> 10, 1, 0)) AS newthread

FROM thread AS thread

WHERE forumid = 12
	AND sticky = 0
	 AND visible = 1
1SIMPLEthread refforumid,catorderforumid6const,const,const345100.00 

Time Before: 2.49700 seconds
Time After: 2.51892 seconds
Time Taken: 0.02192 seconds

Memory Before: 1,749.703 KB
Memory After: 1,750.117 KB
Memory Used: 0.414 KB

SQL Query
SELECT thread.threadid, lastpost, open
FROM thread AS thread
WHERE forumid = 12
	AND sticky = 1
	 AND visible = 1
1SIMPLEthread refforumid,catorderforumid6const,const,const1100.00 

Time Before: 2.52571 seconds
Time After: 2.55631 seconds
Time Taken: 0.03060 seconds

Memory Before: 1,750.320 KB
Memory After: 1,750.750 KB
Memory Used: 0.430 KB

SQL Query
SELECT  thread.threadid,
	thread.lastpost, thread.lastposter, thread.lastpostid, thread.replycount, IF(thread.views<=thread.replycount, thread.replycount+1, thread.views) AS views
FROM thread AS thread

WHERE forumid = 12
	AND sticky = 0
	 AND visible = 1 
ORDER BY sticky DESC, lastpost DESC
LIMIT 120, 20
1SIMPLEthread refforumid,catorderforumid6const,const,const345100.00Using where

Time Before: 2.56605 seconds
Time After: 2.59350 seconds
Time Taken: 0.02745 seconds

Memory Before: 1,752.086 KB
Memory After: 1,753.438 KB
Memory Used: 1.352 KB

SQL Query
	IF(votenum >= 1, votenum, 0) AS votenum,
	IF(votenum >= 1 AND votenum > 0, votetotal / votenum, 0) AS voteavg,
 post.pagetext AS preview,
	thread.threadid, thread.title AS threadtitle, thread.forumid, pollid, open, postusername, postuserid, thread.iconid AS threadiconid,
	thread.dateline, notes, thread.visible, sticky, votetotal, thread.attach, thread.lastpost, thread.lastposter, thread.lastpostid, thread.replycount, IF(thread.views<=thread.replycount, thread.replycount+1, thread.views) AS views,
	thread.prefixid, thread.taglist, hiddencount, deletedcount
FROM thread AS thread
	LEFT JOIN post AS post ON(post.postid = thread.firstpostid)
WHERE thread.threadid IN (0,5549,5509,5555,5402,5562,5399,5477,5497,5355,5368,5267,5346,5443,5113,4984,5270,5418,5403,5392,5204) 
ORDER BY sticky DESC, lastpost DESC
1SIMPLEthread rangePRIMARYPRIMARY4 21100.00Using index condition; Using filesort
1SIMPLEpost eq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4psfantasy-forums.thread.firstpostid1100.00 

Time Before: 2.61639 seconds
Time After: 2.62365 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00726 seconds

Memory Before: 1,754.258 KB
Memory After: 1,758.203 KB
Memory Used: 3.945 KB Forums Database Error
Database Error Database error
The Forums database has encountered a problem.

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  • Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
  • Open the home page, then try to open another page.
  • Click the Back button to try another link.
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