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Old Feb 25th, 2002, 12:23 PM   #1
Angel of Darkness
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007_JamesBond is on a distinguished road
invincible part 3

here it is

"Lets get the hell out of here." he said as he tells the class to leave the school, the young man waits till all of his classmates left this room of horror.

As they started to leave the school, the halls were not packed at all like normal. Then all of a sudden the students all stopped turned around and looked at the young man who was just walking out of the door of his classroom. The students all just looked at him and started to clap for him and as they clapped they cleared the hallway for him. He walked passed, with a certain look on his face, one that only can be defined as determined.

Then when he got outside, a few blocks a way from the door of the school he saw something in the road a head, with another one of those things around what appeared to be a body in the center of the street. As he got closer he realized that it was just not somebody, it was his mother. That sent a new more severe feeling over him. When the being saw him he could see that he was much different than the other inferior beings upon that planet. In the back that monsters mind ran the words that were spoken to him by them by the dying member of that empire so long ago. That sent a chilling feeling down his back.

"No, No the prophecy has come true," this scared member of the force started to scream, "The legend was real."

He started to mumble over and over again. The young man just looks at him with a cold, piercing look upon his face.

The young man says," You killed my mother, You Son of a B*tch, now prepare to die."

The monster tried to run away from me, but he couldn't. To set the story straight that child and that young man is me, and that is my mother lying there dead with a fearful look on her face. I threw one foot down and I was gone, I moved so fast I got in front of him before he even know I left the spot I was at looking at my mother. I took my time to insure that I avenged the death of my mother in full, when I was finished I pulled out a knife and stuck a note to the lifeless piece of **** that killed my mother, then I put the body in the path of on coming force members, when they found it they took it back to where their leader was. The leader was worse than the force members, the force feared him so.

The power that the leader possesses can only be defined as worse than evil; the force only knows him as the entity. When the members of the force took the body of their fallen comrade in arms to their heartless leader, the leader began to read the note. It read as fallows,

to the leader of the force, I am right behind you, (the Entity looks behind him and realizes that there is nothing there) he turns back to the note and continues to read, Ha you looked, now I have you paranoid. Look out, here I come you Son of a B*tch prepare to watch the beginning of the end. Death is at hand.

The Entity then crumpled up the note then threw it to the ground in rage, Kill him he ordered, I want his head on a platter served to me at breakfast.

Back in that little town that young man, I mean me, now returns to his fallen mother. He picked her up and carries her home. When I got home I then took the time to burry her, and to say a few choice words, that were meant for her and her alone. I then wiped the tears from my face and walked back into my trashed house that was not the way I left it that mourning. The entire house was covered in blood and nearly destroyed. I worked my way up to my room, where I thought to myself I need some help and in my room I find my dog dead and ripped in half. So then I stood there in the doorway of my room and then it hit me. At this time of the day my two best friends would be none other than my two 45's, with custom made hollow points. The guns were given to me by my father before he died or at least that is what my mother told me. He died when I was just child he gave the guns to my mother and was told by him to give them to me on my sixteenth birthday. So that is how I got them. On each of the bullets I carved the initials of a lost friend or relation of mine, except for the last one I carved MOM on it, in the end it turned out I didn't have enough bullets for all my friends so I put more than one on all of the bullets, but one, the one with MOM written on it. That bullet was special to me, and I vowed from that day on, I would save that bullet for the bastard who started all of this all, that bullet would put an end to the pain, torment and anguish that monster had caused.

I then took my guns and proceeded to leave the house. About half a block later I walked passed the electronics shop that had television that was turned on in the window. An anchor woman came on the news and told everybody stay calm the police will handle this (I personally think that she is just paid to say that, she is really scared like the rest of this town) then all of a sudden the station was broken into and the Anchor woman was killed while they were still on the air, The monster then made a statement that announced that they were looking for me and that I could turn myself in and stand trial for murder in their courts, but to me that meant that I was to die , The second option is for you to die.

"Huh?" I said, " nobody paid this much attention to me before."

So I then decided that I would make my way for the station. I then start to walk down the street toward the station, I turn the corner he see three members of the force standing they're looking around and talking about something, I could not hear. So then I turn around the corner and stop, looking at the force, I draw my guns pointing them down. The force sees me and just stands there still. The in an instance a member of the force draws his gun, but it was too late, before he could raise it high enough to fire it in the general direction of me, I had already shot him. He fell to the ground quite quickly actually, when the bullets entered and left his brain, the hole was at least five times as big when it left then when it went in. What was left of his brains splattered all over the other two members of the force, this triggered them to draw their guns and proceed to fire. When they pulled it out and aimed it at me, assuming that they were to hit me. When they got it up they could not find me because I was already directly behind them, I then tapped on the shoulder of the ugly one on the left, and he turned around. I punched him; he flew through the wall of the building on the other side of the street. Then the other ugly one turned around, I kicked him and he went flying through the air, at this time the only thing that ran through my mind was the fact that my mother was dead. I said to myself you will not leave alive, then took to the air as he flew, I got above him and hit him as hard as I could to the ground, and he hit the ground and created a huge crater in the middle of the street. I then returned to the earth in rage, and proceeded to go to the television broadcast station.
Vini Vidi Vici

victory comes to those who want it the most

i am only mearly surviving
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