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Old Apr 27th, 2003, 05:05 AM   #30
Enemy or Ally?
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Originally posted by Vicious_2003

I majorly dissagree with that one. I mean we have a rapper by the name of Jon Paul (Excuse the spelling) whos two singles have rocketed to the top 3 spots of the major Hip Hop Countdown show 106 & Park. And Jon Paul is Afghani !!!!!.
Sorry for double posting, I maxed out the character limit in my last post. I sincerely apologize.

Anyway, this rapper Jon he currently popular or was he popular a while back? I'm only asking because if he started out earlier, then it's no problem...he probably is a great rapper and people were fine with him. But...if he started out when the whole "9/11 attack" sprung up...I'm pretty sure many people would probably be kinda negative towards him and he might not be as popular.
But if it is the latter half, a good majority are probably more open-minded likes him because his music is good and they don't care about the whole Afghani thing.

If an asian tried to long as he was good I can promise he would have just as good a chance to do well in the U.S if not a BETTER chance than most americans because.... well people like different styles as long as they are good.
Yeah, people do like different styles...but it's all a matter of taste, rather than being good, right? Like, my favorite band is a Japanese band named GLAY. And while I like them a lot because their music is different from US stuff, if I give a CD to someone who likes different styles, they might not like it because it's not their taste. I think GLAY is great and their music is great! But a majority might not think their music is good because the music is either "too different" or "not to their liking" or other reasons. So, if an Asian were to come over and rap and a majority in Asia thinks this guy/girl is great, the people in US (even though this rapper's style is different) might not like it because it's not to their liking. Also, people come into play as well. I mean, sure, as I said before there's nothing wrong with whites, Asians, Indians rapping. But of course, the race might have something to do with it because whites/Asians/Indians or whoever don't traditionally rap. So, these people might not be widely accepted...yet. It'll probably take a while or maybe never. Just depends on racism and peoples' tastes.

Also black people seem to love Jet Li. And DMX seems to be in everyone of his movies now. Asian people could make it in RAP belive me. Maybe not country music though...thats where your racists lie !.
Funny thing about that. Blacks love Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Chow Yun-Fat (prounounced "fah" not "fat"...I dunno why he chose that ) but yet, a lot of blacks still make fun of Asians. They like the whole martial art thing, but if an Asian or whatever were to speak to them or say anything, they would start with the "Man, you stupid or something?" or "Ching-chong, ching-chong...shaddup chink!" In my school, there are a lot of Asians. A lot of blacks talk to them because they think "Ooh! Asians, they must know martial arts!" and when they find out they don't, then the whole mocking game begins. Oh sure, some of them (and whites) don't say anything in front of the Asian's faces...but behind their backs, it's all out. And I'm not lying either; there's this one girl who told me that I'm very fortunate to be quiet and shy because a lot of the outgoing Asians in my school are being made fun of behind their backs. And these Asians are so naive and think "I've got great friends! I'm so accepted!" Right.... -_-;;;

Originally posted by Suzuki_Fanboy

No matter what you guys say, Meryl makes the good points in this debate. She's right about all the racial stuff, even if you thought it sounded racist (which I know she isn't, so you guys shouldn't get all defensive...), it got the point across really well.
Thank you Suzuki, I'm relieved that I don't sound racist to some people. Once again:

I'm not trying to be racist, I'm not trying to offend anyone, I'm not trying to insult American's intelligence, or Americans...I'm just stating my opinions and the facts from what I've seen. Maybe my facts aren't correct and I know perfectly well that people are now more open-minded and more accepting...but the world isn't perfect and slight racism is still hidden deep in people who say they're open-minded and accepting of other cultures.
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