View Full Version : Last Actual Mission on GTA: VC?

Nov 3rd, 2002, 12:08 PM

Well the last mission I did was the one for the Cubans, where you blow the Hatians building up to smitherenes after placing the 3 bombs. But now, I cant really figure out anything to do. No one is calling me, and I have nowhere to go on the map. Is this the end? Do I just do taxi stuff, and buy buildings now or what? At V on the map, all I can do is get the 5000 dollars when I want. NO sign of Lance anywhere. SHould I be looking for something?

Please help
Im 29% done it says.

Nov 3rd, 2002, 12:47 PM
Don't read unless you want to know the end of the story

Well, you have already defeated the vercetti missions, so to go farther and finish the story you have to buy more real-estate and buisinesses and complete their missions. Doing this will trigger the end missions, where* ________ comes back and challenges you for your estate. I reccomend the film studio, print works, and sunshine auto. You will need to do these not only for 100%, but for the story. Does this answer you questions??

Nov 3rd, 2002, 01:37 PM
Yes it does. Im pretty sure I know who that _______ is. ;).
Where are those 3 locations to buy though in the map? I dont think Ive ever seen the Film STudios before. Does each come with a lot of missions, and is it true, that if you spend 500 dollars at the Pole Position, that you can get 4000 dollars?


Nov 4th, 2002, 07:30 AM
I havnt read it all , but if he has got 29% there must be Sh*t loads to do in the game !<forget all about the internet when Vice City is here !