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Old Nov 19th, 2002, 06:54 PM   #1
Dark Angel
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Metal Gear Solid 3: Enter the Patriots

A kinda departure from my usual MGS fics...but hey I just had to have a go at the MGS3 thing too:

Chapter 1

"Until yesterday, I was confused as anyone else in this whole thing. The 12 man of the Wiseman Committee dead, left us wondering what the hell was going on. Our anti-Metal Gear activities were still at a high, but some how the Arsenal Gear that crashed into Federal Hall disappeared. And old friend named Natasha Romaneko tipped us off on where it could have been held. A remote Island in the Bermuda Triangle."

Snake could be seen swimming ashore from a far in the cover of darkness in the glimmering moon of the night.

"This must be it"

Sticking his hand out with a rectangular object in hand, a high energy field began to fall revealing a Island. Some search lights were scanning the area, but Snake quickly avoided them with his stealth techniques, finally crouching against a rock, the energy wall closed again, suddenly his Codec ringed.

Snake: "This is Snake, can you read me Otacon?"

Otacon: "Nice and clear Snake, are you ok?"

Snake: "Yeah, it was a long swim from the cargo ship I hid aboard, but I managed"

Otacon: "That’s good to hear"

Snake: "There are a number of search light here, and the electro diffuser you gave me took down the energy wall."

Otacon: "Yeah, the Intel we got told me about it. It only took a few calculations to found out a code and gizmo to diffuse it."

Snake: "I'm going to take a look around with my scope"

Snake took out his scope, which could see a great distance ahead of his normal vision. He took a good look around but could see only search lights and a watch tower.

Otacon: "What do you see?"

Snake: "Strange....no Sentries"

Otacon: "Of course not Snake, they don't expect someone to find this Island, we got this Intel from Natasha, and you know her."

Snake: "Yeah she has access to Top Secret info, some underground league she with huh?"

Otacon: "Exactly"

Snake: "Ok, we just got to be cautious, we've been used before"

Otacon: "I know, I remember the Tanker incident."

Snake: "Right, so let’s go over what I'm suppose to do here again."

Otacon: "Ok, we know Arsenal Gear program AI is here, Snake that disk you have with you is a virus similar to the one Emma made."

Snake takes the disk out his pouch and examines it, it is a normal shape disk with a plastic covering.

Snake: "How did you program something like this so fast?"

Otacon: "Simple, I mostly copied the program my sis' wrote and added some of my own twist."

Snake: "Ah."

Otacon: "Well, anyway Snake you are to insert that disk into the super computer located on the B2 level of the base."

Snake: "Otacon hate to break it to you, but I don't see any base here."

Otacon: "Its there, use your scope again."

Snake pulled out his scope looking into the area where he thought something might be.

Otacon: "You see that watch tower?"

Snake: "I do."

Otacon: "You see it isn't really a watch tower, it has an elevator in it that goes down to the secret base here"

Snake: "I see, can I go straight to the super computer by that?"

Otacon: "Snake, you of all people should know it won't be that easy."

Snake: "Well...."

Otacon: "That will take you down to the main floor, from there you must find the main elevator that goes down to the super computer."

Snake: "Oh I see, I go down to the main floor and from there, find the main elevator that goes to the super computer."

Otacon: "You got it."

Snake: "Ok I'm ready to go."

Otacon: "Before you go Snake, you have the M9 knock out gun, please no senseless killing with the Socom, plus you risk getting spotted with that."

Snake: "I know Otacon, I'll try."

Otacon: "One more thing, I won't be saving your mission data."

Snake: "!?"

Otacon: "Its someone you might know"

Snake: "Mei Ling?"

A different voice comes in over the Codec.

"Does this sound like Mei Ling?

Snake: "Meryl!?"

Meryl: "You got it. Long time no see Snake."

Snake: "Otacon what the hell!?"

Otacon: "I thought it was a good idea, you guys haven't talk in ages"

Meryl: "Not happy to see me Snake?"

Snake: "....!"

Meryl: "No Hard feelings, I'm only here for saving mission data. My Frequency is 140.25, just like old times. Call me when you need to save"

She goes offline.

Snake: "Otacon will gotta talk..."

Snake goes offline.

Snake slowly rose to his feet and begin to time his footing through the searchlights, he knew only a rookie would be spotted so early. He wasn't a rookie however, haven't a payload of stealth missions under his belt, sneaking past searchlights is child's play.

After he rolled past the last searchlight, he ran up to where the watch tower was, instinctively crouching against it. He could see inside the entrance, the watch tower was made of old cobblestone that was well worn. It felt tight against his back, but his grey skin tight sneaking suit absorb most of the shock. On his head he still wore his renowned bandana which was around his forehand, his hair a dirty brown color with a mullet hairstyle, eyes a cold blue.

Those eyes peered around the corner to the entrance, inside Snake could see what looked like an old cargo elevator with an iron gate for a door. It appeared to be moving because the sound of its motor could be heard making a churning noise.

A few moments past and the elevator reached where Snake was apparently with a passenger aboard. Snake could see someone did come off and was more alert when he saw a familiar patch on the passengers arm.

"Navy Seal....?"

He immediately called Otacon on his Codec.

Otacon: "What is it Snake?"

Snake: "What is a Seal doing here?"

Otacon: "Don't you remember that Arsenal Gear was a Navy project?"

Snake: "Oh that’s right, it was made to compete with the new Ray model."

Otacon: "That explains why that Seal is there, he is probably on guard duty."

Snake: "Ok he shouldn't be much of a problem. I'll deal with him"

Snake took out his Scope to peer around inside of the watch tower, ahead of him he could see a number of large crates that he could use to sneak around the guard.

Snake quickly rolled in when the guard let his nerve down and stuck up against the crate. He watched as the guard walked out of the entrance of the watch tower and begin to run to the elevator. Once inside of it, he pressed the main floor. The elevator gate closed and it moved briefly afterwards.

The elevator trip was not brief, and in the that time Snake's Codec ringed.

Meryl: "Hey Snake"

Snake: "Meryl...?"

Meryl: "Yes"

Snake: "What is it?"

There is a brief pause.

Meryl: "I just wanted to know how is to be back "in."

Snake: "I don't feel much of anything, I've been through so many missions, this feels routine."

Meryl: "Routine, yeah that sounds like the Snake I know."

Snake: "....."

Meryl: "Snake..."

Snake: "What is it?

Meryl: "Is killing still routine for you?"

Snake: "Meryl, I don't think about that. I told you before at Shadow Moses: "Killing is something that becomes easier the more you do it."

Meryl: "Yup same ol' Snake."

Otacon cuts in.

Otacon: "Hey Snake I got more Intel."

Snake: "Hmm?"

Otacon: "A Seal on the floor you headed has the level 3 card the leads to where the super computer is."

Snake: "Huh...who gave you this?"

Otacon: "No one."

Snake: "What the..!?"

Otacon: "You see Snake, when you landed on the Island your nanomachines via satellite link me up to there database."

Snake: "Ok?"

Otacon: "You know I'm a hacker, I easily cracked whatever security measure they had and got info on everything in there."

Snake: "So, a guard on the floor I'm headed to has the level 3 security card that needs to the super computer, gotcha."

He goes offline, and the elevator eventually reaches the floor.

Snake quickly jetted out the elevator, the door closing behind him. The base was constructed circular, spiraling to the bottom. Fluorescent lights were high above lighting the dark tunnel that the spiral created below. Snake was on the highest level, it was a cat walk with a three rails securing it. He leaned over the rail taking a look down the dark abyss.

"That's a long drop.." Snake said to himself.

To his left was a monitor room, which he immediately noticed. Taking out his M9 he stealthily crept up to the entrance. The door open automatically, and Snake could see a Seal sitting down looking over the monitors. Without hesitation he pulled the trigger, the knock out round hit the Seal in the back of the head, making him go limp. Snake dragged his body to the ground and search through his pockets. Finally he pulled something out, a squared shape plastic looking card. He begin to examine it.

"So they do use key cards here, looks like PAN card to me.

The number 3 was on the right corner of it.

"Security level 3, Otacon was right."

Chapter 2 coming in a minute.
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Old Nov 19th, 2002, 06:56 PM   #2
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Chapter 2

Somewhere deeper in the base stands a man of much older age then Snake. His hair a snow white, it went all the way to his shoulder area. This man stood in the shadows and all you could see was his brown custom made cowboy suit, and shoes with spurs. Instead of wearing gun holster standard side to side, he wore it in his custom way, back to front. Among the military world he was known and fear as..... Revolver Ocelot. Deep in the core of the base was his location. In front of him stood a massive piece of equipment, with many modules, and blinking lights that caught the eye. At the moment he was talking on Codec to and unknown counterpart.

Ocelot: "Defense preps are in place everything is ready to go."

"What of the elevator leading to it?"

Ocelot: "Don't worry about that, its been taking care of."

"Good, will you be departing now?"

Ocelot: "You should know me by now, I like how these things play out."

"Haha, ok do as you wish."

Ocelot goes offline.


Snake: "Otacon, you were right. I've got the security level 3 card you were talking about."

Otacon: "Good, Snake the area of the Super computer room should be heavily guarded. Not to mention it is a long walk down that spiral, and there are some unavoidable surveillance cameras..."

Snake: " Don't worry I'll slip through, and as for the long spiral I'll improvise."

Otacon: "How so?"

Snake was looking from the monitor room with his scope at the surroundings.

Snake: "It seems the railings are in symmetry, I could rappel down to the bottom."

Otacon: "You'd risk getting spotted."

Snake looked around some more noticing the cameras that go down the spiral.

Snake: "Not really, the cameras focus on the spiral walkway, I'll rappel down the center."

Otacon: "What if there are some SEALs patrolling?"

Snake: "That is why I have the M9, Otacon I'm going offline."

Otacon: "Ok Snake good luck."

Snake walked from the monitor room, and looked over the railing once again. The drop seemed endless, Snake regained his composure and wrapped the rope around his waist, then he wrapped around the railing, stepping over to the opposite side of it. He took one final look and then pushed off.

Slowly, he begin to descend off one the super structures to the railing. For the moment he could see no guards. After a couple of moments, Snake finally could see what was the bottom. It was a colorless floor, in the middle it held the inscription, "NAVY." Snake landed right in the middle of it, but instinctively hid behind some nearby crates.

The bottom floor was like the other one he had been too, the only difference was there was an elevator to his ninety degree position. There were also two SEALS exiting that same elevator, Snake could see them form his position clearly. Watching and waiting for his moment to strike.

Snake could see them clearly, his M9 equip, ready to strike out at a moments notice. The SEAL on the right went up the spiral, the other SEAL seemed to be patrolling the area around the elevator. Snake could see that, and begin pondering on when to strike. However, he didn't notice that his shadow was being given off a bit by the light above him. Snake was a pro, but even he couldn't notice the obvious mistake he was making. The SEAL spotted his shadow.

"What the...a shadow?" The SEAL ask questioning himself aloud.

The guard started over to his position. Snake bit his tongue for he knew he had made a huge error, the guard now was getting near, with every second that passed by, seem like an eternity. Snake swallowed hard, then spun out with his M9, the SEAL obviously startled jumped back, but regained his nerve immediately, he quickly reached for his rifle. It was to late, Snake had fired a knock out round into his throat. He grabbed his neck in pain before falling to the ground unconscious.

Without wasting anytime, Snake ran to the elevator in was on his way to the ground level to where the Super computer was reportedly held.

After more then a few moments, the elevator reached the ground floor. Snake took a look around at his surrounding upon exiting the elevator. He was in a room full of crates and other obstructions to hide behind, the room stretch about forty yards, it was pretty wide as well. Snake couldn't see across the room because of these obstructions. This room was similar to the ones above. Snake crept across it slowly, but could spot no sentries on patrols.

"It's to damn quiet...." Snake said to Himself.

Snake didn't know a SEAL, with an assault rifle was creeping upon him. He was only a few crates away from Snake, Snake stopped walking and begin to look around. The SEAL hid behind a crate a few feet from Snake. His sixth sense was telling him he was being followed, so quickly he equipped his SOCOM pistol. The SEAL begin walking again, but now Snake was so keened in on his senses, he could hear his footsteps, even though the SEAL was walking lightly across the floor. Snake leaned against one of the crates, as the SEAL came near. He was counting in his head to time his strike.


Snake popped out the corner and fired off two rounds from his SOCOM, the sound shattered through the room, but the SEAL was agile enough to dodge the bullets, and took cover behind a crate adjacent to Snake.

"Damn!" Snake said to himself disappointed.

This SEAL didn't have a radio on him, so obviously he wasn't going be able to call backup. Obviously, this wasn't any ordinary SEAL. Dodging bullets at that distance didn't look like luck to Snake. He had his M-16 resting on his shoulder as he stood crouching on the crate. The SEAL had dark black hair and green eyes, wearing standard military issued covert op equipment.

"Who the hell are you!?" The SEAL ask demanding an answer.

"It doesn't matter, you won't live to talk about it." Snake answered.

Snake knew he was out gunned against this SEAL with his M-16. Somehow he would have to manage with his SOCOM pistol. With quick decision he rolled over to another crate beside him. However, he wouldn't fire any random shots at the SEAL's direction. Snake only cared for shots that hit, he didn't like wasting bullets. The SEAL didn't share the same attitude, for he casually unloaded fire into Snake's designated position.

"Sneaking out here was a big mistake on your part. I was sent here, to take out people like you. I was getting disappointed that no one ever tried, but you change all that." He said with a chuckle in his tone.

He continued to fire with deadly accuracy at the crate Snake was behind. Snake had his plan ready, waiting for his signal to strike. Once again, Snake rolled across to another crate to get an eye on the SEAL's position. He crouched behind the crate, listening carefully to the sound of the SEAL's gun.

The sound of clip being released from the rifle could be heard clearly in Snake's ear, immediately he jumped out from the crate, with his SOCOM pistol, firing off two rounds in unison to the sound. The bullets hit home, tearing the flesh from the SEAL's shoulder, and firing arm. He flew back into a crate wrenching in pain. Snake approached him fast, but cautiously.

Snake was finally upon him with his gun drawn directly at the fallen SEAL. The SEAL was wounded badly in his shoulder and arm. Snake’s expression showed no remorse for what he had done, and it was obvious he was ready to interrogate.

"Who the hell are you!?" Snake said angrily

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Pliskin...." He answered.

"What the hell!?"

Snake had used that alias in the "Big Shell" incident, it couldn't be a coincidence that someone knew about it.

"Yes I am." He said again.

He slouched up against the crate, Snake watching his every move.

"You aren't a SEAL, who sent you!?" Snake ask in a demanding tone.

"Well, I'll give it you that I'm not a SEAL."

"I can see that, so who are you!?"

Pulling a small liquid in a tube out he smirked, Snake watch as he put it near his mouth, drinking every bit of the small portion it had. Snake made a confused look, but soon realized what he was doing.

"Well, you will figure out soon enough...but I ask myself this rhetorical question. Will it be to late?"

His eyes closed slowly, and it was apparent to Snake he had passed. Snake felt his neck for a pulse to confirm it, there was nothing, he was gone.
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Old Nov 20th, 2002, 12:44 PM   #3
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Another cool fic from you. This time you added more dialogues and action, but it's really good anyway. Are you going to continue this, right? It can't be two chapters only, but knowing you usually wrote MGS fic with only one chapter, this seems long for your usual style. You said it's a departure from your previous MGS novels, which can be also regarding the lenght. Anyways, a continuation would fit it kinda well IMO. I'm waiting to read more of it
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Old Nov 20th, 2002, 08:47 PM   #4
Ruby Moon
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I've read this and I must say it's a great MGS fanfic. Even though everything will change when MGS3 is out (and this must be your vision of MGS3, from what I read). I liked especially the second chapter. There are some "emotional" things in it.
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Old Nov 21st, 2002, 07:01 AM   #5
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Is it your "plot" for MGS3? It's cool and well written, but I want to see more I mean, I want to see which other character you'll put in it and what happens to them!

EDIT: hehehe odd enough that only girls are replying to this!
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Old Nov 23rd, 2002, 10:26 AM   #6
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Wow! A MGS3 fanfic! First of all I'd like to say that I'm really happy someone decided to write this and post it here. Second I must add your way of writing is really good, but I think you already know (I think a lot of people besides me told you). Then I also want to say that I'm happy you put Meryl in this fic, and I'm also glad to see there's Ocelot in it too!

Can't wait to read the rest of the story!
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Old Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:17 PM   #7
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Its a nice fiction, I like it, but its more like a game's script, then a Fan-Fiction. I mean, its pretty good, but you are visuallising the game, and make us do that. Which isn't that bad either. Still....

And although I can see some twist and turns are there in the fiction, I would have liked a better "Ocelots" entry, then just simply coming in.
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Old Nov 24th, 2002, 10:33 AM   #8
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Well I wrote it as a game script mainly, and yeah it does have more chapters, I actually have finished it, I'm just spreading out the posts on here, it's erm 17 chapters long so yeah...the one time I actually wrote something really long. Do you think I should stick to shorter stuff? And yeah there are plot twists in it obviously, duh it's Metal Gear Solid! But here's the third chapter:

Chapter 3

Like an instinct, he called Otacon on the codec.

Snake: "Otacon something weird happen just now..."

Otacon: "What happened?"

Snake: "I just had a gun fight, the guy I fought said he was "Pliskin."

Otacon: "!?"

Snake: "That was my first reaction too."

Otacon: "I dunno what it means, maybe a coincidence, or something more."

Snake: "I'm not putting my money on a coincidence, we've been fooled before..."

Otacon: "That is right, well the "Big Shell" incident was heavily monitored by the Patriots. Hmm…"

Snake: "So, he could be an operative for the Patriots...or rather was"

Otacon: "You killed him?"

Snake: "No I didn't kill him, he drunk some kind of liquid, poison I believe, and his last words were: "Well, you will figure out soon enough...but I ask myself this rhetorical question. Will it be to late?"

Otacon: "That's a little old fashion, he obviously didn't want you to know something. Snake I'll look into it---get to the super computer it's just ahead.

Snake: "Right"

Snake went offline and headed towards the end of the room.

Snake stepped in front of the door where the super computer was reportedly held, the tension in his body remaining normal, his eyes focused ahead, the M9 pistol pointed ahead. The metal plated door opened automatically, and immediately shut once Snake entered through it. In front of him were several monitors, the screens read of codes unfamiliar to Snake, above were catwalks which a figure lurked unnoticed by Snake. The lights in the room were fairly dim, some of them weren't even on. It would be a surprised to anyone that they would keep a super computer of such importance, in such a poorly maintained room.

"This must be it...." Snake said to himself.

His codec ranged involuntarily.

Otacon: "Snake, that is the super computer room your in"

Snake: "I can see that---where do I insert this virus...hmm."

Otacon: "Snake their is a ROM slot on the left end, insert the disc there"

Snake: "Ok I got it."

He move in closer towards the left end, he saw where the slot was and open it, putting the disc in, then closing it immediately. He watched as the virus upload begin to go up slowly. A few brief movements passed and the upload was complete. Snake smirked when he took the disc back out. Suddenly, laughing could be heard from above the catwalks. Immediately Snake aimed his gun in that direction, but he couldn't make out who the figure was, for he was in the shroud.

The man in the shroud walked across the catwalk slowly, but in great stride. He was laughing hysterically, the laughter grew louder with every step into he stopped. Snake knew the laughter sounded familiar, but he still couldn't make out who it was.

"I must say, Snake, you seem to always complete missions successfully for us." The shadowed figure said calmly.

It took only a millisecond for Snake to decipher the voice.

"Ocelot!!" He yelled out.

"That's right Snake, you completed it just as plan.

"What the hell are you talking about Ocelot?" He cried as he focused his gun at Ocelot.

"That disc you enter was a virus similar to that woman made a year ago, you think we wouldn't have made an antibody agent program to counter that virus by now?"

Snake chuckled with his next statement

"We did, that is why Otacon updated it a bit."

"We compensated for that as well"

"How the hell!?"

"You think you could find Arsenal's super computer so easily, eh Snake?"


"That is a dummy super computer, you merely gave us the virus!"


"As we speak an antibody is being made, Arsenal won't be infected with whatever you friend programmed."


"That's right, Snake, you should know by now-----You can beat the Patriots!!!!

Ocelot begin to motion his hand to his gun, Snake immediately dived behind a pillar obstruction by his position. Ocelot twirled his gun up and around in a fancy fashion, before firing of three rounds towards Snake. The bullets missed by no more then an hundredth of a centimeter, they hit the metallic surface that surround Snake. Snake landed rolling up into a crouched position.

"Snake you have lived your life on the edge all your life......It's ironic it will end here." Ocelot said in a normal tone.

Ocelot took out his radio and begin to speak into it.

"All assault teams come to the level B2 area, we got a Snake that needs killing."

Ocelot disappeared into the shadows to where he came.

"Damn!!!" Snake said in a loud tone.

Snake’s adrenaline was pumping, for he knew he had a limit time to stick around. His original escape route was aborted, because he was spotted. Snake begin to run across to the other side of the room, he could hear SEALS entering from the side he came in.

"Standard clearing boys, green take the flank, red stay with me." One of them said aloud.

Snake immediately called Otacon on the codec.

Snake: "Otacon, damn it was a setup!!!!!"

Otacon: "I don't understand....how could----"

Snake cut him off what his next statement.

Snake: "Never mind that...Otacon is there another way out of this place?

Otacon: "Give me a sec...."

The SEALS drew closer, Snake rested his SOCOM on his chest waiting for Otacon's suggestion patiently.

Otacon: "Snake I got it!!!"

Snake: "So where?"

Otacon: "There is a sub in level below you, get on that, the schedules show that is prepared to leave in approximately six minutes."

Snake: "Board their sub huh? Guess it's better then sitting here waiting for death."

Otacon: "Snake I don't know where it's headed."

Snake: "It doesn't matter, I gotta get the hell out of here."

Otacon: "Right Snake."
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Old Nov 24th, 2002, 11:26 PM   #9
Black Heart
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Thumbs up

That's what I was trying to figure, thanks Makg for pointing that out: it's like a script, in fact the dialogues made me think of something similar, but I wasn't so clever to say it

Ah, but there's much codec dialogue in this MGS fic too. Good, it's very "MGS2 style", even if fans of the game didn't like much the codec's parts.
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Old Nov 26th, 2002, 03:22 PM   #10
Dark Angel
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I tend to find it was only the fans who have the patience and intelligence of a 5 yr old that didn't like MGS2 cos of the codec parts...so skipped them to actually play, therefore completely missing the whole point of the story

Anyway here's number 4....

Chapter 4

Snake exited the room slipping through the SEAL attack team that had entered the floor. He slowly made his way down a long stairwell, it seem endless, but led Snake to believe he was heading towards where the sub since he was going deeper into the structure.

Finally, after making his way down the stairs at what seem like forever, he could smell an aquatic smell. Also, faintly he could hear water splashing against a large obstacle. The sound of voices, and traffic could also be heard. Snake slowed down his paced, in could see in view his current objective, as he made his way down to it's level.

Before him sitting in a few feet of water sat the sub, it was dark black sub. On the side there was numbering that read "S-19." There were many lights above making hiding place a minimum where it was stationed. Snake could see a huge shutter door that looked as if it would move through. Suddenly a voice on the intercom in the dock spoke a voice.

"All personnel get to your stations, S-19 we be departing in two minutes, bow doors close a minute before departure."

Snake knew he would have to enter through the bow hatch, because the lid hatch would leave him to open to being spotted. He would have to move quickly as well, because time defiantly wasn't his friend as always.

Snake got out of his hiding position and with ease, he silently crept by patrolling sentries around the bow hatch. Once inside he could see little, and he find the darkest corner to hide in. He laid against it breathing in a sigh of relief, and once again the intercom speaker spoke.

"Bow hatch closing....S-19 will be departing in approximately one minute."

Snake could see the bow hatch closing, the air tight hatch closed adding more darkness to that area of the sub.

Snake: "Otacon, I'm on the sub."

Otacon: "Good, Snake but we don't know where that things headed"

Snake: "I know....I'll find out I guess."

Otacon: "I just hope what you find isn't bad"

Snake: "Whatever happens don't worry, I'll find a way."

Otacon: "Heh as always Snake..ok good luck."

Snake rested his head against the cool metallic surface of the sub wall. He pulled out a cigarette and rested in the side of his mouth, then he struck a match lighting it. He puffed in a deep long puff, before releasing the smoke through his nose. The feeling relaxed his nerves a bit. He closed his eyes and continued to puff the cigarette as the sub prepared to leave.

"S-19 ready for departure, open Gate 1A in section 112."

The releasing of the locks from the gate could be heard throughout the cargo bay. It made an old creaking noise as it open. The sub begin to power up it's motors as the gate slowly begin to open. The gate finally reached it's optimum point of opening. S-19 sluggishly went through the opening. Entering into the sea, a raging storm that had just begun not to long ago. The heavens crack of thunder and the lightning impaired the vision of those who look at it. On the bridge of the sub stood Ocelot in a naval officers uniform, he was using his codec at the moment.

Ocelot: "It seems Snake may have boarded the sub"

"How do you know for sure?"

Ocelot: "I know, it was the only way off that Island, I'm a betting man, and I put my money on that Snake got on this sub."

"That's perfect, everything is going as plan then"

Ocelot: "That's right, as always."

"Excellent, now head to the location with the disc."

Ocelot: "I'm on my way boss. We will arrive soon"

Ocelot sat down in his commanding chair and smirk as the sub began to submerge into deeper water.

Snake got up from his resting place and begin to make his way through the sub to find clues on where this sub was headed. As he made his way deeper into the sub, he struck gold when he saw two sentries conversing.

"So, the big guns are actually going down there" The first sentry said.

"Yeah they are, and they will go through with the plan I heard." The second sentry responded.

"What plan?"

"You mean you don't know?" The second sentry said surprised


"Listen the deep underwater facility we are headed to, is the place where the plan is going to take place."

"I figured that, but what's the plan about?"

"I dunno but it's important, I heard there are a large stockpile of nuclear weapons down there, as well a level 5 top secret mercenary group"

"You mean!" The first sentry eyes widen.

"Yes them, well we better get to our patrols"

"Yeah ok."

They both walked off and Snake stood there wondering what exactly could they be talking about.

Snake immediately called Otacon on the codec

Snake: "Otacon, it seems this sub is headed to an underwater facility....you know anything?"

Otacon: "An underwater facility hmm I dunno."

Snake: "I also heard there is nuclear weapon stockpile there and some mercenary group as well."

Otacon: "That's odd."

Snake: "Very----I also wonder if any Metal Gear model is there, that wouldn't make things easier."

Otacon: "Yes, I know. This wasn't suppose to happen, everything is screwed up."

Snake: "I know, but we are use to these kind of things now..."

Otacon: "You're right, you'll just have improvise."

Snake: "Whatever is truly going on, I'll find out at the facility."

Otacon: "Ok Snake, be well."

As the sub made it's way across the deep depths of water, Snake wondered what would be waiting for him at the facility he was headed. One thing was for sure, he was a tiny spec in a deep plan that was to unfold.
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Old Nov 30th, 2002, 09:12 PM   #11
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I see this is a script and I find the idea of the "script format" is cool, as I said before I like this fic. But in the other fics you've posted, I liked very much the psycological description of the characters, that is somewhat weak here. I would like to read something like that too, because MGS characters are perfect for this kind of works

Good new chapter anyway.
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Old Dec 1st, 2002, 11:52 PM   #12
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Is it your idea of MGS3?
Well, cool, even if I imagined Ocelot's appearence to be a bit different
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Old Dec 2nd, 2002, 04:58 PM   #13
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Should I bother putting the rest of the chapters up, as I do prefer the in depth pyschological writing as well, just thought I'd try it another way.
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Old Dec 3rd, 2002, 02:53 AM   #14
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Well, why not putting them up if you want? Nobody said you shouldn't because your fic is bad, in fact I've read positive commnets from others
But anyway, if you don't like it and you don't want others to read it, you shouldn't. It's a shame because you've already posted few chapters, but it's your decision.
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Old Dec 4th, 2002, 04:32 PM   #15
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Fine then..

Chapter 5

The sub begin to surfaced from the water inside a moist docking bay surrounded by guards. Water dripped from the sub as it laid motionless in the still water. The sub was also surrounded by railings, above were high powered lights, and in every corner stood guard on watch. In one instance the lid hatch flew open and out came to SEALS, following them was Ocelot. Ocelot stroked his hair back as he took a look around the wide room full of guards. Ahead of Ocelot, stood a man who looked as he was the in command.

The man was of average height, with long black vibrant black hair, cold blue eyes, and a dark complexion. He was wearing some kind of body suit made of an unknown composite. Upon his back was a large rifle shaped weapon, it was unfamiliar to those ignorant to the top secret military world. But it was his weapon of choice for this person. The man smirk at Ocelot, and Ocelot return the same expression.

"Ocelot, so everything went as planned?" The mysterious man said.

"Yes, I have the disc." Ocelot responded.

He removed the disc from it's concealed spot on him and handed it to the man.

"Excellent...now it's only a matter of time Ocelot, our plan will succeed."

Ocelot nodded and thought to himself.

"Yes.....only a matter of time, but you are only a pawn in the game of the Patriots my friend.

They both walked off followed by most of the guards. Meanwhile inside the sub, Snake was just waking up from the long ride, getting ready for what was next.

Snake hit his head a few times to shake off the cobwebs, he then begin to approach the bow hatch of the sub. It was wide open, but for the moment no guards were around that area of the sub, being that most of them had left. Most of the sentries were above on the catwalk above, and around the front of the sub. Snake silently let himself in the water, immediately equipping his o2 stabilizer. It was oval shape and went directly over his face. He begin to observe from under the water the few sentries left in the room.

Snake noticed one on the northwest corner of the highest catwalk, the guard seem to be just to be stationary and not patrolling, however the guard in the opposite corner was patrolling, Snake made a note of that. Finally he observe the current level he was on, there two guards guarding what look like an elevator that went to the facility main areas. They were standing on both side of the elevator. Snake knew he couldn't get through that way, he would be spotted for sure. It had no choice but to find another way inside.

Unexpectedly his codec rang once again.

Meryl: "Hey Snake this is Meryl, I'm going saved the codec conversation up to this point ok?"

Snake: "Ok...Meryl."

There is a long pause before she speaks again.

Meryl: "Snake....."

Snake: "Yes Meryl what is it?"

Meryl: "What are your feelings right now on this?"

Snake: "I'm confused, and don't know what to expect...why?"

Meryl: "No I just wanted to know."

Snake: "Hmm...?"

Meryl: "Ok that's all bye for now."

She goes offline and he transfers to Otacon.

Snake: "Otacon can you do the same thing you did back at that other facility?"

Otacon: "You mean with the nanomachines right?"

Snake: "Yeah, I'm having trouble finding a way getting in...."

Otacon: "I would be able to help...but that area you are in has some kind of block..must be a security measure..."

Snake: "Is that on every area Otacon?"

Otacon: "I dunno for sure,..But I'll look into it."

Snake: "I'll find another way in then."

"Wait Snake!!" Otacon said alarmed

Snake: "What is it?"

Otacon: "It's a well known fact that sub docking bays have drainage vents. I'm sure that one has it too. It should be located somewhere under the water."

Snake: "Great wonder where it will lead me."

Otacon: "I dunno Snake, but you will figure something out."

As soon as he cut the conversation he went under the water swimming gracefully towards the bottom. He immediately spotted one of the vents. Approaching it within seconds, he pulled the vent off with little struggle, and begin swimming into it. After a long swim through the narrow tunnel, he finally surfaced in a big storage tank, possibly where the water is stored when it gets drained from the sub docking bay. The large dome based room was very damp and cold. Ahead of him was a electronically locked door which he was unaware of at the moment.

Snake approached it but find it wouldn't open. Disgusted he let out a grunt slamming his fist against it. His digust was distracted by a voice he heard coming from the other side of the door. It was muffled and feminine, but understandable,

"Why are those guards around the sub?" The voice ask demanding

"The Commander told me to.." He is cut off

"Listen to me you fool, get those guards back to their normal patrols in the base." She commanded.

"Yes right away."

They both walked off in the opposite directions, Snake stood there wondering how he was going to get out of the room.

Frustrated, he had no choice but to codec Otacon.

Snake: "Dammit...Otacon, there is an Electronically locked door in front of me. Is there another way around...!?"

Otacon: "I don't believe so Snake, there probably is, but maybe I can do something about this door give me a sec..."

Snake: "So you got access to this area?"

Otacon: "That's right, now all I have to do---"

As Otacon was talking the door suddenly open. Snake, obviously relieved said:

Snake: "Great, it opened, good job Otacon."

Otacon: "What? That's strange, I didn't even finish decoding the lock mechanism, how is that possible!?"

Snake: "!?"

Otacon: "Hmm, I don't like this at all, Snake it might be a trap....."

Snake: "I'm use to those, Otacon don't worry, I'll pull through."

Otacon: "Ok, Be well."

Snake cautiously stepped through the door surveying his surroundings carefully as he entered the long base corridor.
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Old Dec 6th, 2002, 06:14 AM   #16
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Thumbs up

I'm glad to see you put Meryl in this story
I'm not a great fan of MGS, but I like Meryl's character and was sorry to not see her in MGS2! Let's hope the creators of MGS3 will follow your example!
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Old Dec 8th, 2002, 06:37 AM   #17
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I agree that involving Meryl in the story was a good idea. That's what the majority o f MGS fans hope for the next game, I suppose.
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Old Dec 8th, 2002, 03:09 PM   #18
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Involving Meryl and no Raiden? I'm doing well then I guess

Chapter 6

Somewhere deeper in the base the dark complexion man from before could be seen talking to Ocelot about something of great importance.

"Ocelot, are you sure took you care of him?" His words greatly emphasizing the word "him".

Ocelot chuckled a bit before speaking.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes it does.....I got a feeling he is here" He said with great caution.

"What do you care? You are the perfect soldier, maybe better than him."

The man clenched his fist and smirked.

"Yes quite possibly, but if he is here, that is just a problem for our plan."

"Don't worry, he won't get in the way if he is.

Ocelot walked away smirking, because he knew Snake was on the base, but the thought of fighting him again infatuated him greatly. As he walked down the catwalk he drew one of his revolvers and begin twirling it around rapidly in all directions, before bringing it to a halt aiming it ahead of him.

"My bullet will be the one to kill Snake...heh"

Meanwhile Snake was still surveying the surroundings, the corridor which he was in was very wide. If he didn't have his sneaking suit, the freezing drift that passed by would be enough to give him a cold. He didn't know where to go or what to do, this whole thing that happen was even calculated. Snake knew there would be deviations to the plan, but he didn't think this much. The bad thing about it was, they'd didn't know who they were up against. Snake moved about the corridor, timing, and slipping passed an annoying surveillance camera.

Finally, he made his way out of a door at the end of the corridor. The next area he entered was protected by a light amount of sentries. The hold was very large and open. Only a few hiding spots presented themselves in this area. This area was like any other military base hold, it was a wide space with no feeling, lifeless and silent to the cry of death, if ever screamed it wouldn't be heard in these walls. Snake was use to that feeling, it is something he had lived with for awhile. Making up his mind, he decided to gave Otacon a ring to clear things up.

Snake: "Otacon, I made my way deeper, do you got anything on this place...?"

Otacon: "I was just about to call you about that Snake."

Snake: "So, whatcha got?"

Otacon: "Get ready for a bunch"

Snake: "Ok"

Otacon: "Ahem, well you see this isn't any normal facility, I don't know where it came from, but it isn't civilian."

Snake cut him off.

Snake: "Yeah I know, it feels military."

Otacon: "Right, just as I thought."

Snake: "Ok what else you got?"

Otacon: "Well, your nanomachines picked up three levels, not including the lower levels."

Snake: "If they only picked up three levels, how do you know about the lower ones?"

Otacon: "Well, I did a little hacking in their system."

Snake: "Oh, right."

Otacon: "Anyway, on the lower levels I'm reading a very large obstruction. I wasn't to confused of what that could be, especially of the events that just happened."

Snake: "That large obstruction could be Arsenal Gear huh?"

Otacon: "It's possible."

Snake: "And lets not forget about the nuclear missiles on this base those sentries were talking about on the sub. We don't know what the hell they're planning."

Otacon: "That's right, well, your main goals should be not to get spotted, figure out what they're planning, and stopping it."

Snake: "Yeah, got it."

Otacon: "Ok I'm going offline for a bit to try to figure this out, if you need advice on this base ask Meryl."

Snake: "Meryl!? How would she know?"

Otacon: "I transferred the copied files to her, Ok Snake?"

Snake: "Right, going offline."

Snake made his way around the light amount sentries with ease. He went out the another door exiting the area as quickly as he came. On the other side of the door was a rather small room full of lockers. Snake went through the lockers to salvage any equip he could use. He knew to do this from his past missions and experiences.

The first few lockers held only useless accessories or equipment he didn't need. However, the last two had thermal scope equipment, and a light MP5. It was a small auto-fire pistol capable of firing large burst in rapid successions.

The MP5 was no assault rifle, but it could get the job done like one, with half the weight load. Wasting no time he put the thermal scopes away, and put the MP5 across his back. Making his way into the next area, he still stood sharp watching for sentries. He was surprised because he found none. This room was a wide open space. Only a few large cargo crates alined the four corners of the room.Itelt as he was being watch. His suspicions were even more raised when he heard footsteps on the catwalk circling the squared area.

Snake drew his Socom, which he had previously loaded fully, and aimed upward in the direction in which he heard the footsteps. The dark complexion man that with Ocelot early appeared within Snake's vision. He had a arrogant smirk upon his face. Snake grunted as he being to pull the trigger, but before he could the Man disappeared from sight. Confused, Snake just stood there shocked.

"What the hell........stealth camouflage!?" Snake said to himself

A hoarse laughter could be heard echoing through the room. Snake heard something charging power, and begin pivoting from his position to find what it was. Without warning a red beam shot in his direction. Snake dived out of the way as the beam nullified against the steel floor. He rolled over hiding behind the crated and waited for the next action.

The combatant appeared again, but this time he was floating in the air with his gun in a fixed position skyward.

"So you are here, this makes things just as much as interesting." The man said in a even tone.

"What the hell are you talking about!?" Snake yelled from behind the crate.

"Oh, you won't get that information from me." He said mockingly.

Snake grunted and held his gun against his chest. He swallowed hard and jumped from behind crated firing a melee of bullets. The bullets got within kissing range of his position before he disappeared again. Snake stood there confused, because even if he did use stealth camouflage. It wouldn't stop bullets.

"What the...!?" Snake said angrily and confused.

A roaring laughter could be heard as he reappeared to sight.

"That is waste of good lead." He said with a chuckle in his tone.

Snake went back behind the crate concealing himself once again.

"You see this suit, it is full of tricks." He pointed his hand at his body.

The man disappeared and then reappeared on the above catwalk.

"All my life I've been fighting, day after day my family targeted by the United States Government. Targets we were, but the target just became the one that was choosing targets. I'll get my revenge one day, but for now they are my allies"

"Who are you talking about?" Snake questioned.

"Oh, don't play foolish, it's the reason you are here isn't it?" He said smoothly.

"!?" Snake was lost what he was talking about.

"Well, you won't live to do it, they are mine and only mine, enough talk now we do battle!" He shouted and his echo could be heard across the spacious room.
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Old Dec 18th, 2002, 03:13 PM   #19
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Is anyone reading this anymore?

Chapter 7

Snake knew this guy was no pushover, and that suit that made him disappear from sight didn't make matters easier. Using the little window of time he had he ranged Otacon while keeping a close eye on his enemy.

Snake: "Otacon you gotta any files on this guy!?"

Otacon: "Hmm.....nothing really essential."

Snake: "I need something so I know how I can take him down, the other stuff can wait."

Otacon: "Ok....so we know he can phase out of physical pain because of that suit he is wearing."

Snake: "Yeah what the hell exactly is that!?"

Otacon: "FS-15, and electronic all purpose fighting suit that's use by super agents, I wonder how he got his hands one...."

Snake: "Probably got Ocelot to thank for that....well, I'll try to figure something out"

Otacon: "Right, Snake, watch him closely."

Snake got out of his position dodging the laser fire before getting off three good shots at the man. He simply phased from sight and appeared on the lower level.

"It won't work, this suit won't let it." He in a cocky tone.

"Damn!" Snake cried out as got behind the adjacent crate.

"Yes, damn, you have nothing that can beat me."

He begin blasting the crate with the laser powered rifle, his laughter getting louder with every blast. Snake sat there crouched trying to think of something to beat his enemy.

The silent rang of his codec stimulated his ear muscles.

Otacon: "Snake, you just can't hit him you know."

Snake: "I can see that, some kind of suit, who is this guy."

Otacon: "I dunno much, I'm trying hack into his file."

Snake: "Ok, now for the immediate problem."

Otacon: "Yeah about that, Snake if the suit is electronic, a chaff should disrupt it."

Snake: "I got you Otacon, that should give me time."

Snake got offline. Without thinking on the subject much he took out a chaff and peaked around the corner waving his hand out in surrender. The man smirked as he let up fire.

"Giving up already, I expected more from you Snake!" He shouted.

The pin from the chaff was removed, its timer slowly ticked.

"Drop your weapon." He cried.

Snake blanked at him as he released his grip on the Socom. It begin to fall, mid flight the chaff went off. The man's eyes widen as his suit immediately began to send great volts of electricity charging through him. Snake dropped for his weapon all in the same motion, catching it all in the same motion, his eyes never leaving its target. As he hit the ground he pulled the trigger getting off two burst. They were heading for their target with great accuracy, but were stopped suddenly by an unknown force. The two lead pieces of destruction drop harmlessly to the ground.

"What the hell.......!?" was the gesture Snake gave to the events that occurred.

A harmonic sound could be heard swelling from a hidden position. Suddenly a blaze of light shot in front of him blinding him for a few. His sense of sight was destroyed for a few moments, but is slowly came back to him after a short interval. However, his enemy in which he was fighting was gone. Snake was left there not knowing what just happen.

"Otacon, what the hell just happened!?" Snake said after ringing Otacon.

Otacon: "Uh, Snake I heard a harmonic sound, what happen when that was going on?"

Snake: "There was a blinding light, and then the guy I was fighting was gone."

Otacon: "That's strange.......about the guy you were fighting, I got a file on someone that matches his description...."

"Lets hear it then" Snake said impatiently.

Otacon: "Well, his code name is Target."

Snake: "Target eh, never heard of him."

Otacon: "Well, this guy served in nearly every intelligence counter terrorism team on file."

Snake: "Ironic he would turn out to be a terrorist."

Otacon: "He turned during the incidents in Somalia, and was one of the key suspects behind the downing of the U.S. Blackhawks there."

Snake: "I remember that, I always believed a middle eastern extremist group was behind that."

Otacon: "Well, after that he went underground. He later surfaced as the leader of a militant extremist group called the "Third World."

Snake: "The "Third World!?"

Otacon: "Yes, I don't know much about them, but I'll try to figure out the rest of the top members of this group."

Snake: "What about what just happen, those light flashes and weird sounds!?"

Otacon: "I'm as confused as you, Snake you will have to move on. Ahead of you is a long underwater catwalk, and a another large hold."

Snake: "Ok, I'm heading out."

Snake went offline and begin to make his way to the next area.

Snake's body and mind was full of exhaustion, only his will to know the unknown moved him on. He entered the catwalk area which was surrounded by a massive tube shaped structure made of state of the are fiber glass material. The deep blue sea could be seen through it. It gave Snake a feeling of being enclosed, a feeling he had gotten use to over his many missions. Ahead of him he could see a guard. This was a problem because there wasn't anything to hide behind on the catwalk. Snake didn't hesitate, he simply hung over the railing, and silently moved under the guard. Making his way down to the other end of the hold. He exited into the next area.

Snake was surprised on his first sight into the hold. A diamond shaped, dark colored fighter jet was in the middle of the hold.

"F-117A.....stealth fighter?" Snake said confused.

Snake had no idea what it was doing there, and his suspicions begin to run wild.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2002, 08:53 PM   #20
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I think your story is really good. I'm not a huge MGS fan, in fact I've never played 100% of the games, but I've enjoyed reading this story. I can't understand many aspects of it though, because of my ignorance regarding this series. Hope you won't get mad at me for reading without having the necessary knowledge
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