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Old Apr 27th, 2003, 09:56 PM   #35
Enemy or Ally?
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Originally posted by Vicious_2003

(Off topic our not a whole new can of worms has been opened and im not ready to close it) Hmm I can see that your one that likes to put words in peoples mouth . I mean U just basically decided how millions would re act in a county you dont even live in. You seem to think you know americans very well and clearly you do not.
Hey, I never said I decided anything. I'm only saying about the people that I've encountered and the weird thing is, the many people I've met are basically the same. Maybe you've met more open-minded people and you know what? I wish I were as lucky as you because I'm so sick and tired of meeting people like the racist ones I've mentioned. That's fine if you think I don't know Americans very well...I was born in the US, I've hung around Americans ever since I was a kid, and to tell you the truth, I don't hang around many Asians because I really don't like how a lot of Asians act (working in a Chinese restaurant is the haven for Asians...and believe me, most of them are annoying). I prefer to hang around Americans and Americans seem to like to hang around me, once they know me a little better. Don't think I'm totally pro-Asian or something, alright? There's many Asian things that I know about that pisses me off a lot, but it's uneccessary to mention them.

I know this you are right. I cant speak for America. But I think I would know a little better than you how the people in my country react to things.
This is true...maybe you do know a little better of the US...but again, maybe it's the differences of people that you and I have met. Maybe you met more open-minded people...I know I've met some close-minded ones...and I guess I naturally feel that a large percent of the US are like this because looking at how a lot of Americans react to certain things, just heightens my belief.

Theres always going to be pockets of racism who hate things for no reason in this country. Thats never going to change but clearly it DOES NOT have as much of an effect on media as you seem to think. I KNOW black people very well and you speak as if you know them like the back of your hand. If people hear good music that they like thier (The majority) not going to act as though the person isnt good because he or she is asian and the fact that you think this just goes to show me that your a bit misguided . Hell in many cases being different gets you MORE exposure such as with Eminem. He got more attention for being white than he did for being talented at first. There are people now that say "I hate Eminem, he sucks" and they say this because he is white. It would be the same with an asian rapper if he were as skilled as EM. I mean the racism against Eminem hasnt kept him from being succesful or popular has it ?. Wouldnt be much different for an asian .
Like I said, Eminem has an excuse because he grew up around blacks, so he, in a way. Asians just have that other's just "weird" for an Asian to rap, IMO, especially the ones who really don't know how. And maybe others don't feel that way, but as for me and maybe a few other people, I think we agree that Asians have a little work to do before becoming a seriously great rapper in the US. Since you're criticizing me for not knowing Americans, then I don't want you to argue with me about Asians. And like I said before, there's nothing wrong with an Asian becoming a rapper...I would find it surprising and still a little weird, but I wouldn't be all "critical" of the guy for it.

I fear you are judging a large chunk of the united states based on your observation of a few super ignorant ones you have incountered. Maybe youve been scorned by some ignorant americans but dont judge an entire country based on that..please. Im not going to tell you how the people in your country act...dont tell me how the people in my country act either becasue clearly you dont really know. BOTTOM LINE. Racism isnt widespread enough to have the dramatic effect on a persons career as you me.
Maybe I am. As I stated already, I've met a large percent of annoying, ignorant people (where I grew up, there were no I basically grew up with Americans who weren't accepting of Asians). And the people in my country? Yeah okay, I'm American-Taiwanese and I don't need someone telling me about Taiwan, I know plenty. And maybe I was judging the US a little too much, but the only reason why this discussion got to this point was all because of one question: American Anime? Why Not? I tried to answer the question by giving reasons why:

1) The Japanese just have their own cultural and way of doing things. For the millionth time, the Japanese are more than happy to export anime, but to have a foreigner go over and try to do an anime is not something they'd be too pleased with.
2) If someone wants to make an American anime, that's fine. Go ahead, I don't care! It's not even my problem anyway. I just prefer my animes to be from Japan, that's all. If someone can come up with a great story and have an American cartoonist draw anime really well, then I'm more than happy to check it out.

With these as my answers, no one seems to accept them. Instead people are arguing with me about "Why I said this" or "Why I said that" and I'm merely stating facts from what I've read and know, and my own opinions. I never said "Hey, I'm the head of the Anime Industry and here are the reasons why". No, I was only stating from what I know and this turned out to be a war against me. I never meant to insult anyone (as I've stated for the billionth time already) but it's fine if people want to get offended and pissy about it.

And as for anime I think that topic has been discussed thuroughly and im greatful for everyones input especially yours Meryl.
I can't really tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're for real but either way, I don't care. This topic was to discuss about anime and we're completely veering off. It's not fully discussed yet because I'm pretty sure people still think my reasons are crap and the Japanese are arrogant racists. And I've explained already that they're not but no one seems to understand that all because of two words: tradition and the difference in culture.

I thought this thread was created so that someone can answer the question about why there isn't American anime. Well, I gave my answers and get bashed for it. That's fine, I didn't expect things to turn out pleasant anyway.

But all in all, the topic needs to be seriously revived, otherwise it'll get too out of hand and will turn out to be an even bigger war. And I don't want that.
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