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Feb 10th, 2005, 02:08 AM
Hey guys :)

I have a question. :p

The other day, whilst I was watching the grass grow, I started to think about something:

Is there really such a thing as the "mind?" Do we really "think thoughts?"

I know this sounds rather silly maybe, but think about it. Could it be that we really don't think? I mean, how do we know that we do? It's not something that can be observed or measured (yeah, I know: feelings would be the same, but at the same time, they are different), so how do we know that we are thinking? I mean, sure, we can't "see" love or hatred and so on, but these things manifest themselves by visible actions. For example, when we are in love, we may say "I love ___" or simply give a hug, and when we are angry, we may yell or get red in the face. So, even though we can't directly "see" these things, they are manifested in a physical form by observable bodily actions.

Yet, thinking is different. I mean, could what we dub "thoughts" be a mere form of sub-speech? We may simply be "talking" inside out heads (and no, that and thinking are not the same thing), you know?

Ah, I don't know if this makes sense. It's just something I've been thinking about, but frankly, it's kind of confusing.

But anyways, I thought I'd share and see some more opinions. :)

Your thoughts?

Feb 10th, 2005, 02:35 AM
Hehe, isn't it a little early to be thinking these kind of things?

Actually, I have no idea how to think of it. There are times when they are actually thoughts, like when you are trying to compute an answer to a question like, "Where is this?" or "How many of this will fit into here?". Then, there are times when you are really talking to yourself. It seems that the voice in your head gets louder, almost like you actually hearing it through vocal speech. I normally get this when I am thinking about what I am going to do about a specific person or other major issues that I usually think about when I am alone (I had to do this a lot recently). Its more like talking to yourself without talking. It kind of brings reassurance when you conclude an answer as if you were talking to someone about it and getting a response from them.

Then, there is also a spiritual thing that could be involved with it. My beliefs in souls and that nature has to do with it. Our minds aren't really minds, more like channeling points to where our consciousness/soul communicates with our brain and body (thus the voice that you hear when you are "talking" with yourself). Obviously, this is just a personal belief and definitely not a proved theory.

Feb 10th, 2005, 07:18 PM
Wouldn't I have to think about your question to give you an answer? :)
That's food for thought! ;)

Piggle :roll:
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