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Old Jun 25th, 2003, 10:20 PM   #15
Preventer Wind
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You still don't understand. And you probably never will. You say you are racist when you do not know the definition of the word. You tell me to go out and see more of the world when I actually leave the state I live in more then once a decade. I mean how many times have you even gone out of Lucas County? Way less then me. You are the one that needs to get out and see the rest of the world. You think well I've encountered 100s of black people more then half have been rude so they must be rude I hate them I am racist. And you have never ever been rude in your life. Take a walk in your world and report back to me.

If you are trying to say that "we have to pay for the acts of our forefathers" then what about the african tribe leaders that would capture other tribes and sell them to the "white man" for money??? The majority of the slaves were captured by their OWN PEOPLE!!!
Yeah. It was them or the people they conquered. But who were the people buying the slaves? Am I saying that white Americans have to pay for it? No. I am simply stating that whites have treated backs cruelly for no reason.

You say that they had to deal with so much in the past, well like a lot of people say THE S%^& AINT HAPPENING AS MUCH NOW!
AINT HAPPENING AS MUCH NOW! It just goes to show that it is still happening. I understand it will never ever be stopped completely but it still happens a lot. And the past where it did happen a lot is not that far back.

I do think it is slightly racist what he said about black people starting problems, but part of me agrees with him, cause i've never been robbed by a white guy!
You have stated that you go to school with one other white kid who is your friend. Now tell me how much of an opportunity there is for you to be robbed by a white person?

As for saying that he is judging an entire race by the actions of others is ludicrous. He is stating the well-known fact that in low class, urban neighborhoods, the majority of crimes are commited by african Americans.
Because there are a lot more African American that live in the "ghetto". As you stated you go to school with 1 other white kid. Well if you or him committed a crime wouldn't the statistics say that 50% of white kids that go to your school are criminals. That stat is misleading.

The thing you have to look at is how many people are black and how many are a different race. How many black pedophiles have you ever heard of? Or how many African-Americans have you heard of committing business fraud? How many black presidents have ever been impeached? Or criticized for a tax cut or declaring war? I understand the crime rate is higher. And I'm not saying that that is right because it isn't. My point is that most crimes are committed by the "low class" citizens because there are more "low class" citizens. And most of the "low class" is not white. Maybe it's just a "low class" thing and not a "black" thing. But it is almost impossible to tell because crime stats from the past are not accurate and complete.

You say that they haven't done anything but make us feel uncomfortable, but I've got the damn scars to prove THAT little theory wrong.
Actually I didn't say us I sad Vicious. To my knowledge he's never been shot at.

Why should they be given special treatment because someone's great grandfather beat their great grandfather around? Should the Jewish take over germany cause of what hitler did?
I never said special I said equal. And the Jewish were given their own country...which if you pay attention is the reason why the Middle East is in such turmoil. Plus there is the fact that the German leaders were punished and well if you look back most of the time the whites who committed the hate crimes were not and they got off free like OJ.

You apparently have not had the experience of true interaction between races. I can believe that you went to a school with 8 black guys. They probably acted like white guys didn't they?
Yes, I do go to a school where there are about 20-40 black people. I don't know most of them but I am friends with one. They usually stick in their own group because some people are rude to them and they are probably scared.

But no they really don't act like white guys. I mean that's part of the problem right there. Why is it white guys? Couldn't you just say they tried to fit in? You make it sound like being a white guy is better then being a black guy. Now I am sure you didn't mean to say that. After all you are anti racist with a lot of reason to be racist.

You also mentioned that "those 2 groups of people have been opressed for how long?" what about the other groups of people that got oppressed, the irish, the chinese, the jewish, the mexicans, why didnt you mention them? It's understandable what you are trying to say, but the knowledge-base that you are placing your argument on is very narrow and unstable.
I didn't mention them because the argument started off about blacks. The Irish don't catch that much flak in the states anymore and the Jewish never really have. Asians were discriminated against in the past (40s and 50s mainly) but have now just started to get the respect they deserve. Plus you don't often hear people killing Asians because they were Asian or Asians committing crimes. This is probably because of the small percentage of Asians in the US and most of them live amongst them selves. Now Hispanics are a different story but I wont go into that.

You just contradicted your damn self by saying "black people can be rude to whites whenever they feel like it" That is just as racist as anything.
I never said it was right. I was just saying that through the coarse of time blacks have been treated as animals and nothing like humans by the majority of people in the US until recently. I mean it took 2 and a half centuries for slavery to be abolished in the US. Then it took another century for segregation to be stopped. But I highly doubt that you have taken the time to realize this.

It is justified and the only wrong thing about it is that the black community is seemingly happy where they are, In ghettos for the most part where gang violence is everywhere.
And am I to take it that you and your mother are happy living in the ghetto? After all you live there. I take it that you want to?

But you guys are still looking at the color of the person's skin. I have to refer to them as blacks because you guys can't see past it. The day you stop to judge somebody because of where they come from or what they look like is the day you can start looking at life in a different perspective. But you people can't see through it and probably never will. It's not my fault that while I was growing my parents had jobs that paid decently and I got to sample some luxuries of the middle class. It's not my fault you grew up in the ghetto. It's not my fault you were shot at 3 times. To tell me this and try to get me to see how easy it is to be racist is irrelevant because some where out there, there are decent people trying to make a living. People who are nice and kind who take their lashings that they do not deserve and continue in their humble way. The fact that while you imagine these people you have to look at the color of their skin and say ok is the reason why you will never ever get it. The fact that you are too scared to say that people in general are rude and malicious because you yourself are human is the reason why you will never ever get it. The fact that you must judge "black" people differently from "white" people and can't just judge people is the reason you will never ever get it. The fact that you think this is a race thing and not a human thing is the reason why you will never ever get it.

PS: I will say no more because if you guys still think it's ok to be racist then that's your fault.

"Know thy enemy and know thy self,"
"Find naught to fear in 100 battles."
"Know not thy enemy, but know thy self,"
"Find victory and defeat in equal measure"
"Know thy enemy, but know not thy self,"
"Find defeat in every battle."

Sun Tzu
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