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Old Apr 24th, 2003, 05:03 PM   #18
Enemy or Ally?
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Originally posted by Vicious_2003

Atcually not to be argumentative but I have seen it happen in dramtic moments in Kenshin. Thier was a part where a guy with a stationary gatling gun was shooting at kenshin and a few others. Somwehere during the scene kenshin was hit on the head and well you know what insued the facial distortions I hate so much. (Sorry i cant name names but I saw it a while ago and I have a terrible memmory. Unless I really commit somehting to emmory its gone within a few days)
Ah yes, well I really wasn't talking about just Kenshin. I believe there are some other animes that have the facial distortions but during dramatic moments, there really aren't too much of it. But since I don't really mind these as much, I don't really keep track of it, so I'm probably wrong. But, sure, during that episode of Kenshin, he got smacked on the head and did a little face, but it's simply because it's one of those "moments". If you continue to watch farther, you'll see there aren't that many going on in the Kenshin series.

Nothing is wrong with anime as it is now I LOVE IT. But you ahve to look at this from the point of view of the networks who would be airing it. I mean whats easier,... getting americans (Many of them arrogant and ignorant toward other cultures) to accept the jappenses culture or just airing animes aimed towards the U.S audience. Sadly its not about whats better neccesarily but its about whats more profitable. I dont like it but lets face it thats fact
I see what you're saying, I really do. But what I'm trying to say is, why does Americans have to have it their way? I mean, I know it's hard for a majority of Americans to accept Japanese or other cultures, but just because they don't, does that mean that Westerners should adopt the anime style just for Americans? That's kinda unfair, IMO. I mean, if they don't like it, that's their problem....why don't they try to be a little more open-minded? I mean, other countries and cultures love Americans and that's why Americans are so arrogant and they think "Oh, we don't have to accept other cultures becausae America's the best." And I know it's hard for the networks and companies (profit-wise), but making animes for American audience is straying away from what "anime" really is about. Anime is something different, something unique....if people make an American anime for the Western audience, it's not really anime. Because it'll just like any typical cartoons because the plot will be something based for Americans and it'll be simple, not complex like Japanese anime (not all, mind you ). One other thing: it's so unfair why Westerners should take the anime style to make animes to appeal to the American audience. If this happens, then the "origin" of anime will disappear. What I mean by this is: Americans love to take things and claim it for their own. Now, I'm not saying all Americans, but you have to admit...a lot do. So, if there's an American anime and people who are ignorant that "anime originated in Japan", these ignorant people will be like "Oh wow! This style is soo cool!" and think that America started this whole thing. Sooner or later, it'll be all like "Oh yeah, America's animes are the best". I admit that there'll probably won't be that many people like that, since many now know what anime is, but there those people, you know.
Maybe I'm not making much sense...if anyone is confused, please tell me and I'll try to explain more clearly. ^^;;;

Hmm...I dissagree . I dont see anime in the U.S as a craze at all. Most fans of anime in america are dedicated. I dont know many who just tune in now and then. I know for sure that I wotn be getting tired of it anytime soon. And it has been here a while now. I mean DBZ stood the test of time. They could probably run another 5 seasons of it before people lost interest (I know there arent another 5 seasons Im just saying). I dont think Anime is a craze....not at all.
Maybe you're right...maybe anime isn't a craze. But to me, since I've seen and experienced some of those "anti-anime" situations, it does appear to be a craze, to me at least. You're right that fans of anime are dedicated...but that depends on which kind of people you're talking about. There are many different types of people: the ones who started watching anime when they're really young and loved it even when it wasn't popular before, the ones who started watching Sailormoon and DB and then started liking anime, and other types. If you're talking about the latter people (SM, DB), then I wouldn't really call them dedicated anime fans. The reason why is because they only started liking anime from watching the shows they aired here and it appealed to them. If you take these people when they're younger and showed them all the older animes (Gigi, Voltron, Astroboy, Cyborg 009, etc.) they're probably like "Um.....". Which shows that they're not "real anime fans", they only go for "the craze of the moment".
I don't mean to "diss off" fans of those series or anything...that's not my intention. I only mentioned those because those type of people aren't really "real fans"...they're fans of anime, but only mainstream. The only reason why I say this is because when I was younger, I love anime...I enjoyed the style, the detail, the art, etc. But since it was considered "weird", there wasn't much access to it and I was only able to get very minimal stuff from Chinatown. And when I started drawing, I drew the big eyes, little nose, etc. and people questioned me "Eww...what is that?" or "Why do they have such big eyes? Are they aliens?" I'm sure, if I drew for those same people right now, they'd be like "Oh wow! That's soo great! It's soo pretty!" That's what I'm appears to be a craze to me.

Also Meryl my argument has nothing to do with exporting anime, I mean making our own . The U.S producing its own anime style shows and NOT having to import them all. Also its good to hear from someone with an asian point of view I never really knew that the Jappanese didnt like the idea of letting the U.S get ahold of too much anime.
I think it's good that the US imports anime. At least it's authentic and real. Domestic anime wouldn't really be anime, IMO. And I never said that the Japanese didn't like the US getting too much anime; they're happy to export anime, but they just don't like it if Westerners adopt the anime style because it is originally theirs to begin with and they'd like to keep it that way. I'm sure not all Japanese feel this way, but a majority probably do.

Once again, I apologize if I have offended anyone or said some harsh things. I don't mean to come off that way, but it's just how I feel towards close-minded Americans or people who can't accept anime as they are.
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