Thread: Madden NFL 2004
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Old Aug 15th, 2003, 02:19 AM   #5
Preventer Wind
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I still get screwed over on pass defense. I've heard a lot of people say how great the AI is when it sucks. Whenever I take control of DB my guy does everything to not defend the pass. If he has a good position to intercept the pass he moves to the outside of the receiver. Way too many big plays occur. It's like if the computer wants to score it just happens. I mean I can't tell you how many times I've bumped a guy and that's all that happened to the guy. But when I get the ball and I'm running the computer can dive barely touch me with one hand and take me down. If you try and play zone the computer picks it a part and throws it at the exact right time. Or if you play man the second before your DB turns his back the computer has already started to throw the ball deep.

On offense the receivers drop way too many passes. Not many receivers are bad enough to drop 9 passes in a season. But when you have one receiver with 9 drops in 5 games (make it 11 through 6) something is seriously wrong. And the guy is Joey Galloway. Not that he is the best receiver in the league but still I don't see him dropping more then 10 passes all year.

The line play is fairly good on pass coverage. I still get sacked a lot but it's more of a bad habit I have of backing up ten yards. Though I still have a problem with it sometimes. I don't think I've ever seen a DB shove a linemen to the ground. And if I have I've never seen it twice in one game. It happens far too much. And the running backs still don't know how to block.

And finally we get to the passing game. One of the only decent things about the game play. It is far too easy...most of the time. Sometimes you just get screwed. You throw a pass as hard as possible but a linemen or a linebacker can pick the pass off with ease. Or you get a ball tipped and the computer makes a sliding interception. Or you throw a pass in front of or behind the receiver and the computer will pick it off most of the time. Or if your receiver needs to be lead you can't possibly do it unless you lob the ball in the air a million yards because the DBs are so damn good they can run side by side with your receiver no matter the difference in speed.

Another thing I noticed is that it seems like the computer gets backspin on all their punts. I have seen only two balls bounce into the end zone.

Now I know I'm just ranting but I'm sick and tired of every game becoming a shoot out. I'm tired of having nobodies catch the ball all over me and my guys drop crucial passes (Galloway up to 4 drops this game and my team is at 9). I'm sick and tired of game developers adding things rather than fixing things.

All they had to do was fix the pass defense, make it a tad (I stress tad) bit harder to run, and make it a little tougher to stop the run. Instead they add this playmaker feature which doesn't do anything to help and they make the game 10x harder then it should be and they fix nothing. The game tries to make you follow the laws of physics but allows the computer to defy those same laws as you wait for the season to end so you can get to the good part of the game.

They should have done what they did with NCAA. Keep the game basically the same but add some things. I don't see how adding the owner mode would make you change the game play so much. It's not like they added more then 2 new tackles and 1 new swat the ball move. They tried to hit a homerun but fouled the ball off. This is the worst Madden Game.... ever.

And Vicious....when you have dreams about a game I don't think there is much of a chance that game will ever live up to your expectations

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Sun Tzu
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