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Old Apr 27th, 2003, 04:24 AM   #29
Enemy or Ally?
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Originally posted by Preventer Wind

I was just a little...or very...angered at some of your comments made about Americans..... saying they would steal it and make it terrible but since Americans can't comprehend anything deep they would think it was just fine.... Calling us selfish because we would have it our own way.... etc. And yes there was a bit of mockery....
As I stated before, I meant no offense or insults in my posts. I was only stating what I thought and I'm sorry that you took it the wrong way. I never meant to say that Americans can't comprehend anything deep...that's not what I was trying to say. I was only saying that because a lot of cartoons that I have seen are basically: superheros, powers, etc. I mean, just look at the Marvel comics and Spiderman, Superman, Batman, etc. Most of the plots are almost the same. That's what I meant by

Originally posted by merylsilverburg

Anime is something different, something unique....if people make an American anime for the Western audience, it's not really anime. Because it'll just like any typical cartoons because the plot will be something based for Americans and it'll be simple, not complex like Japanese anime (not all, mind you ).
Of course, as I stated as well, not all plots are simple superhero stuff. I read Witchblade by Michael Turner and that was amazing! This makes me believe that Americans can come up with nice stories. And while I believe that, what I meant by "it'll be simple, not complex" is because anime usually start off with manga first, as well with comics. Preventer, you and Vicious are speaking of people just coming up with anime plots and BAM! Making it into an anime right away (this is what you guys are saying, right? I don't want to misunderstand you...please correct me if I'm wrong). And while that is all good, if you guys want to have a really good anime, it's probably better to have it put down on manga/comic first. Why? Because it allows for careful planning and details...and that's what makes a really good anime. If all the details and stuff go into a manga/comic first, it'll be so much easier to create it into an anime because you already have the story laid out. I'm pretty sure that many would love to just start right away and make an anime...but these same people probably won't have much story detail as well. That's what I meant by "not complex"...because people who started off watching anime will be like "Hey...I can come up with just as good a plot as these Japanese animes", but they forget: what about all the details? These are usually covered in manga. So, if these people go off to an animator or company and give them their ideas, it's probably only a basic plot. And while I know that you guys may say "They can cover a lot of the details, character history, etc. in the anime"...that's true, but if these people have a very complex and loong story...then the anime will probably span incredibly long. And sometimes, the longest series aren't the best. I know what I'm saying is probably very confusing to all of you, but I have so much that I want to say that I'm getting dizzy...if you guys want me to clarify, please tell me and I'll try to make my post less confusing. ^^;;;
And the whole "Americans stealing it" and "selfish" thing...I only mentioned that because a lot of things have happened that makes me assume that a large percent of Americans would do that. And while I already know that not every American is like this, I'm mostly talking about the media majority, not just normal people.

Yes, a large percent of blacks make up the NBA but there are whites that play it and are good at it. A good Asian example is Yao Ming.
I knew you would mention him and he seems to be the first...and it's only now that America is becoming more acceptable...if this guy were to join a few years ago, he probably wouldn't be as popular.

I don't listen to rap music much because most of it just dumb. But if an Asian wanted to rap and could there would be somebody with a deal for him or her. It only seems strange because most rappers are black.
It's not's just the way it is. Blacks are good at rapping...and if you notice, white people seem to be only good at rapping if they hung around blacks or grew up with them (Eminem is a good example). There aren't that many blacks in how would the Asians get the influcence? Sure, if they listen to the CDs of black rappers, they can kinda pick up...but it's just not quite the same, am I right? (I listened to that Johnny Cheung guy and while I think his rapping is's not quite the same as real black rapping). This is the same thing with the anime thing: Japanese are naturally good at drawing anime/creating it...sure, they can let an American or European or whoever to do it...but it won't be quite the same, unless these people have really practiced their life on drawing/creating anime.

But I still think it is totally wrong for things to have to stay according to tradition. If things were still like that most women would be at home all day cooking dinner and cleaning the house. Or people would still be burned alive for being witches.
Maybe so, but every culture is different. Maybe America is just more free...but you can't expect other cultures to just give up their traditions or way of life just for you, right? I mean, if you want to talk about tradition, let's talk about Japanese. Even now, I still notice women still serving the men, taking the role of woman. And hey! These Japanese are living in the US, where woman have their rights and power and all that. So why do these women continue to be "woman of the house" and all? Because in Japanese history and tradition, it's been that way. And while Japanese women are now more liberal and free, they still have their roots and it's in their blood. Another good example is the geisha thing. Being a geisha is...well...strictly for Japanese. I've never seen many foreigners being one, with the exception of this one woman, but she was writing a book, so that's alright. But around 2000/2001 there was this article in the paper speaking about these young girls (1 American, and I think 1 Thailand and 1 Vietnamese). These girls went to Japan (I forget why) but they dressed up like geisha and walked around the city and smiling and giggling like it's all fun. Okay, well, maybe they didn't know better, but a lot of Japanese were annoyed. Why? Because they were messing around with tradition. They weren't taking it seriously, no. They were just walking around like they were in their normal t-shirt and jeans. And it's very rude. And it's tradition. And yes...while this is the age where tradition isn't as strong in the US, but in other countries it is. So...those girls can't expect the Japanese not to be upset at them just because tradition isn't as strong in their own country. The same thing with the anime: maybe anime isn't exactly "traditional" but it did originate and begin there. We can't expect them to be like "Oh, what the hell? Anyone!! C'mon over and take over the Japanese manga industry! We don't care!" That's not right. They're happy to export anime out, but to ask that a foreigner go over and take over it...that's just not right.

Maybe I'm just jealous? I have to sit at my computer and download the animes I want to watch. Then I have to read for 20 straight minutes. It just ticks me off.
Look, be thankful you can download your animes for free. I can't even download or do anything on my computer. If I can get anime on my computer for free, I wouldn't care how long it takes. As for me, no, I have to buy my stuff and spend dozens just to satisfy my craving for animes. And hey...I'm not complaining.

And I'm sorry for insulting you... I'm usually not mean...but like I said I was really angry at some of the things you said because I am not like that.
Believe me, I get angry at certain things too. But I usually like to think things through and speak in a more calm manner than start raging out at someone and mocking them while they were only trying to present facts and opinions.
"You're a louse Roger Smith" ~ R. Dorothy Wayneright

"Have a little priest" ~ Mrs. Lovett

"Grim Reaper, you could not get the women? What was the problem? Didn't you reap them with your grim reaping equipment?"

"I tried that but the women, they all know hopscotch" ~ Eddie Izzard

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