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Old Feb 23rd, 2002, 06:02 PM   #1
Soul Angel
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Soul Angel is on a distinguished road
Magikala Parts 9 - 10

Okay here's part 9 of Magikala

When Eclipse and Hope are back outside from the Escaswift's locker room area.

Hope: “Eclipse what came over you?....... Did you really think he would of joined us by you insulting him like that!”

Eclipse: “Sorry..... Its just that when I get mad I can sometimes lash out at people and say things which I don’t really mean.”

Hope: “....... Well what now then Eclipse?”

Eclipse: “Its starting to get late...... So I think we should head off to the inn and think things through tomorrow.”

Hope: “Okay..... But you know I’m just going to have a little wonder around before heading back and going to sleep okay.”

Eclipse: “Sure just don’t get yourself lost or into any trouble okay.”

Hope: “Don’t worry about me, I'll be fine.”

Eclipse: “Alright see you later okay.”

Hope nods her head and they both head off in separate directions. Eclipse stops and thinks of something which Tito said.

Eclipse: “Hmm what did Tito mean by Alan wasn’t his father?......... Perhaps I should visit Alan and Jane and ask them what’s with Tito.”

Eclipse heads off back to Alan and Jane’s home.
When there.....

Eclipse: “Hi Alan.”
Alan: “Arr, Eclipse did you find Tito?”
Eclipse: “Yeah.....”
Alan: “Hmm from the look of your face Tito wasn’t very cooperative.”
Eclipse: “You could say that....... I don’t know perhaps I caught him at a bad time or something?”
Alan: “Hah!.... Stubborn son of mine!”

Eclipse: “Um Alan..... When I was talking to Tito he said you wasn’t his father. Why?”
Alan: “.......Ahhh its true though.”
Eclipse: “Huh what the?”

Alan: “Hahaha the look on your face looks like I’ve done something wrong...... No Tito isn’t either Jane’s or my real son he’s adopted.”

Eclipse: “Oh!...... Um when did Tito find out?”

Alan: “He was six when we told him after that he only goes by our names..... But we know he still looks upon us as his parents.”

Eclipse: “Don’t mind me asking but what happened to his parents?”

Alan: “Well it must of been 15 years ago when we first met Tito he was around two at the time........ [flash back]
Jane and me had been away from Escaflane for around two years exploring the world and we had decided to head back home. While doing so though we saw a young lady collapsed on the ground, of course we both quickly hurried towards her and help aid her. When we reached her we noticed that she was badly injured as well as that she had a young child by her side. There she mange to say with her last ounce of breath

Young lady: “Take Tito to a safe place”

And with that she died in my arms. Jane picked up the wee child. I couldn’t believe how small he was, he was just about alive. Well I quickly got help and we took them both back to Escaflane. Everyone was surprised and shocked by how poorly Tito was, no one knew what could of happened to them. Though I suspect that the Terror probably had something to do with it. Well anyway cut a long story short everyone was surprised that Tito manage to survive, so me and Jane decided to take him in. I mean with no children of our own I guess we thought it was the best thing we could do for his mother and him.”
[flash back ends]

Eclipse: “Did you have any idea who his mother was?”

Alan: “Well all we found out that she was a Eoforwine and that her parents had left some years ago to one of the underwater villages that’s all.”

Eclipse: “Don’t you even know her name?”

Alan: “No......... You see I think she must of done something bad once so no one will speak of her, you see some Eoforwine parents don’t like their children to become adventurers so that maybe one of the reasons. But keep that a secret from Tito I don’t want to upset him.”

Eclipse: “Sure.”

Back with Hope.
Hope is looking out of a window, Behind her Tito is walking down some glass like blue stairs with a sack full of Sea Hay. Tito notices Hope and decides to walk up to her. Tito scratches the back of his head trying to think what to say to her.

Tito: “Um hi there.”
Hope: “Oh its you, sorry you startled me just then.”

Tito: “Oh oops sorry about that........... Um I thought I just come up and tell you that I’m sorry about what happened earlier.”

Hope: “Oh please don’t, really it wasn’t you’re thought.”
Tito: “Well anyway I thought I should, I’ll feel better if I did.”
Hope: “Oh......... Well apology excepted then.”
Tito: “Hmm Thanks.......... Um so what are you doing on you’re own here?”

Hope: “Oh I was just looking outside.... Its really beautiful.”
Tito: “Yeah...... But there’s a much more beautiful place then here.”
Hope: “Really, where’s that then?”

Tito: “It’s called Heaven’s Water Garden. Its a underwater garden of plants seen nowhere else on the world. One of the most spectacle things there is a actual underwater lake, which has its own unique underwater plants and fish which if they came out of that lake they would die. Its so strange and unusual, I couldn’t believe my eyes! You totally forget that you are still underwater. I remembered that I nearly forgot to hold my breath when I was there. Hmm I must of been around 10 years of age when I first went there, Alan and Jane took me there, The place was like one big beautiful dream I’ll never forget it............. Well anyway it has to be around 7 years now since I last went there.

Hope: “It sounds wonderful.”

Tito: “You know how about I take you there one day to this special unique place perhaps after the journey or something.”

Hope: “Really!.... I’ll love to go.”

Hmm he said perhaps after the journey..... Has he decided to join us on our quest? Well I better not say anything let.

Tito: “Hey what’s up?”
Hope: “Oh nothing...... Um That jewel your wearing, where did you get it, its so beautiful.”

Tito looks at his necklace with the red gem on it, which is just slightly appearing from behind the white cloth hood. Tito recovers it up underneath while saying

Tito: “This oh it use to belong to my mother, that’s my real mother though.”
Hope: “You’re real mother?”

Tito: “Yeah, I’m adopted you see........ Alan and Jane were coming back from exploring where they found my mother and me by her dead side. I guess because they didn’t have a child of there own they decided to take me in.”

Hope: “So you’re basically an orphan, just like me.”
Tito: “You’re an orphan?”
Hope: “Yes...... Both my parents were killed by a monster when we were taking a walk on a beautiful sunny day.”

Tito: “I’m sorry to hear that....”
Hope: “It was along time ago since then...... I’ve manage to move on with my life. Um can I ask you one more thing Tito?”

Tito: “What is that?”
Hope: “What are you carrying there?”

Tito: “Oh this! Its Sea hay for our moonzeals, we take it in turns to feed them.... Well you’ve probably have guessed today its my turn.”

Hope: “Wow, those Moonzeals look so cute and graceful when they are swimming in the Rush Ball match......... But I’m not to sure if I like the way they get bashed about when playing Rush Ball.”

Tito: “Hahaha, don’t worry about them..... You see all we are doing is using all of there abilities which they do naturally even the Spin Drop move.”

Hope: “Huh really!”
Tito: “Yeah of course! You see we treat everything like its a game, hmm a bit strange saying that because in the end it is really just a game!”

Hope: “Yeah but I think I understand what your trying to say anyway.”

Tito: “Um say how about you come with me to the stables..... There you can go and stroke them, there really friendly and playful, actually that’s one of the reasons we use them for Rush Ball as well as there speed........ Well what do you think, you know I’ll also let you help feed them if you really want too.”

Hope: “I’ll love to go thank you.”
Tito: “Alright then! Its just down this way.”

Tito and Hope head towards the Escaswift's stables where they keep their Moonzeals.

To be continued.......
(I'll post the next chapter asap )

"I'm back! But for how long who knows? But PS2Fantasy will always be on my mind!"
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