View Full Version : personalities

Nov 22nd, 2002, 12:44 AM
how many personalities do u have, I have lots, thats y noone understands me. I have school personality, friends personality, in front of parents personality, church personality, and in front of teacher after school personality, in front of cousins and uncles, G/F personalities, home alone personalities, etc.

how many do u have?

Nov 22nd, 2002, 12:50 AM
Interesting. Well....I have 3: School, home, and people. :)
When I'm at school, I don't joke around much, hardly smile...well...just be dull since everyone hates me there, so there's no point.

At home, I'm more loose and free, so my real self comes out.

When I talk to other people, I'm more shy, polite, and cautious of them, sometimes kinda cold. I'm just one paranoid person. :heh:

Nov 22nd, 2002, 12:52 AM
School- My nonchalant nature. I just try and have a good time with my friends and acquintances.

Home- If I don't feel like doing anything, I go home. I usually sit in my room and play EQ, PS2, LR, or check my forums and e-mail. If it is nice out, I play sports or walk my dog.

GF- A more caring, softer me. This rarely happens where I end up like this and it is never in public.

DD- We'd have less fun here if we were high. Everyone just has too much of a fun time.

I guess that makes 4.

Nov 22nd, 2002, 12:52 AM
at school im.....outsideish and dark...since nobody really cares if im alive or dead so why be nice?

at home thats where im more relaxed....thats where i can show my nice energy since im around people that understand the way i think.

and around people....i dont really talk to many people but the ones i do im nice and can sometimes be a smart ass...so yeah:laugh:

Nov 22nd, 2002, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by beretta55

at school im.....outsideish and dark...since nobody really cares if im alive or dead so why be nice?

at home thats where im more relaxed....thats where i can show my nice energy since im around people that understand the way i think.

and around people....i dont really talk to many people but the ones i do im nice and can sometimes be a smart ass...so yeah:laugh:

almost exactly the same personalities so i see no point of typing it up.

Nov 22nd, 2002, 01:12 AM
I have pritty much 1 personality, but I do have my moods. Like if im grumpy Im rather quite and too my self, if im happy i joke around and act dumb for the most part, but im always the same me.

Nov 22nd, 2002, 01:53 AM
Im too complex a person for my own good and couldn't possibly describe my personality(ies) of the top of my head. So I'll have to get back to you guys on that one. One thing I'll say is all my different "personalities" tend to tie into eachother in some way. Like one part of me is very dark, but in a positive way more than anything else...atleast to who I am. I'm not cold in anyway. Dark and warm are big aspects of who I am. All kinds of different aspects of who I am tie into the way I care about people very strongly. I've always felt that one of the most important things in life is to be caring about others.

Umm lemme think...

For example
I would say I would act like kinda introverted and withdrawn a lot of the time back in high school when my friends weren't around at the moment...so that was one personality I had, but it tied into another one of my personalities in a positive way because where I saw the absence of what was missing in one scenario I would make sure i was caring enought to my friends to make that a tight bond and a better environment for me and them. At the same time I worry if people are really that interested in me. Even though I know I have a lot to offer in terms of being interesting...well most of the time anyway. So there's 2 personalities that tie into eachother right there. Maybe I'm tryin to say let your different personalities learn from eachother to help you out in life. Fix one thing or improve it in one area where you can't in another so well and vice versa. That's how they tie in I guess.

Another personality of mine is the dark and mysterious and creative and artistic one and aspects of it show up when I'm dealing with adifferent situations...probably more of it with those I feel more comfortable with.

Sorry I can't describe this darkness thing to you...it's hard to explain. I find solace here. maybe another time? cool.

I was ranting, wasn't I? It was kind of a mindless rant to cuz Iwas all over the place and not sure what I was saying...or why I was saying it. I guess I've been having a rough week and typing away and not caring what comes out and whether it makes sense has been kind of therapeutic to me.

I think this multiple personality question just confused me for some reason. Maybe I'm tired.

_RED_ stuff

Nov 22nd, 2002, 11:20 AM
I have a lot too. Here they are:

In school, at home, around friends, in church, after I get my report card and show it to my parents. These are all the times where it's like I'm a different person to other people.

Darkness 4 Hire
Nov 22nd, 2002, 12:17 PM
Well I really think I have 2 personalities...One when i'm with my bros...and another sweeter more nice one towards my freaks. I think that would all I have.

Pu the Owl
Nov 22nd, 2002, 01:21 PM
There's an amazing book about this multiple roles and personalities subject called "One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand" (original title :"Uno, nessuno e centomila") by the Italian writer Luigi Pirandello.
If you like to read, go for it ;)

Nov 22nd, 2002, 03:44 PM
I have, basically, just one. Try to be kind to everyone and as friendly as I can. Always trying to call the attention but with teh sole purpose of making friends. I curse like a sailor. Although I know when and where to watch my mouth, usually, although this changes dramatically when I am in a bad moood :laugh:

Sword 4 Hire
Nov 22nd, 2002, 04:20 PM
I'm usually always carefree and enjoyable, I try and make a joke out of anything and I strive on laughter, so I'm usually always crackin jokes and trying to be as laid back and lazy as possible...

Oh and D4H you forgot the personality trait where you flip out and go crazy...usually resulting in me getting my ass whooped :laugh:

Cannibal Clown
Nov 22nd, 2002, 04:42 PM
Well, i guess i have a wide range of personality. Usually, around my friends, I'm very wild and fun, never shutting up, and not really caring about how stupid i may look when i'm asked to do something funny.

The around my family, i'm still more wild of a person, but stay to my self usually. I go in my room, and stay there for most of the night. Because my family has a unique way of being masters of the art of ass holio.

The with the rest of school, i'm still kinda the same, very upbeat and active, but refrain from making myself too noticable, because with most people i don't know, or who aren't good friends of mine, i'd like to stay to myself with.

Then there is the other side of me, which doesn't get out too much, where i'm very quiet, seemed pissed off at everyone, simply because life is constantly finding ways to suck, a lot. I decide that i hate the world and that my life just isn't good enough to bother living through any more.

But then the caring, realistic, sensitive, understanding, sweet, loving, half of me will usually get the best of me, and that my sence of humor about pretty much everything will get me through most aspects of my life. yay.

Nov 22nd, 2002, 07:00 PM
In school, I go from talkitive to sad to happy and excedingly happy then sad me/ sometimes mad me. The most feared silent me.[Nice/crazy/retarded/caring/loveable/ sometimes mean and rude]

Home, I'm happy, then angry, and then extremely angered. After that I'm irritated then I become happy again happy. Finally I get sad, then tired.[irritated/somewhat helpful/ lazy/argumentive]

Around friends, sad to happy to goofy.
[caring, funny, loveable, fun/slow]

Around family (let's say at parties), well mannered, quiet or somewhat talkitive at a very low level.

When I'm writing on my novella or something that needs alot of work, you better not bother me unless you want me to chew your head off.

That's about it ya'll. Not too complicated. I guess this is more like my mood swings lol.

Nov 22nd, 2002, 11:58 PM
I have 4 personalities

1. school

2. home

3. internet

4. my dojo (metephorical, I dont actually own one but I attend every day)

Nov 25th, 2002, 07:28 PM
I don't know, honestly. I think my personality is always the same, and it's much harder this way, 'cause sometimes I really feel out of place for this reason. Do you know what I mean? It's like if your person is never good to be shown in some situations. I don't have mutliple personalities, if you're asking this, because I'm unable to act in a different way following the setting, the people or the atmosphere. If I'm hyper or low, calm or talkative, depends on the mood, not on the people I'm talking to.