View Full Version : What is 'talent'?

Nov 27th, 2002, 06:01 AM
Having been forced to watch PopStars during tea-time, I have increasingly heard the word talent being thrown around. It got me wondering what exactly talent it.

Some people display a natural affinity for things and hence become very acomplished at something. Others lack a natural afinity but can learn to do something and become very acomplished - it will just be harder work for them. Finally there are people who simply cannot do something.

For example, take playing a musical instrument. No one is born able to play an instrument - it is something that must be learned. However, those with a natural afinity towards music may find they 'get the hang of it' quicker.

Now take singing as an example. You cannot learn to sing. You either can or you can't - one is simply born that way. You can be taught to sing better, but I don't believe it is something that can be learned. I am completely tone deaf - I can't sing for the life of me, but I can play the drums even if I had to learn them.

So which is talent and which is a gift? I would be tempted to say that anything learned is a talent, anything innate (such as singing) is a gift. But then I saw this:talĀ·ent
A marked innate ability, as for artistic accomplishment. See Synonyms at ability.

Natural endowment or ability of a superior quality.
A person or group of people having such ability: The company makes good use of its talent. This totally contradicts my original thought. So if learning to play an instrument is not a talent (because, by definition, it's not an innate ability unlike singing), then what is it?

Is it a skill instead? I don't know.

This does not have to apply to music either, this can equally apply to such things a sports, playing video games and so on.

Any thoughts anyone?

- S

Nov 27th, 2002, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon

So which is talent and which is a gift? I would be tempted to say that anything learned is a talent, anything innate (such as singing) is a gift. But then I saw this:This totally contradicts my original thought. So if learning to play an instrument is not a talent (because, by definition, it's not an innate ability unlike singing), then what is it?

Good question. I always thought that "talent" and "gift" was...what you once thought: something learned for talent and something innate for gift. But, when you posted the dictionary quote, I became confused. So, I'm guessing that maybe "talent" and "gift" are the same meaning (being innate) but each applies to different things. Like, being talented would be something like drawing well and something gifted would be having an unusually high IQ.

My thoughts on this probably sounds really stupid, so I apologize for not giving a more intelligent reason. :(

Nov 27th, 2002, 07:36 AM
a talent is only as good as what you do with it.

Nov 27th, 2002, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by merylsilverburg

Good question. I always thought that "talent" and "gift" was...what you once thought: something learned for talent and something innate for gift. But, when you posted the dictionary quote, I became confused. So, I'm guessing that maybe "talent" and "gift" are the same meaning (being innate) but each applies to different things. Like, being talented would be something like drawing well and something gifted would be having an unusually high IQ.

My thoughts on this probably sounds really stupid, so I apologize for not giving a more intelligent reason. :(That's another excellent example of something I didn't think of - art and drawing. Again I believe you can be taught techniques to improve your ability - but some people simply do not have an eye for things, and cannot translate what they 'see' into an image of sorts.

Here's another definition that I think may be relevant:skill
Proficiency, facility, or dexterity that is acquired or developed through training or experience. See Synonyms at ability.

An art, trade, or technique, particularly one requiring use of the hands or body.So going by this definition, playing a musical instrument or being good at a sport is not talent, but in fact a skill. So Michael Jordan would be classed as skilled, but Madonna for example would be classed as talented.

I don't know if I'm entirely comfortable with these definitions. Any more thoughts?

Faile, I'm not discussing the use, merits or worth of 'talent'. I trying to find out what can be called a talent, and what shouldn't be.

- S

Nov 27th, 2002, 12:36 PM
Talent is.... well, nonexistent in most of the "pop" market. *chuckles* Bad scource, Spank. :D

Anyway.. I think it's an ability either learned or endowed from birth. That's the way I've always thought of it. Then again I never went and looked it up in the dictionary.

I think that being good at a sport is Talent as well. It's not all skill, there's an affinity for the movements built in to the body in many cases. *shrugs*

I've just gone through life using the term to define multiple things, I suppose. If somebody actually calls me on the definition some time then I'll explain it briefly.

I think that talent extends to a better ability than some or most when it comes to most things though. People can be talented with computers. One example, both myself and a close friend of mine went through junior high, high school, then through an accellerated curriculum college specializing in IT. We both had minimal prior computer experience, but while all the stuff clicked in my head and I dove right into the information my friend floundered, despite recieving the same amount of training. Now, at this point we've both long passed the course and gone on to respective careers, but I'm still more capable with computers. Am I talented, or skilled? Is he skilled as well? since the same training was given to him, and he has learned how to and can work with computers, just not as effectively.

Nov 27th, 2002, 01:03 PM
The word Talent has been used in different ways during the past years. Like you mentioned the word defination of "Talent"....

When we see a person playing an instrument in the best of its manner, first thing that comes out is "He/She is soo talented". And that person would conclude his/her sentence by saying. "I am Talented, but it took me a few years to achieve this talent".

Where as there are some, that use another term of Talent. That is "Inborn Talent". Two different things they are.

According to the defination you mentioned, "Inborn Talent" is suppose to be real meaning behind the word "Talent".

But now a days, when we see someone sketching, knowing that he/she never took any classes for it. We say "He/She is gifted or Blessed". Not exactly using the word Talented.

So words have been used in a wrong way these days I believe.

But Talent according to me, can be achieved by working hard.

I believe any humanbeing is capabale of doing anything on this planet. All they have to do is put some intrest in it. Everything is achievable. Its the intrest that matters the most.

You can be not intrested in Guitar, but you can learn it, if forced. But if you are intrested, you'll learn more quickly and could end up being the best.

But yes, having skills and having a talent are two different things. Yup. Thats where we go wrong. We see a person being very good in something, and we say "He is soo talented", may be its because we are more used to that term now.

You can learn anything, and I mean anything there is. It all depends when exactly you are starting to learn something. Learning something at an early age can do wonders for you. There is a way of doing something/anything. Anybody can learn to sing, its not something that could only be gifted and can be blessed. Thats why we start learning how to read and write at an early age. Because thats the most important learning stage of our lives, not saying we cannot learn anything after a certain age. But like you said, Singing can only be gifted and cannot be learned, which I think is wrong.

I'll say again, anybody on this planet is capable of learning/doing anything they want. Its just the intrest that helps us more.

Cannibal Clown
Nov 27th, 2002, 05:11 PM
Well i haven't really found out what talent really is. So far, whatever it is though, i'm lacking it, in every way, shape, and form.

I guess in short, talent is just the ability to do something in a way that is superior to most. Like a sport, singing, writing, level of thinking, building, acting, or anything else that you might hear the word talent used to describe.

Well that's my opinion i guess. Hope it helps.