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Old May 8th, 2002, 11:40 AM   #1
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Devil May Cry Sequel...

This was my Senior story that i had to do for Creative writing. Not really a true sequel just a fun thing to do w/ DMC.

Devils’ Never Cry
Prologue: “According to legend, 2000 years ago while snow was falling on a clear, freezing night on Earth, a fierce devil prince was born deep in the darkest pit of the netherworld.
“He grew rapidly. Within a short time he gained his full powers and took over the Devil Throne. His first act as ruler of all devils was to declare himself emperor of the Devil Kingdom. His next feat was an invasion of the human world. His plan was to conquer it and rule over both the lower and upper realms.
“But a powerful devil-knight known as Sparda took pity on humans for their brief, transient lives. In fierce battles he defeated all the Devil ruler’s armies and finally imprisoned the emperor himself in a sealed vault.
“Having achieved his victory, Sparda abandoned the Devil Kingdom to live in the human world. He married a human woman and soon fathered a half devil, half human son.
“But beware, mankind. After 2000 years, the cursed Devil Emperor will be released and will return to invade the human world once again...
“Sparda’s son must be our protector!” - 2001. From Capcom USA “Devil May Cry”.

DMC 2001- “The evil emperor Mundis returned in the year of 2001, challenging Sparda’s son Dante to take control of the human and the netherworld. Needless to say, Dante defeated Mundis, once again sending him to captivity once again in the underworld prison. Along with defeating Mundis, Dante met a new friend, Trish, who had an eerie resemblance of Dante’s mother. Now, Dante and Trish wait for the next out-break of Mundis’ evil that he vowed would return...”

It was a overcast night in the town of Helatio. Dante and Trish remained at their quaint little shop, that fronted as a souvenir shop for the black arts that actually held the purpose of a bounty hunting service of the supernatural persuasion. The shop was filled with ancient relics that were stained with the blood of ages, that were resemblant of pagan gods from the times of the occult. There was an unusually thick atmosphere about the shop, which seemed to add to the invisible tension that was as dense as a sea full of blood.
The rain beat down on the windows as though they were invaders, trying to penetrate the impenetrable barrier of glass. Dante sat relaxed in his chair, staring out the window with thoughts of his mother, looming ever near in his mind. He glanced over at Trish, and with her overwhelming resemblance to his mother, his thoughts dwelled even greater on her. Why had she been killed so mercilessly? What reason did Mundis have for butchering her with no apparent logic? Possibly more prudent, Would he try to ruin his life once again as Mundis had vowed only five years prior?
His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden ring on the telephone. Dante reached across the desk in which he was seated, and grabbed for the phone. As his flesh touched the surface of the phone, it jumped from his hands, as though the phone was aware of the being that had reached for it. As the phone sprung back, there was a deep rumbling that shook the entire foundation of the shop and even into the walls. Dante and Trish jumped back in shock at this cataclysmic series of events, that seemed to originate from a phone call. As they looked at each other in utter confusion, there was a deep rumbling which quickly turned into a high pitch yell that shattered the glass of the windows like the cracking of ice that was introduced into a warm environment. With the ear shattering squeal at an end, suddenly a black smoke rose from the phone that billowed upward which soon took the form of some unknown demon. The shadow demon uttered the words that for five years, Dante had expected, but still feared hearing... Mundis was back. The voice described the location of Cantery Island, a place where few dared travel, which was the new gateway to the underworld. As abruptly as the demon appeared, he disappeared. What was going to happen now, and how would Dante and Trish get to the fabled Cantery Island??

Suddenly the rain came to a screeching halt, revealing a blood red sky, that seemed to mourn with the blood of time that had been spilled to ensure that the evil Emperor Mundis would never come to power again. Dante and Trish looked at each other, knowing what had to be done, but the ever premenant question was how were they going to get to Cantery Island? Walking outside of the shop, Dante looked over at the back shed, which was more like a giant barn that stored the bi-plane that he and Trish escaped from Mundis' evil the first time they confronted him. Deciding that it was the most efficient method of travel, they decided to take the plane to Cantery Island. The plane was a little run down due to the fact that they hadn't touched the plane since the time when they escaped. Dante had an innate sense of direction, so he was instantly inclined to head to the south western area over the Pacific Ocean.
In a relatively short time, Dante and Trish made their way to the horizon of the undeniable appearance of Cantery Island. As they approached, they saw the ungodly smog that surrounded the island where Ipsens' Castle was located. Behind the castle there seemed to be a new sun that was behind the northern tower. The sun burned with the radiance of the normal sun, but this one seemed to be much, much closer. The temperature was considerably higher on the island as well. It reminded Dante of the South African jungle where he hunted down the demons of the Aztec civilisation that plagued settlers in the rain Forrest, only this area seemed much more humid. The smell of the area was of a pungent nature. It was the smell of stagnant death, that seemed to roll as abundantly as the fog itself. The sight of the castle was something that would almost indefinitely instil fear in the hearts of millions, just by the sight of the castle, not mentioning the atrocious evil that lurked inside the evil castle. The exterior of the castle walls seemed to be made with bone and sinew, from various creatures, some unknown to Dante, and some all to familiar, such as rotting human corpses, infested with the endoskeletons of rats and other rodents frozen in time that had been crawling through the corpses. As if those images weren't disturbing enough, the facial expressions were a sight that repulsed even a man with an iron stomach. The faces seemed to be tortured with the torment of hell fire, burning them from the inside and all the way to their skin. Their faces seemed to melt away, as if they were under some kind of intense heat and some unknown force that seemed to stretch the skin into usually unachievable positions.
As they got within a few thousand feet of Ipsens Castle, there was a visible wave of turbulence that came toward the plane, rattling the plane to its core. The wave seemed to go on forever until Dante finally pulled the plane downward and into the water, escaping the turbulence, yet smashing into the water with such an incredible force that it jettisoned both Dante and Trish from the plane and onto the rotting and decrepit shore, which was littered with the rotting corpses of many marine life. As they crept up to the castle, they constantly were searching for an opening so that they could get inside. When Dante and Trish got to the front of the castle, they decided that they should split up. Dante decided to take the front entrance, but Trish would roam around the outside of the castle, and search for another way in. In doing this, Trish was hoping to find an easier route to Mundis’ chambers so that Dante and herself could destroy Mundis in a significantly less amount of time.
Dante entered into the front gate of the castle blinded by the fury of hatred that had swelled inside his mind. He was contemplating killing Mundis so much that Dante forgot to prop the door open and with a loud bang, the door slammed shut, locking him in complete and utter darkness. In the distance Dante saw a faint glow. He decided to travel over carefully through the thick darkness to investigate, being ever aware of what dangers lurked in the darkness. As he navigated through the darkness, his acute sense of vision allowed him to see things that no ordinary human being could ever have seen. Dante wasn’t sure what he had seen in the shadows, but he was sure that they were still and not moving. When he finally made his way over to the glowing mass, he discovered a spherical figure inside the wall with an unknown text surrounding it. Amazingly, Dante was able to interpret the ancient text. It read: “Show me your true power, and I will show you my true horrors...”
"It wont give up it wants me dead... Goddamn this voice inside my head"

five vicodin chased with a shot of clarity...
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Old May 8th, 2002, 11:41 AM   #2
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prt. 2

Dante brandished his powerful sword, the Alastor. The Alastor was a powerful sabre that glowed with the burning anguish of thousands of demon souls that had been taken with the sword. The long blade was a bluish grey that burned into the hearts of thousands. The handle of the sword was made of precious metals, formed into several atrocious Gothic designs. On either side of the blade, Dragon skulls stood agape with large fangs, as though they were swallowing the souls that the sword had consumed. Perhaps the most horrifying feature of the Alastor was its’ beholder. Dante was a six foot tall man that would easily put fear in the hearts of men, both mortal and immortal. He had an extremely built body that surpassed any other mortals as far as efficiency went. His face was rugged and determined as a warriors face would be. Perhaps his most amazing feature is his crystal blue eyes that seemed to pierce all the way to the soul with only a slight glance.
Then in a huge arching motion, Dante swung down the Alastor on the sphere, releasing all of the light into the castle. Emerging from the shadows came the mangled and deformed figures of what appeared to be demonic marionettes. They were all equipped with razor sharp blades as hands. They were all attached to strings. One could compare them to the puppets of the evil Emperor Mundis, being pulled on by all of his evil impulses. Unfazed by this example of pure evil, Dante charged into the sea of Mundis’ evil minions, hacking and slashing them into bloody remnants of wooden toys. The room was now fully revealed. It was an immense chamber that resembled an ancient palace. The floors were in a checkered pattern. The tiles were embedded with precious gems, which added to the glittering beauty of this mysterious castle. All of the Puppets had been destroyed. Dante absorbed their powers in the form of magical orbs that held their life force, and Dante grew in his powers...
...Trish was now looking into the crevasse that could hold the key of her finally gaining entry into the castle. As the crevasse was cloaked in darkness, she decided to wield the Sparda. The Sparda was Dantes’ fathers’ sword, which held immense powers. In addition to an elongated blade of silver, there was some sort of attachment in the form of a scythe. When the sword was held in the ready position, it glowed with a supernatural flame of orange, that could easily illuminate a dark room. Trish was a very frail person, on the outside that is. On the inside, Trish was a caged demon waiting to be released to fight the evil forces of Mundis. Trish was trained by Dante in the art of Kabutisi, an intense swordplay method, in which she was one of the most advanced students ever to grace the method of teaching. Her strength was only matched by her beauty. She was a five foot nine blond with a great build and long flowing blond hair. She had the same piercing eyes that Dante had, perhaps a sign of their demonic powers.
She reached out the Sparda to light up the dark crevasse. To her surprise, there was nothing there except an entrance. She walked through the door, but as she did she was taken by an invisible force into another dimension. As she was taken, her sword and a pool of velvet blood was left behind inside a corridor outside of the room where Dante would soon enter.
Dante was forced to take a step back and examine what stood before him. It was the fabled Phantom, the evil minion in charge of the evil army of Mundis. The Phantom was a gigantic tarantula type creature. It was made of part stone, part magma. It roared down the hallway toward Dante, seeming to know exactly what it was doing. The Phantom spoke in an ancient language that Dante was able to interpret easily. The Phantom said: “You are the last of the bloodline of the demon knight, Sparda. When I destroy you, my masters plans will become complete!”
“And what plan would that be?” asked Datne slightly intrigued by this Gargantuan’s message.
“When all of the blood of Sparda is gone, Emperor Mundis will be able to rule both the Underworld and the human Earth. He will take your beautiful friend Trish, and drain all of her powers leaving her mortal. By this time she should already be in his grasp! You are nothing compared to your father! You are an embarrassment to demons everywhere, now prepare to die!”
“Quit talking and lets fight you pansy!” Dante yelled back at the Phantom. For quite some time, the two titans fought blow for blow. For some reason, Dante had a cocky smile on his face the whole time. Noticing this the Phantom stoped immediately.
“What is that stupid grin for? Are you seeing your dead family? Ready to join them? What is it?” mocked the Phantom.
“I am smiling at the fact that you are even weaker than I thought. I was easily able to tire you in just my normal form. Now you will wish you never came here!” screamed Dante as he let out an insane yell. With that yell, he transformed into his demon form, shaking the ground that he now hovered above. “Now it is time to end your insignificant life!” yelled Dante as he lunged at the enormous monster. With blinding speed, he diced up the magma spitting spider until he could no longer stand.. With the Alastor now ablaze with demon fury, Dante thrust the sword into the Phantoms heard with blinding speed and incredible force, which burst the molten pumping heart to the beast on impact. With a smooth landing back onto the ground, Dante landed back onto the floor, now in his normal form, he turned and waved goodbye to the phantom as he evaporated into nothing.

Dante turned the corridor to find the Sparda standing in the pool of blood. Next to the sword, lay a note also in an ancient tongue. It read:
If you ever want to see Trish again, I suggest that you get moving. As you read this message, I am draining her powers so that I can become complete. If you get here in time, you can save your friend from death, but to complete the deal, you will have to sacrifice your own life. The son of the legendary Sparda is a fitting sacrifice to me in exchange for your darling Trish. Enter my Domain through the “Tunnel Of Despair”. You can reach this place by entering the portal to the left of this note. Hurry Dante, you only have one hour left!
Good Luck,
Emperor Mundis

Without even giving a second thought, Dante rushed into the portal being instantly transported to the Tunnel Of Despair. The tunnel was a sight that no eyes, living or dead, should ever see. The tunnel was made from what looked to be organs of many bodies. The walls, floors, and ceilings were all moving. They breathed in and out as though the tunnel were alive. As Dante walked through the tunnel, there were barriers of flesh that he had to cut through in order to access the next portion of the tunnel. As he walked deeper into the tunnel, the tunnel began moving up and down, as though it were trying to eject Dante from it. The smell of death was stagnant in this horrible place, from which there seemed to be no escape.
As Dante was about to give up hope, in the distance he saw an immense door that had skulls of humans and other beasts engraved into it. Dante now sprinted for this opening, only to be stopped by the Necro Falken. The Necro Falken was a bird like beast that was constantly consumed in fire. This bird was the final obstacle before Mundis, the Falken must have the key to Mundis’ chambers. The bird let out a loud squeal and lunged at Dante. Dante parried out of the way and counter attacked the bird with a powerful blow to the back of its head with the Alastor. Blood gushed from the birds neck, spilling onto the ground making the living floor move even more intensely. Dante jumped into the air and drove the Alastor straight through the falkens’ skull and down through its beak. The massive bird hit the ground with a soggy thud, absorbing itself in blood. From the falkens’ right claw, it released the Skeletor key which would grant Dante access to Mundis chamber. Dante Rushed to the gigantic doors and inserted the key into the snake shaped key hole. As he entered the chambers, he realised that he was too late. Trish lay dead in a pool of blood, her body as thin as skeletons’ due to being sucked dry for all of her powers. Dante looked up at Mundis with Hatred burning in his eyes. His eyes were beyond the orange fire, they were now a blazing white. With a piercing yell of anger, Dante transformed into ultimate form. His body shed from him like an outer shell. He sprouted wings that looked as a bats wings, his body turned into a hard material. The Alastor was now ingrown into his left arm, which was set ablaze in a blue flame of hatred, even more vibrant than the suns light.
"It wont give up it wants me dead... Goddamn this voice inside my head"

five vicodin chased with a shot of clarity...
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Old May 8th, 2002, 11:42 AM   #3
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Mundis looking perplexed lets out a sigh of fear, for he has never seen a demon on this level before.
“Truly he is the descendant of Sparda! His power surpasses even him. I am truly a fool for doubting the legends.” said Mundis under his breath.
“First you killed my mother and my father! Now you killed Trish! Now you will pay with your life as well! I will not imprison you, I will destroy you and you will never pollute the Earth ever again!” screamed Dante in fury. Try as he might, Mundis couldn’t even put up a fight. Dante dominated him all over, then as Mundis realised that he was defeated, he tried one last technique.
“You may kill me Dante! But if you do I will destroy the earth first! Either way you cant win!!” exclaimed Mundis triumphantly.
“Just try it!! Your weak Mundis! You couldn’t do it even if you wanted to! Its time for you to die!” shouted Dante. Then Dante grabbed his left arm, with all of his energy, he shot out a magma fireball that was combined with the Alastor that formed the Ultima Alastor blast. With precision accuracy, the blast tore through Mundis’ skull, making a gaping hole which tore through his soul. The blast turned him inside out, splattering all of his organs all over the wall. Mundis had been turned mortal, and then he was destroyed. Mundis was finally destroyed.
Dante was now the ruler of both the underworld as well as the human Earth. As supreme ruler, he now had new powers. As his first act as Emperor, he revived Trish. Restoring all of her powers and her memory, she jumped into Dantes arms. As soon as Dante took control over Cantery island, the dark cloud over the island was lifted. The castle recognised the true good of the new ruler, and was restored to its original beauty before the evil emperor Mundis had established himself as ruler. Dante and Trish ruled the worlds together for a while until they ended up getting married. They conceived their new son Azreal. Azreal would inherit the throne to the kingdoms of both the Devil world as well as the human Earth. If Dante had been stronger than the “Ultimate Warrior” Sparda, then how much more powerful would Azreal be than the now legendary warrior Dante??

Sorry it was so long. Had to be 12 pages!!!
"It wont give up it wants me dead... Goddamn this voice inside my head"

five vicodin chased with a shot of clarity...
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Old May 9th, 2002, 09:39 PM   #4
Black Heart
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Thumbs up

I liked it, man. It turned out pretty well IMO. Don't worry if it's long. A sequel doesn't have to be short.
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Old May 10th, 2002, 11:37 AM   #5
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Originally posted by Black Heart
I liked it, man. It turned out pretty well IMO. Don't worry if it's long. A sequel doesn't have to be short.
Thanx a lot for the feedback, I was afraid no-one would read it because of its length. My teachers thought otherwise due to the dark content.
"It wont give up it wants me dead... Goddamn this voice inside my head"

five vicodin chased with a shot of clarity...
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Old May 11th, 2002, 07:17 PM   #6
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Yep, the content is dark, but Devil May Cry is a dark game, based on a dark plot with demons and stuff like that, so it's obvious the content can't be bright, I think. Tell your teacher she didn't understand very well
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