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Old Jan 20th, 2003, 05:32 PM   #7
Cannibal Clown
Taijutsu Master
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Cannibal Clown is on a distinguished road
I’m so glad that yet another happy young sould has been converted into a fan of anime. I’m so happy for you. Here are the animes that I own, and a few that I don’t but still suggest you seeing. I already have Cowboy bebop, but it seems that you don’t need to be explained about what that one is about. So here I go.

To start with,

Neon Genesis Evangelion: 26 episodes long, 2 movies, released in 1995, made by Gianax and ADVision. This is one of my favorite series. It’s also considered one of the greatest anime series ever made, praised both Japan and America. It’s a mecha anime, but for the most part, it’s more of an emotional, drama, mind grinder if anything. The characters in Eva are very diverse, and more complex than characters found in any other anime I can think of. The emotion, feeling, and sensitivity which is put into the personalities of each individual in the show is amazing. For the first half of the series, the show is pretty much a comedy, filled with amusing mecha battles, and happy go lucky humor, but as the show progresses, by the second half, there is no laughter allowed during this show, it becomes very dramatic, confusing, and powerful, sad, violent, and superbly f*cked up. After watching the entire show, you will be begging your parents for a therapy session, I assure you. This is still a highly loved anime, and any person who is a fan of it should be ashamed to not have at least seen it. But I assure you, this is a must, and the money is well worth it.

Vision of Escaflowne: 26 episodes long, 1 movie, released in 1998, made by Bandai and Sunrise. This is also a mecha anime, and is again, one of my favorite series. It was originally made in Japan, intended as a chickflick, or shoujo anime. But was surprisingly found loved by all sexes and ages, seen as a very awesome series, with brilliant characters, mechas, and artwork. It’s an awesome fantasy anime, and action, along with comedy making many appearances in this show, along with deep scenes depicting love and emotional struggles among characters. The characters deserve so much attention in this show, they way they are drawn out so beautifully and creatively, the personalities, and the stories behind each character make the show very unique. No matter what kind of person you are, you will find at least one character in this show that appeal to you. The animation is awesome, although there is no computer graphics to move the artwork along, it still looks great. The most attention I give to it is with it’s mecha designs. They are brilliant and very original. The way they move, and fight, and pretty much everything that makes a giant robot in an anime look cool can be found in this. And the last part, the music is superb. Done by the very well known, Yoko Kanno, and Maaya Sakamoto, the soundtracks for both the series and the movie are awesome, and have been pointed out from many critics and fans. This was the first show to get me into liking anime, and I have seen it many times, then I bought it, and it was well worth the money. One of the greatest purchases I have made. Like before, I suggest this to anime fan out there.

Hellsing: 12 episodes long, no movies, released in 2002, made by Gonzo and Pioneer. If you like dark, violent, vampire action oriented anime, this is for you. Even though it wasn’t very popular in Japan, it’s quickly becoming a very enjoyed show all over America. This is a very original show, with the character designs and the artwork all in itself make this show very distinct from any other. The main characters are all bitchin’ bad asses, and that’s what makes them so cool. The show is quite good, but after the second half of the series, it begins to loose it’s sweetness, and starts getting repetitive, but still continues to give the viewers what they want, seeing the main character go up to his opponents and kick their asses into the f*cking ground. The music is also quite different from the average anime I’ve seen. It’s quite cool and adds depth to the series, and the atmosphere to the scenes. So far, I’ve seen the first three of four DVDs, simply because the last one doesn’t come out till tomorrow the 21st. Then I’ll buy that one as well and complete the series, a great purchasing decision I think.
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