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Old Oct 6th, 2003, 10:07 PM   #20
Lost Hero
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Originally posted by Spank-A-Thon
Uhhh, through some serious mis-use of the Junction system it was possible to make Squall very God-like. I agree about 6, that seemed very balanced. But also I'd would say the same about 4 & 5 too. To be honest, I get the feeling that making characters super-powerful is a trait of the PSX and later FF's.
Yes, and there are also game genies on SNES that allow you to have Ultima ten minutes into the game, but what I meant was that, out of the box, the Playstation One - Up titles were relatively easy, with the exception of 8. If you didn't do anything like, checking online, or buying a guide, (even the guide didn't contain those spoilers) then you would have a tough time beating 8.
I hope the movie does give some epic battles and whatnot - the thought of that certainly whets my appetite for the movie. Haven't played X-2 cos it ain't out in the UK yet so I'm keeping my mind open about it - but personally I loved FFX, but that's a discussion for another thread.
We are all granted our own opinion. I understand that people here are giving this movie the cold shoulder because of Spirits Within. I'm a diehard FF fan, and I hated Spirits Within too, but Squaresoft wasn't stepping in the direction we thought they were with that movie, and the direction they were stepping to, they stepped successfully. Their goal was to break the barrier on computer graphics and animation. Spirits Within made every Pixar movie, Shrek included, look like Photoshop skills.

This movie on the other hand, doesn't have guns or space ships like Spirits Within did, which was why people didn't like it. This movie has repeated fights between Cloud and the un-named.
Let me describe one scene. Cloud is on his bike (yes he ends up on the motorcycle, the reminiscent thought of it, gets my spine chilled) and he's racing towards the Sephiroth like person. The white haired man, picks his arm up and fires what appears to be a magic attack at Cloud that he tries to avoid by maneuvering his bike, but eventually one of the rays hits below his bike and sends him flying in the air with the bike. Midway through the air, you see Cloud pull his Buster Sword out from behind him (while he's falling in the air, cuz he's such a badass) and while his bike is falling toward the white haired man, he strikes at him, but the white haired man quickly pulls out Masamune and repels the attack.
It shows a sword fight between Cloud and the white haired man, where they repeatedly turn blows at each other and then begin to really get it on.
Yup, that seems to be it exactly - the final battle with Sephiroth took place in his mind. It was Cloud's way of cleansing his soul and ridding himself of his Demons so to speak. It certainly suggests there is the possibility that Sephiroth was never killed.
That is precisely my opinion. Cloud was way too caught up with his quarrel with Sephiroth, and I don't think it was only because he killed his entire hometown. Cloud only cared about two people from that town, Tifa and his mother. Everyone else there was exhaust fumes. His quarrel with Sephiroth was more of a, "I wanted to be like you, but you turned out to be an *******" motif. He had to settle that with himself, and I think the old Sephiroth (before Jenova) was the one talking to Cloud in his sleep.
That's an interesting premise which could prove to be an echo of Cloud's relationship with Sephy... very intruiging.
Just a couple of things, Marlene is Dyne's daughter not Barrets. Shera was not Cid's wife and it's doubtful that 2 years after the final battle Red would have kids, cos when we see them in the ending - it's 500 years later.
I look at Marlene as Barret's daughter because he was there for her, far more than Dyne was. Dyne abandoned her and lost his mind, and I feel that Barret probably returned to the railroad town to make up for his past. I think Tifa went with him, not as a wife or anything. Shera wasn't Cid's wife, but I think they did love each other. At least, I think Cid was being a hard ass when Cloud said, "your wife". Cid cancelled the launch to save her life, and the clock wasn't up yet... For all we know, she could've checked all the tanks and returned up, but Cid stopped the ship before we got to see that, so I know how he really feels.
However, I take it you think that Cloud and Tifa didn't get it together then? Certainly the end suggested that (Cloud saying he could "meet her there"), but I'm always open to new suggestions.
I know Cloud and Tifa didn't end up together. In every Final Fantasy game involving couples, we see some sort of hint that they ended up together. (Squall and Rinoa, Tidus and Yuna) Square deliberately left that open, because we all know Cloud loved Aeris. You think it's a good story that Tifa loved Cloud and just because Aeris was killed, he gets with her? We all know Cloud's pimp, but he aint THAT type of pimp. Square portrays a very "fantasy" like world in Final... Fantasy... And in that type of world, characters mourn the deaths of their loved ones for their entire lives and either become evil, or go solo.
You certainly do raise some interesting questions! I think it would be amazing for them to explore more of the relationship between Cloud and Sephiroth - your post has most definitely raised my interest on this project. Keep your posts coming man!

- S
Oh you can count on my posts
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