Thread: Lady Yunalesca
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Old Dec 17th, 2003, 07:22 PM   #2
Infernal Mass
Joined: Apr 2002
Posts: 2,385
Infernal Mass is on a distinguished road
HP: 24,000 (Round 1), 48,000 (Round 2), 60,000 (Round 3).
Sensor: Reaper of souls. Vulnerable to holy magic.
Strength: 20
Magic: 30
Immunities: Poison, Power Break, Magic Break, Armor Break, Mental
Break, Confusion, Berserk, Provoke, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Slow,
Power Distil., Mana Distil., Speed Distil., Ability Distil., Eject,
Doom, KO, Zombie, and Petrification.
Scan: Casts Curaga and Regen on zombified characters. Cure zombie with
Holy Water. Her counterattacks dispel support magic. She also curses
aeons with her Mind Blast.

Yunalesca...I didn't see this one coming. Unfortunately, she proves
INCREDIBLY difficult even to people who know what they're doing, and
IMPOSSIBLE to those who don't. She has three forms, so I take it best
to go one-by-one.

Round 1
Yunalesca is VICIOUS this round! She counters everything! If you use
Attack or Skill, she will counter with Blind magic. You now miss often.
If you use Magic, she uses Silence. You now can't cast magic. If you
use Special or an Overdrive, she counters with Sleep. You now don't get
turns. It's quite difficult to keep up. Also, it's very annoying to
keep fixing these status ailments. Worst of all, these counters also
have a Dispel-strike like quality. Every time she counters against you
(which is almost every time you do something to her), she removes any
status augmentations that you have. Haste, Protect - whatever - she
takes it off.

Not only that, but she actually gets turns, too. On her turns, she
actually INFLICTS DAMAGE! I know, I know, it's hard to handle. She
generally uses Absorb, which takes about 2,000 HP from you and gives
2,000 HP to her. She CAN and will Absorb more HP than you currently
have (if you have 500, she can kill you and take 2,000). Also, she
sometimes uses a regular attack, which does 200 to 500 points of

What to do! Luckily, her counters are spells. Thus, use Reflect (after
Hastega)! She is immune to Sleep, Silence, and Darkness, but at least
they miss you and you keep your Haste! Oddly enough, while Dispel
removes Reflect, her counters don't, so they aren't EXACTLY like
Dispel. You can be free of her counters. If you, for some reason, don't
have or like Reflect (?), you can use Esuna on your characters. You can
just hack away at her, now. Hard...right?

Round 2
No, I don't lie when I say a boss is difficult! She has a second form!
She opens with an attack called Hellbiter. Hellbiter is your best
friend and worst nightmare. It only does 200 to 250 points of damage to
everybody, but then they all gain zombie status! It works through

Basically, unless you have Zombie Ward or Zombieproof armor (which I
suggest you DO NOT equip), you've got three zombies. This is bad.
Yunlesca only has two other attacks, now - Cura and Regen. Cura does
around 1,500 damage to zombies (although heals regular characters), and
Regen periodically kills zombies, like Poison.

Keep your zombie status! Just trust me! I'll tell you why soon enough.
Also, keep your Reflect! Reflect bounces off Regen and Cura, and while
they help Yunalesca, now the only way she can hurt you is with her
occasional Hellbiter!

Switch in your 4th best character before killing her and let him be hit
by Hellbiter. Then, switch him back out. JUST DO IT!

Make sure everybody is at high HP and in zombie status when you kill

Round 3
This is why I said the battle is hard. She opens with Mega Death. This
is a Death attack that hits ALL characters. They all die. You lose.
Game Over.

...Or do you? Instant death doesn't work on the undead...thus, any
zombies in your party survive! She WILL use Mega Death periodically
now, so keep everyone as zombies!

Why is this bad news? You are now forced into being a zombie, yet she
still uses powerful attacks! Her Curaga does 4,500 to a zombie, almost
surely killing him! Also, she still periodically uses Regen. If you
can't Reflect it, use Dispel. If you can manage to keep Reflect up,
though, this isn't a problem.

Her Mind Blast attack is, however. This inflicts about 600 points to
each character and adds random status effects. Confusion, sleep, and
curse are the only ones I've seen - each of which proving highly deadly
in the heat of battle. Curse only prevents Overdrives, but confusion
and sleep are bad! Either try to hit the character with Yuna, Rikku, or
Lulu (as they do low damage), or wait for Hellbiter or another Mind
Blast. It's not fun.

So basically, Mind Blast is your problem. You can't heal your zombies
as you'd hurt them, and they slowly die off. This is why you should
keep your HPs apart. If one character dies, QUICKLY revive him and
bring him to full health before the next Hellbiter. If you can do this
every time somebody dies (hopefully getting Reflect up, too), then your
only threat should be Mega Death.

Of course, that's not quite so easy. You might wind up with just one
zombie left on several occasions (if using Tidus, Yuna, and Auron as I
did, Tidus and Yuna might die around the same time). For this reason,
your remaining zombie has three options. He can frantically use Phoenix
Downs and try to help everybody (bad idea). He can use a Mega Phoenix,
killing himself but reviving the other two. This is risky, as the other
two are now non-zombies, and a Mega Death could give you Game Over.
Lastly, you could switch in you back-up zombie from last round to help
bring people back, as his HP is higher.

Whatever you do, DO NOT find yourself with only non-zombies! You can't
depend on Hellbiter to prevent Mega Death - she could very easily use
it first! It may take a couple tries, but you should get through it.
Good luck!

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