View Full Version : Sick and tired.... maybe

May 13th, 2004, 09:16 AM
Well i was just wondering... we were supposed to have Halo2 around... well forever ago or more accurately this past thanksgiving.. then it was several other dates.. .and now the most current date i have heard is November 9th... i mean.. damn.... i am a huge halo fan... i even bought the "H-box" special edition halo xbox... i mean... i. am hardcore if anyone is... but what i am having trouble with is waiting so goddamn long... but i am sure of this... from screens i've seen... and from talking to certain people *bunjie... cough ... bunjie*... it will be worth the wait... but i really am getting sad w/out it... i wake up in a cold sweat w/ my halo controller in my hand and i realise that i am crying cause i dont have Halo2 yet...

so is anyone else sharing in my anguish of severe frustration but at the same time anticipation of perhaps the greatest game ever :ahoy: ... well share your thoughts or comment on my insanity

May 13th, 2004, 10:47 AM
so is anyone else sharing in my anguish of severe frustration but at the same time anticipation of perhaps the greatest game ever :ahoy: ... well share your thoughts or comment on my insanity
Perhaps its because I don't have an XBox. Perhaps its because Halo was IMO, the seriously most over-hyped and disappointing game i've ever played. Perhaps its because the latest batch of multiplayer screenshots look like nothing has changed whatsoever. But i'm finding the wait for perhaps the best game ever (and I agree that it has a serious chance of this, despite all of the above) totally bareable :)

Delays aren't particuarly nice... but at the end of the day, there'll be a million other games to make the wait a little bareable. I think of it this way: If Bungie were forced to release the game tommorow, they'd go and copy and paste all the maps again. You're waiting for the kind of quality that Halo had oozed out of it the minute that Microsoft employed Bungie and told them they had only a few months to complete the game. A Concrete release date of November 7th is also a good thing: it means that finally, they're getting confident about when they're going to ship the game. Bungie are a half decent company (unlike Valve. Sep 30th 2003 my bum), and provided nothing really bad happens, you'll get your Halo 2 on November 7th.

May 13th, 2004, 11:14 AM
Ive been saying that about Doom 3 for some time now, but maybe, just maybe, its coming out on pc next month, and i will be happy to be the first to comment on it! Got it on order from EBWorld...

May 13th, 2004, 11:18 AM
Ive been saying that about Doom 3 for some time now, but maybe, just maybe, its coming out on pc next month, and i will be happy to be the first to comment on it! Got it on order from EBWorld...
Doom 3 has offically been confirmed for a "Summer 2004" release. If not next month, then July or August (and an offical announcement is usually against their policy). Interestingly, Half-Life 2 is supposedly headed for a Summer 2004 release... I have my doubts though. Gabe Newell is a nasty little liar :) .

May 13th, 2004, 11:24 AM
I ordered it in January, it was supposed to release in April, this better be one hellacious game for all the waiting they have made us do. But, that being said, i have a feeling it will be...

May 13th, 2004, 11:36 AM
I ordered it in January, it was supposed to release in April, this better be one hellacious game for all the waiting they have made us do. But, that being said, i have a feeling it will be...
Was Janurary an offical date though? sounds more like a generic fictional E-Tailer release date based on speculation rather than offical announcements :)

Its all a bit silly getting annoyed at companies for not releasing their games on time though. Even those of us who've preordered titles have entered into no financial agreement - if they never release the game, we'll be refunded our money as if nothing ever happened. They have no obligation to us to release games, its just in their financial interest. There is no rational reason why we should get annoyed because they're holding the game back to finish it off and released a polished product. Release dates are rarely concrete even when they're offical, and should never be taken as a strict "right, X game is going to drop through my post-box on XX/XX/XXXX". Thats not to say it doesn't annoy me that I can't play Doom III and Half-Life 2 this very second... but at least they have perfectly legit reasons for holding the release back. Now... holding back the European release of Deus Ex 2 was just criminal: not only did UK gamers have to needlessly wait 3 months for the game to be "localised" into a language we already spoke, but the mound of bug-fixes the put into what ammounted to a terrible, terrible game meant that the North Americans who got the game were effectively unpaid Beta testers. Hell... Deus Ex 2 just makes me... mad, mad mad! :frust:

Uchiha Sasuke
May 13th, 2004, 11:40 AM
Yeah Halo was one of the best games ever created and Halo 2 looks to out to it easily. But its going to be hard as hell to wait for November 9th to roll around so we can actually get it. And boy I am sure glad that I pre order because this game is going to be soooooo DAMN big its not going to be funny.

BTW Trunks did you see the limited edition copy of Halo 2 available for pre-order? You might want to check Gamestop or Ebgames. It looks really tight and I even order myself one of those :)

May 13th, 2004, 11:57 AM
I ordered Doom 3 in January, but it was supposed to release this past April. I dont pay anything at all until the game ships, put it on a credit card, and there is a souvenir item they toss in. But yeah if it were to never come out id never be paying anything. There have been games in the past that were delayed a great deal, this past year Fatal Frame 2 was delayed twice, but will say again, its been the best investment ive made the past two years since the first game came out...

May 13th, 2004, 05:20 PM
Bunjie throws out release dates to quiet these stupid over the top rabid Halo fan boys from emailing them asking for a release every day. Theyre simply trying to keep the public happy. So I can frogive them for the early releases not being accurate. Bunjie will release Halo when its done. So why bitch about the multiple release dates. Youd rather they release it prematurely and have it suck ?. (As if Halo could ever suck).

Its going to be the best game out when it does release, and I dont care if its released tommorow or 5 months from now. Ive seen all the new footage and heard about the new gameplay aspects. Its looking to be faaar better than the original allready. Call it what you want, but when it DOES release...X box Live will be THE PLACE TO BE.And IMO Halo 2 will be one of , if not the best game released within the last 2 decades. If not EVER. (Hard to compare new ones to things like pong and Space Invaders, so I dont)

May 13th, 2004, 11:21 PM
BTW Trunks did you see the limited edition copy of Halo 2 available for pre-order? You might want to check Gamestop or Ebgames. It looks really tight and I even order myself one of those :)

actually i did :) and i pre ordered it at gamestop about... hmm.. 3 or 4 months ago and i got a call from them telling me that my copy of the limited edition is the one i have pre ordered via my request... so i have 3 copies on pre order... 2 regs and the special... and before you ask... i have 3 xboxes... so thats why :) and the H box... sorry... i like to brag a lil