View Full Version : and now for something completely different

Dec 29th, 2004, 09:20 AM
I've been browsing.. and thinking of something... something that i really need... a place to vent.. about whatever... this may not be a heavily used thread... but ya know.. actually i might remember the "advice" thread.. a while back.. the idea i have is more of building us as a community... not one person giving or seeking advice.. since i've been here ... around 2001.. i've met such wonderful people here... and i count them among my greatest friends.... so yeah. heres the long and short...

express things that are on your mind or that are upsetting you... and anyone who might have a helpful idea or thought on how to help.. post... just use it smartly and no scolding people.. use this as a means for support.. not demeaning our friends. so.. yeah... i guess i'll start by being open:

at the current moment... i have a bunch of "stuff" on my mind... and it is really keeping me down... i dont have a job anymore... and recently.. yours truly has quit doing drugs and drinking... now yeah thats a great step and all.. but for the past few years... honestly drugs were my way of dealing with problems.. well now that i've quit... they are all here for me to face full on... and its really really hard... i'm having a lot of trouble dealing with it.. all my emotions that have been dead from all the using.. are back and i dont know what to do with them... i feel hopeless and lost and i dont know where to turn... so i decided to stop being so bottled up and ask my friends for help... so.. help? :)

Dec 29th, 2004, 06:36 PM
Tempted...tempted...aahh...no..lol..i won't comment this in here...because:
A. i don't need to do it here,
B. i know all the details (thanks again for the trust hun :)),
C. you already know what i think and
D. i rather say it directly to you...

oh wait...i already did.;)

Keep your head up...things will get better...and trust me, you can do this. :)

Urahara Kisuke
Dec 29th, 2004, 07:38 PM
Good luck with this. Hopefully you can succeed and stay off those. Once again, good job and hopefully you can get a job soon too to help you out. Now for those emotions, I have no idea what to do, but stay with it, its better without smoking and such. :cool:

Dec 30th, 2004, 02:28 AM
It's a good thing you're trying to quit(obviously), it's indeed best that you quit both drinking and drugs cause if you use drugs these two are closely related how many times did you tell yourself I'm not gonna get charlie and after you're pissed drunk you're on your way to some "friend"...believe me I know what you're talking about :disturb:

For the returning of emotions which you haven't had in a while it's also a normal thing but one of the hardest things to deal with, drugs make you heartless(to say it bluntly) and the return of your heart doesn't go without the accompanied pain. One thing that helped me a lot was focusing on my physical health I started working out, doing muay thai again etc.etc. But you'll have to find your own way in this but I'm sure you'll make it in the end( no one does it right the first time and maybe never 100% remember that also). But every step in the right direction is one step further from the wrong direction.

Drop me an email if you care to discuss this further my friend!

Good luck and take care!!!