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Old Feb 14th, 2002, 07:01 PM   #1
Soul Angel
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Magikala Parts 7- 8

Okay here's part 7 to Magikala

So far Eclipse and Hope have reached Escaflane and are heading to the Rush Ball stadium.

[Meanwhile you see the Rush Ball stadium opening up, Water started to fill in and took form as seats and then turned into a shiny see through like solid and people starting to flood into the stadium filling up the seats.
You then see a young blonde hair boy running across a blue coloured marble path who then stops to talk to some of his fans and gives his autograph to them.]

1st Boy: “Hey sign mine sign mine!!”
Blonde guy: “Okay here you go.”

[The blonde guy takes hold of the ball and signs it and gives it back.]

1st Boy: “Yeah!”
2nd Boy: “Mine too mine too!!”
Blonde guy: “Okay okay hold your moonzeals will ya!”
3rd Boy: “Don’t leave me out!”
Blonde guy: “Here you go.”
2nd Buy: “Hey check this out!”

[The 2nd Boy quickly kicks the ball into the air and then balances it on his head.]

Blonde guy: “Well done [sticks his thumb up and winks] keep up the good work!”
3rd Boy: “Say Tito! Why don’t you show us a trick, you can use my ball.”
Tito: “Alright!”

[The boy hands over the ball to Tito where he then drops the ball and before it lands onto the ground kicks it up into the air, he then quickly does a hand stand and catches the ball with his feet. Tito then balances on one hand with the ball still balancing on his feet he then puts his hand back down and pushes the ball back into the air where he quickly jumps back on to his feet and catches the ball.]

Tito: “Here you go.”

[Gives the ball back to the boy]

1st, 2nd & 3rd Boy: “WOW!!”
1st Boy: “I want to be as good as a player as you are when I’m older!”
2nd Boy: “Yeah right you can’t even kick the ball straight out of water.”
Tito: “Whoa, Hey stop that!”

[Tito kneels down and puts his hand on the 1st Boy’s shoulder.]

Tito: “Hey don’t listen to him, you can do anything if you put your mind and heart to it, besides all of us professionals had to start somewhere........ Hmm Say how about one day I give you some lessons, what do say about that then?”

1st Boy: “Alright!! Yes please!”

[Tito stands up again]

Tito: “Alright its settled then.”
2nd & 3rd Boy: “Hey we want to join you as well!”
Tito: “Alright, alright just calm it will ya! Your all welcomed. I’ll come and find you’re when I’ve got some spare time.”

3rd Boy: “You promise?”
Tito: “Of course I promise, cross my heart.”

[Tito heads of to talk to some more fans and giving his autograph some of the fans start to tug at his clothes who were behind a barrier and try to get his autograph, Tito soon then manages to get away, and meets up with two girls at the end.]

1st girl: “Tito! Tito! Sign mine Sign mine.”
Tito: “Hello there ladies!”

[Tito takes the 1st girl’s book and signs it he then gives the book back.]

Tito: “Well are you two going to see the big match?”
1st girl: “Yes we’re on row 20 sitting on seats 5 and 6.”

Tito: “Okay!! When you see me do the Moonco spin special and score a goal that will be for you two.”

1st & 2nd girl: “awww.....”
2nd girl: “Oh please sign mine as well.”
Tito: “Of course anything to please a young beautiful lady like you.”

[Just then as Tito is signing the book someone shouts out.]

Team mate: “Yo Tito! Come on or we’re going to be late!”

[Tito turns and looks and nods his head.]

Tito: “Here you go, sorry but I’ve got to go. Oh yes!!”

[As Tito gives the book back to the second girl he quickly gives her a quick kiss on the cheek, both of the girls start to jump up and down in excitement. Tito starts to hurry off and says at the same time.]

Tito: “Wish the team Luck with that lucky kiss!”

[Tito meets up with his team mate.]

Team mate: “Show off!”
Tito: “Hey I was just pleasing the fans besides if I didn’t they’ll think something is wrong.”

Team mate: “Yeah I know that kiss is suppose to bring luck to the team, what I don’t get is why it is always you doing the kissing?”

Tito: “What getting jealous Alex.”
Alex: “Ahhhgg, come on lets get going or we’re going to be well and truly late.”
Tito: “Oh no what will the other team think of us.”

Alex: “Hahaha very funny Tito! Now come on get that butt of yours in shape and start moving!”
Tito: “Yes sir!”

[The both of them head off.]

[Eclipse and Hope arrive at the arena and takes there seats after getting passed the busy crowds of people.]

Hope: “Wow look at this place and all these people who have come.”
Man: “Hey young lady sounds like its your first time at a match.”
Hope: “Well you see it is...... I’ve always wanted to go and see a Rush Ball match.”

Man: “And there’s no better match which you could of picked but to see the Escaswifts and Andrins go head to head!”

Hope: “Say Eclipse have you ever been to a Rush Ball match?”
Man: “Yeah they say you haven’t started to live if you haven’t.”
Eclipse: “I’ve gone and seen one once, when I was much younger with my old man and mother when she was still alive.”

Hope: “Oh...... I hope you don’t mind coming and watching this one.”
Eclipse: “No of course not, besides it’ll be interesting to see him in action..... Don’t you think?”
Hope: “You mean Tito!....... Well yes I wonder what he looks like.”

[Back to Tito and Alex who are getting their Moonzeals. Tito is stroking his moonzeal and is whispering things into its ear.]

Alex: “Hey Tito you okay?”

[Tito turns and looks at Alex]

Tito: “Sure I am......... I’ve just got butterflies in my stomach that’s all.”
Alex: “Yeah well don’t let those butterflies of yours stop you from playing the match!”
Tito: “Hey I’m not worried about the match or Kendrin for that matter!”

Alex: “Yeah whatever!!...... Come on Tito, no ones going to be surprised if you are a little bit worried, I mean its been two years ago since we went up against the Andrins........... It was your first tournament and all. 15 years old not many people do a tournament until 16 or 17 let alone 15!”

Tito: “..... Yeah..... Maybe that’s why Kendrin’s got a bit of a death wish for me.”

Alex: “You know what I say....... Who cares lets just go and show that Kendrin and his lot that what he tried to do two years ago didn’t work and we will win this match.”

Tito: “Right!!.... Come on Moonco lets show them what we are made of!”

[Tito and Alex goes and catches up with the rest of the team where they all leaded out their Moonzeals. People started to cheer as they walked out to a part of the floor which is a hidden platform.]

1st Spokesmen: “Here comes the two teams which we have all been waiting for!!”

2nd Spokesmen: “Yes on left we have the Almighty Andrins which every Rush Ball team fears who are from Keltelcy!”

1st Spokesmen: “Yes and on the right we have the swiftest and victorious Escaswifts, who are actually the Escaflane’s main team here!”

[Back to Eclipse and Hope]

Man: “Oh yes go you Escaswifts you!”
Eclipse: "I wonder which one is Tito?”
Hope: “I bet you’re its the blonde one I just bet it is!”

Eclipse: “What!! No way he doesn’t even look anything like Alan or Jane........ Then again none of them do....... But anyway he’s the least one who it will be!”

Hope: “I’m telling you’re that’s Tito, I can’t tell you why but something deep down inside me is saying that, that is Tito.”

Eclipse: “Well there’s only one way of solving this then........ Excuse me mister but do you happen to know which one of them is Tito?”

Man: “Of course its none other then that young blonde chap..... I hear he’s quite a hit with the ladies.”
Eclipse: “Thanks.......... Okay Hope how did you know that was our man?”

Hope: “Like I said I don’t know I just knew he was Tito, it was like someone was whispering it in my ear.”

1st Spokesmen: “And look at them, it would of been two years ago when they last met up and thought against one another.”

[Back with Tito]

Tito: “There he is....... Kendrin."

I’m ready for you this time Kendrin..... You better think twice before taking on me or another one of my team mates.

[Kendrin and Tito start to stare at each other. Kendrin then slides his hand across his neck (like slicing a dagger across someone's throat) and then points at Tito.
Tito suddenly puts an evil, mischief smirk on his face and then says]

Tito: “Will see!”
1st Spokesmen: “The players are now on the platforms and are going to be lifted to the arena.”

[Just then the hidden platforms which they are standing on begin to rise into the air to a green like holigram of the Rush Ball arena. They all started to get onto their Moonzeals, and started to get ready for the match ahead.]

Alex: “Well here we go, Tito.......... Don’t get yourself killed now will you’re.”
Dan: “Yeah lets not have another repeat of what happened two years ago.”
Sam: “Who knows you might not be as likely this time over.”
Kim: “Yeah, but you keep your eyes open too Sam..... This is your first match against the Andrins so you don’t know what they really can be like in the match.”

Fred: “What is seen from the seats can be totally different from what is really happening in the arena.”
Tito: “Hey don’t scare the kid!............. Just make sure that you keep doing you’re best and keep your eyes wide open.”

The whole team: “As strong as the sea and as quick as the Moonzeals victories is ours !!”

[The Platform reaches to the top where the strange holigram arena is. The ball is thrown into the middle of the Rush Ball arena and a buzzer goes off.]

Tito: “Alright here goes nothing!”

[Both teams jump off the platforms and go through the hoilgram wall, where it then re-closes itself. They quickly go for the ball. The crowd begin to cheer in excitement cheering for their team.]

To be continued..............

"I'm back! But for how long who knows? But PS2Fantasy will always be on my mind!"
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