View Full Version : Phoenix Arizona

Jul 14th, 2008, 06:10 AM
Mainly to the folk who lives in/been to/know about Arizona.

I don't talk about what I do too much mainly because I don't do anything at the moment. However, October 6, 2008 (Graduation Oct something 2009.. And there are bonus / extended-like programs that'll help you finish paying off your tuition.) I'll be starting school. (6 fricken long years since I've been in school. You know how that goes.. Procrastinate > Financial issues > long wait) In any case, I'll be attending U.T.I. (Universal Techinical Institute. That car school that's been getting advertised all over the place.) I'll be in the Avondale area. I plan on relocating Aug 27 so I can get familiar with the environment, and get a job and whatnot (I want to leave earlier than that, but "parents money, parents rules" so I won't rush it.)

Unfortunately, there are no dorms, but I do get apartments in it's place. The housing department emailed me a list of apartments to look into, and I must say majority of them sounds promising, some expensive, but promising nonetheless. I do intend to have a roommate though, so, yeah. Also, majority of these apartments that're listed are in the Avondale, Glendale, Goodyear area. All are fairly close to the campus. (1 in Peoria.) In case some of you want to know the name of a couple of these apartments: Palm Valley Luxury (Goodyear AZ), Northern Greens (Glendale AZ)

What's it like there?

Outside of the excessive heat and bugs (scorpions), what should I expect?

I probably won't have any time for it since I'll be working and going to school, (6 hours every morning and work in the afternoon or evening) but what kind of side activities are there to do? I'm in Detroit, so I wouldn't know what kind of side stuff to do outside of going bowling, skating (fights), malls (fights), or going to restaurants. (All of which, outside of bowling is pretty boring to me now, atleast here anyway)

I have a friend in Arizona (who I can't get in touch with for nothing) that says jobs are easy to come by. True? I'd actually almost settle for anything seeing how jobs seems to be dwindling each month/year/day.

Uh.. It'll feel really good to get out of the state for a change. (off of the EAST COAST/MIDWEST for the first time.) I haven't been stoked about anything in a long time... so, yeah. Go me "shrugs"