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Old Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:39 AM   #21
Uchiha Sasuke
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Well anyways back to topic.Heres bungie talking about the Halo 2 trailer.

How do you follow up a game like Halo? The rave reviews and Game of the Year awards become daunting after a while. "How do we top this?" one thinks. Well, you can announce a sequel in a press release filled with descriptions that sound like hyperbole on their own. We did that. But we made a companion piece too - a new cinematic using the all-new Halo 2 engine to give people a taste of what the game will be like. Now that the Halo 2 trailer has been unleashed upon an unsuspecting planet, we thought the more dedicated fans would like to hear a little more about how it was put together. To that end, we sat down with the Bungie Cinematics team to talk about how the trailer was constructed. What follows is a discussion with Joseph Staten, the man who took an early build of Halo 2 on a development kit and created a gorgeous teaser for the final game.

Apart from officially announcing the product, what were your goals for the Halo 2 trailer?

We had three primary goals: (1) re-introduce the Master-Chief (in his snazzy new suit); (2) demonstrate the power of our new technology; and (3) get people excited about plunging back into the Halo world. How important each of these goals was relative to one another depends on who you talk to. Personally, my goal was to show the Chief doing dynamic, interesting things in the context of a tantalizing Halo 2 story-fragment. Butcher, Bernie and Adrian would probably say "it's all about the bump-maps and light-blooms, cinema boy!" and who's to say they aren't right.

Describe, in as much or as little detail as you like, the process of creation from the moment you said "Let's make a trailer" to having a finished product.

For once, we had enough time to do all the things we wanted to do. We were able to pre-produce the art assets (i.e. concept and storyboard the whole shebang), revise the script until it was nice and tight, and then hand off the final footage to Marty and Jay with plenty of time to add music and foley. From start to finish, the trailer took about six weeks to make (rough draft of the script to final compression of the movie), and pretty much everyone on the Halo 2 team spent time working on it. Except Jason and Chucky. They pretty much just stood around asking "Are you sure there's nothing we can do?"

How many drafts of the script did you do before you settled on a final vision for the trailer? Was the original idea drastically different from the one we now see?

Originally, we thought the trailer would be no more than 30 seconds to 1 minute in length. And we envisioned a pretty simple plot, primarily because we weren't sure we could get all the art assets done in time for something more spectacular. I had a conversation early on with Jones about "a crazy idea" for the ending, but was shot down due to time concerns. So the original draft of the script I wrote was fairly simple: Chief walks down hallway, gets gun, walks to window, sees earth, smashes his fist on the glass, says something pithy, fade to black.

As the art came online more quickly than expected, we realized we could make the movie longer and more engaging. But I was still eager to keep things short and sweet for Marty and Jay. Then Hamilton, who is usually a big sour-puss, stick in the mud, conservative ninny, cornered me in the hall and insisted that we reconsider the original crazy idea of the Chief boarding a Covenant ship. It was funny to have the roles reversed: Hamilton, the schedule-conscious Producer, encouraging me, the maverick cinematic Director to "sack up, and stop being such a coward".

All told, I think the script went through 5 drafts. And most of these were done to reflect dialog changes.

Did you use storyboards at all, or was that a luxury you didn't have time for?

Storyboards are critical to the way I work, and this time I drew them myself (which, frankly, is why we'll never release them on the web). I actually had enough time to make an animatic with placeholder dialog which was extremely helpful to lots of folks. I might be persuaded to let this out if enough people are interested.

The process of creating the previous Halo trailers was hectic and time-consuming; were things any better this time around?

Usually, the people who get screwed in the trailer-making process are Marty and Jay. We work so hard on the visuals, right up to the last minute, that the sound guys have very little time to get their jobs done. This time we decided to learn from our mistakes, and gave Marty and Jay ample time to polish the dialog, music and foley. I think the results speak for themselves.

Is there anything significant about the trailer that you think people might miss? Any details that might shed light on the game, or just amuse the viewer?

Lots of technical details, certainly. But I hope folks pay close attention to the dialog: therein are plenty of juicy story tidbits to debate on the forums. Also, you might notice that one of the Covenant's nukes hits a very definite location in the state of Washington.

How will cinematics in Halo 2 differ from those in the original Halo? Is there anything the new engine can do that will unlock previously closed vistas of creativity for you? Were there any constraints on this trailer that won't be present for the cutscenes in the final game?

The most significant differences for the non-interactive cinematics will be technical. On the most fundamental level, art assets in Halo 2 will look a lot better than they did in Halo: characters will be more lifelike, environments will be lit more dynamically, etc. The engineers are also stuffing my little-bag-of-tricks with things like depth-of-field as well as writing more robust editing tools, so I'll have a great deal more flexibility with regard to shot composition and pacing.

I don't want to give away too many details too soon, but suffice it to say that our story ideas for Halo 2 are much more ambitious than those we had for Halo, and I'm confident the new engine will enable me to take these ideas from the script to the screen without cutting very many corners.

Now you have some idea of how we wrenched all that stunning imagery out of an Xbox. But all true Halo fans know that the visuals only tell half the story. Check back soon for our next Making The Halo 2 Trailer installment, when we'll talk to Marty O'Donnell and Jay Weinland to find out more about the music and sound in the trailer.
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Old Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:40 AM   #22
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Part 2

Last week we brought you the story of how the Bungie Cinematics team wrenched all that graphical beauty out of an Xbox. This week we turn our attention from the gorgeous graphics to focus on the audible beauty delivered by our two sound specialists, genius composer Marty O'Donnell and the only man in Washington both talented and crazy enough to work as Marty's assitant, Jay Weinland. These human Swiss Army Knives of digital audio offered up some heretofore unrevealed details of what we heard in the trailer, and all the work that went into making it happen.

Obviously the soundtrack to the original Halo trailer made quite an impression. Was there any pressure to top what you'd already done?

Marty: The original trailer came out of nowhere and blew everyone away at MacWorld in 1999. I felt like there was no way to top the effect that the original had on people, so I didn't let that kind of pressure affect me. This time we were scoring final picture with music, sound design and dialog, rather than simply producing an exciting piece of music that could stand alone as well as accompany a real-time tech demo. We had already established the mood and feel of Halo and now we are building on that.

Tell us a little about your working process. How did you compose the music for this trailer?

Marty: I worked with Joe on the script and storyboards right from the beginning. At one point we recorded his voice doing all the parts, including a very sexy Cortana, and he made a rough cut "animatic" which gave me a general idea of the pacing and emotional highpoints for the final. I must say however, that the "Joe" version didn't inspire me a whole lot. My initial instinct was to score the whole thing with kazoos, but after I saw the real art and voice work, I switched to orchestra and choir.

I understand there was a live orchestra involved. Could you tell us a bit more about conducting and recording them?

Marty: I write and produce the score on samplers and synths. Then I copy out the score and parts and record the live musicians while they hear the original track in their headphones. That way I don't need to conduct since the music they're hearing is essentially a frame accurate click track. I think I had Jay run out and conduct the horns while I frantically copied the choir parts. We also conducted the "go crazy" section without a click. That's the part where the Master Chief prepares to jump out and the music swells like "A Day in the Life".

Jay: We could not have cut it any closer. Marty booked 35 musicians a couple weeks in advance to begin playing at noon on Friday August 30. We received the trailer at midnight on Wednesday and Marty started in on the final scoring. I went to the studio on Friday at 9 AM and got the session set up with the engineers. At 11:59 Marty appeared gasping on the doorstep holding string and horn parts. We worked with the strings first with Marty at the production helm while I focused on being an extra pair of ears. Since Marty had not written out vocal parts yet I took the production helm for the horns which we did next and then Marty both worked and sang with the singers. I then spent a bit of time with the engineers readying the session for transfer to a firewre drive; we transferred the data from that to our Pro Tools rig on Saturday and then the real fun began.

Fans are already dissecting the trailer music and picking their favorite parts. Are there any subtle touches that people haven't picked up on yet?

Marty: Well let's see. Jay and I wrote some lyrics for the cello theme that appears midway. If he shares those lyrics with anyone, he's fired. Jay also did a great job actually playing oboe and English horn during the transition before Cortana speaks. It's nice to have a professional woodwind player right on site.

Jay: I have not heard anybody comment on my fabulous oboe/english horn playing *pfft*. Oh wait Marty just did... how nice of him...

The familiar "monks" from the first Halo soundtrack don't appear until the end of the trailer, and even then they are augmented with "nuns." Will the Halo 2 soundtrack feature similar reworkings of familiar themes and motifs, or are you focusing on new material?

Marty: One of the characteristics of plainsong chant is that it's monophonic. In Halo, the sung chant theme is never harmonized, or developed. Also, I only used male voices even when doing choral themes. I felt that Halo 2 should not only be something new but also feel like a continuation of the Halo universe. That meant bringing back the monks, but this time stacking the theme in 20th century harmonies and adding "nuns". By the way, we had a 14 voice choir which included my wife as well as myself.

At what point in the creation of the trailer did work on non-musical audio commence? How long did it take to finish?

Marty: We recorded the actors almost two weeks before the music. That gave Joe something specific to cut to. We couldn't really start on much foley work until the cut was just about final, which was basically a few days before our final mix.

Jay: I had pulled a lot of material out of our sound libraries that I thought I might have use for but this work basically began the minute we had a finished trailer to work on. Throughout the day Thursday I worked exclusively on the sound design. Friday we were both at the studio with the musicians, but on Saturday while Marty mixed the music I got the rest of the sound design and dialog roughed in. On Sunday morning I moved about 12 tracks of sound effects and dialog data into the music session and set up the surround panning. Marty and I then spent the rest of Sunday and Monday going over the whole mix with a fine tooth comb. We finished up about 6 PM on Monday and immediately turned over a 5.1 mix to Joe, who made several DVDs to hand to Hamilton Chu who was on his way to the X02 event the following morning.

There's a lot of information in the trailer conveyed exclusively through audio. How do you decide what needs to be seen and what needs to be heard?

Marty: We were still experimenting with that right up until the end. I had one version that had no dialog at all until Cortana's line "What if you miss?". It didn't work, but it's fun to keep trying different things. The difficult part of this trailer was the fact that we didn't have a narrator, and you never saw the people who were actually talking until the last two words "I won't". Information and emotional content needed to come from the audio.

Jay: I always try to make sound effects for anything that would make sound in real life. In the final mix however we have to make sure that what needs to be heard is heard clearly and sometimes that means other items take a backseat. Music, SFX, and dialog each have their moments to shine in this trailer and in anything we do.

Could you describe the process of adding sound effects to a cutscene in the Halo engine?

Marty: A big pain in the ...

Jay: The nice thing is that the engine takes care of all audio that would normally be triggered during gameplay. That means that we do not have to post audio to the cutscenes for footsteps or ambient sound for example. For stuff in the cutscenes that is unique (such as Cortana getting inserted in the panel in the Control Room or the lift in the Library that contains the index descending) we capture the cutscene directly off the XBOX and make a QuickTime movie of it. We then bring that QuickTime into ProTools and post audio to it. Then we make audio files based on camera cuts and import them into the game. The final step is sitting down with Joe and going through his scripts and finding the places where we have specific audio to be played back; then in his script when he has a camera cut scripted he adds a line to call the sound effect. We then repeat above process hundreds of times, so like Marty said...

The entire Cinematics team are big proponents of 5.1 sound. We'll assume everyone knows the basic idea behind such a setup, but are there any specific examples in the Halo 2 trailer where the benefits of 5.1 sound really shine?

Marty: The sound should just envelop the listener without a bunch of gimmicks. Ok, we had a couple gimmicks in there, like the voices swirling around your head before the Master Chief jumps and the sound of debris that shoots from back to front in the hangar bay.

Jay: The hangar bay is where we pulled out all the stops with the debris, flying wind howling all around you, and the orchestral sweep swirling around your head as the Master Chief hurls towards the camera...good stuff.

Do you have any grand plans for sound design in Halo 2 that you can share? Are there any new capabilities you didn't have in the first game?

Marty: All audio more better, plus the sound of flaming Ninjas chasing you.

Jay: Of course we'll get new toys, it's the only way to keep us happy.
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Old Sep 22nd, 2002, 02:17 PM   #23
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This game will be the sh#t, I gaurantee that I will be pulling an allnighter when it comes out with CC, or SSSnake, lol
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Old Sep 22nd, 2002, 04:11 PM   #24
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MakgSnake, i don't know noe i got it cuz it just suddenly showed up, i don't noe how, go to g4tv.com and subscribe it ur t.v., or ask ur cable comp.
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Old Sep 23rd, 2002, 05:39 AM   #25
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I had so much fun reading all this sort of flame between these guys

However, before say anything else, I must tell ya'll that I am a freaking ginorant in this matter. I have not even ever played Halo, although I got no idea what's so great about it.... which are the main differences it has towards an ordinary FPS ?

A second question: Why is it compared so much with Metal Gear solid? What are the similarities?

I'm just asking this so I may even buy HALO someday soon, as I may be buying an X Box as well.

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Old Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:36 AM   #26
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Originally posted by Frozen
I had so much fun reading all this sort of flame between these guys

However, before say anything else, I must tell ya'll that I am a freaking ginorant in this matter. I have not even ever played Halo, although I got no idea what's so great about it.... which are the main differences it has towards an ordinary FPS ?

A second question: Why is it compared so much with Metal Gear solid? What are the similarities?

I'm just asking this so I may even buy HALO someday soon, as I may be buying an X Box as well.

Well Halo is a really interactive FPS.The AI is extremely smart and communicate and stuff.You can drive vehicles.Pick up and drop different weapons and has a damn good story going through it.Mutliplayer is just a blast espically through 2 player co op.As for is and metal gear there are no similarities people just compare them because there the 2 best games for the represented systems.Oh if you buy halo and beat it someday make sure you have a friend to play with through co op it makes the game shine so so much.
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Old Sep 24th, 2002, 02:12 AM   #27
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As for what you and Kabuki have told me about this game, I'll probably get it as my first for X Box. I still have to check it out before I buy it, of course. Thanks a lot for the information

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Old Sep 24th, 2002, 12:31 PM   #28
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Originally posted by Frozen
I had so much fun reading all this sort of flame between these guys

However, before say anything else, I must tell ya'll that I am a freaking ginorant in this matter. I have not even ever played Halo, although I got no idea what's so great about it.... which are the main differences it has towards an ordinary FPS ?

A second question: Why is it compared so much with Metal Gear solid? What are the similarities?

I'm just asking this so I may even buy HALO someday soon, as I may be buying an X Box as well.
Well Halo is a linear game to begin with.

The main idea is to blast and keep on blasting your way through a bunch of stupid aliens.You move from point A to point B but in between the points you blast your way through and that is ALL.

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Old Sep 24th, 2002, 01:01 PM   #29
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Thumbs up Yup!.!

Originally posted by GaseousSnake
The main idea is to blast and keep on blasting your way through a bunch of stupid aliens.You move from point A to point B but in between the points you blast your way through and that is ALL.
I Cannot AGREE With This MORE!.! Its So True What GaseousSnake Has Just Said!.!
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Old Sep 24th, 2002, 03:14 PM   #30
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Originally posted by GaseousSnake

The main idea is to blast and keep on blasting your way through a bunch of stupid aliens.You move from point A to point B but in between the points you blast your way through and that is ALL.
riiight ..point A to point B w/ stupid aliens.. and that is all....

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Old Sep 24th, 2002, 03:47 PM   #31
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Originally posted by GaseousSnake

Well Halo is a linear game to begin with.

The main idea is to blast and keep on blasting your way through a bunch of stupid aliens.You move from point A to point B but in between the points you blast your way through and that is ALL.
Well gaseous you must not of played through the game cause if you did you would know that there are objectives to be done and such side quests to be completed within a level.Also i hope you know that go from point A to point B apply's in all action games and FPS i hope you knew that.Halo just does it better than most games.Also i think the AI of the aliens in Halo is alot smarter than any other game out right now.
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Old Sep 25th, 2002, 01:36 AM   #32
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Whenever I hear about his game I can not do but think about GoldenEye, for mysterious reasons. What could you guys tell me about the objectives to be done.... are they in way much like in Golden Eye? More or less like in Medal of Honor?

Or, recalling another game, would they be more like in Syphon Filter? (I know it's not FPS, but it's one of my favorite action games ever and I'm drooling for a new release in PS2 )

[stupid question]Weeks ago I saw a pretty cool game. It had lots of aliens in it. You had some osrt of Jetpack and flashy weapons. However, it was in third view, not exactly in FPS. Now, was that game HALO? Because for the character I saw, it looks like the one I've seen at screenshots, and SSSnakes's sig, besides, I would have no idea which game would be the one I'm talking about [/stupid question]

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Old Sep 25th, 2002, 10:50 AM   #33
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Well heres some example of some objectives in Halo.One mission you first have to get to a point with a alien craft.But you have to go through hell to get there.Once there you have to fly craft up into a mountain ledge to destroy a generator.Now theres about 4 differents generators on the level that you have to destroy and i must say its quite difficult to get to some of them.Sometimes you can find marines to give you hand but they usually get there asses kick.Thats just one example of some crap you have to do.BTW about that game your talking about i don't know but from what your saying with the jetpack and third person the only game that comes to mind is tribes for ps2, which is do out soon
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Old Sep 25th, 2002, 10:34 PM   #34
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Well, now I became an updated person. I played Halo this afternoon at gamefellas. I really liked that game, although it didn't impact me or anything, but I know it's because I didn't play it too much. And I really suck at it, I didn't even now what did i have to do

But anyways, the suage of weapons was pretty cool and how you switch them and stuff was cool. Now that I played, probably I'll get it as I thought.

And I now know which game I was talking about. Again, I forgot the title ( ), but I know it's from Sega, but it's not "Tribes" is a longer title. Probably another game I'll buy for X ox when I get it.

Thanks for the info SSSnake.

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Old Sep 25th, 2002, 10:47 PM   #35
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Originally posted by Frozen
Well, now I became an updated person. I played Halo this afternoon at gamefellas. I really liked that game, although it didn't impact me or anything, but I know it's because I didn't play it too much. And I really suck at it, I didn't even now what did i have to do

But anyways, the suage of weapons was pretty cool and how you switch them and stuff was cool. Now that I played, probably I'll get it as I thought.

And I now know which game I was talking about. Again, I forgot the title ( ), but I know it's from Sega, but it's not "Tribes" is a longer title. Probably another game I'll buy for X ox when I get it.

Thanks for the info SSSnake.
Well yeah Halo is a good good game a great one in fact but it takes awhile to get to love it.CC me and 007 where skeptics before i bought my xbox.When i did purchase it we played through it a couple of times on the easier difficulties and thought it was way to simplistic.Then we took a shot at legendary.Man that game shines there.The AI is perfect.Everything is easily matched.The aliens will hunt you relentlessly when your hurt or going to heal,its the whole nine.Well i glad you enjoyed it play it a bit more and you'll love it.As for that sega game im really trying to figure that out.Its probably something real real simple and i don't know what it is.Owell.
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Old Oct 13th, 2002, 02:41 AM   #36
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Man, I just got my X Box with HALO and that game is B-A-D A-S-S, the best FPS I have played up until date, really. I'm playing it in normal right now and it's already some challenge for me, since I still have not mastered the controls. I'm in level 4, I think. I am really enjoying this game.

Oh, and the other game I was talking about is Gunvalkyrie... that game is actually some sort of Metroid in 3rd person... looks really neat, but I've heard very strong critics against it's controls. I think I'll rent it and give it a try anyways.

Oh well, now I'm almost sure I'll buy HALO 2 if it's gonna be better than teh first one!!!!

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Old Oct 21st, 2002, 03:04 PM   #37
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Originally posted by GaseousSnake
I do hope that this game turns out to be better than halo cuz i didnt like halo at all.I had more fun with 007:Golden Eye than with HALO
WHOOOOAAAA! Believe me youre the only person i've ever even heard of not likin HALO its like saying "I dont believe in eyes" or some stupid-ass shit like that! HALO is da SHIT!
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Old Oct 21st, 2002, 03:06 PM   #38
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Originally posted by Frozen
Man, I just got my X Box with HALO and that game is B-A-D A-S-S, the best FPS I have played up until date, really. I'm playing it in normal right now and it's already some challenge for me, since I still have not mastered the controls. I'm in level 4, I think. I am really enjoying this game.

Oh, and the other game I was talking about is Gunvalkyrie... that game is actually some sort of Metroid in 3rd person... looks really neat, but I've heard very strong critics against it's controls. I think I'll rent it and give it a try anyways.

Oh well, now I'm almost sure I'll buy HALO 2 if it's gonna be better than teh first one!!!!
GV's controls are TERRIBLE I bought it (along with Fusion Frenzy + Genma Onimusha) second hand, and sold them all the next day (GO was allright but not worth keepin) and STILL I made a profit (even after throwing Fusion Frenzy out my window...which showz how good a business man i am
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Old Oct 21st, 2002, 04:29 PM   #39
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Originally posted by Rohamgh

WHOOOOAAAA! Believe me youre the only person i've ever even heard of not likin HALO its like saying "I dont believe in eyes" or some stupid-ass shit like that! HALO is da SHIT!
To each his own.

Had it been this game was a ps2 game it wount have sold much.

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Old Oct 21st, 2002, 07:05 PM   #40
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Harry has much to be proud ofHarry has much to be proud ofHarry has much to be proud ofHarry has much to be proud ofHarry has much to be proud ofHarry has much to be proud ofHarry has much to be proud ofHarry has much to be proud ofHarry has much to be proud ofHarry has much to be proud of

I'm sorry to say that the only person biased in here is you. Halo is a good game, technically the best one on the Xbox, but that's where it ends. When I read "Game Of The Year" things about Halo I just can't help but laugh. Game Of The Yar for what?

1. Game Design? Halo Is one of the most linear high-budget games of the new generation. It's linear, and it doesn't introduce any true innovation in the FPS genre. And to all the ones thinking that First Person Shooters can do nothing else than let you shoot, pick up weapons, hide, find switches, should play Deus Ex. And speaking of Game Design in general, this is the year of games like Metal Gear Solid 2, Grand Theft Auto 3, Morrowind - three monsters against Halo's easy structure. And please SSSnake, I hope you admit that the environments, the structures in Halo are definitely repetitive. Yes, this can be justified by the storyline, but damn, they become kinda hypnotic after a while!

2. Graphics? Absolutely gorgeous, indeed. But not flawless, as many use to say. The first thing that pops in my mind are the awful character animations - they sometimes seem to come from the era of the old Unreal Engine. Compare the cutscenes in Halo with the in-game cutscenes in Metal Gear Solid 2, compare the animations with the ones in Metal Gear Solid 2 - Halo's characters are miles away from that smoothness and realism. Oh, and speaking of games with better animations, I can also put in the list Silent Hill 2.

3. Story? Damn, where is originality in Halo? It's the same old story, plain bad aliens VS good Marines and genetically engineered superhero... it's kiddish, and clearly created to appeal the broader audience. But on the other hand, the world built around this story is believable, and the study done in the creation of the ringworld is gorgeous. But, can Halo's storyline compare favourably with the one of games like Metal Gear Solid 2, Silent Hill 2, Morrowind, Eternal Darkness, Soul Reaver, Deus Ex? And please, don't tell me that Master Chief is a well-developed, deep character!

Finally, Artistic Value. If I were one of the artists that worked on games like ICO, Zone Of The Enders, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy X, Morrowind, Soul Reaver, The Mark Of Kri... I'd be scared to work in an industry that prefer Halo's unoriginal sci-fi world and character design to the one of any of the games listed above. Also the - great - idea of the ringworld is soooooo old for sci-fi enthusiast... and also for videogamers... after all didn't ZOE take place on a small ringworld?

Concluding, I do think that Halo is a good, great, fun game. But as somebody else said, I strongly believe that its fortune was caused not only by its merits, but by 1. The lack of other "charismatic" games in the Xbox line-up 2. One of the hugest advertising campaigns ever to support a videogame.

It's good that you like this game so much, but have more respect for others that have different opinions.

Originally posted by SSSnake
Its really sad how people slam games that they know are better than what they have.Makg now im starting to think your nuts and are to damn prideful to admit that maybe there is a better game than MGS and Gaseous maybe your just to damn stuck on nintendo and broaden your damnm horizon when it comes to gaming.Technically Halo blows your damn goldeneye and makgs agent under fire outta the water.Do any of you notice any of the small detail in the game the reflections,the ai which makes those 2 other games look bad.You people should really quit knocking its your making yourself look dumb.
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