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Old Jan 19th, 2003, 02:44 AM   #9
Seraph Sephiroth
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Seraph Sephiroth is on a distinguished road
Was I the ONLY one who was NOT confused by this movie??

Okay this is it. You all know the ending RIGHT!? Sora, Kairi, and Riku are ALL separated. Riku is trapped behind the door to the light, in the WORLD OF DARKNESS. Sora is sent back with Goofy and Donald to their world, and Kairi is sent back to the island.

Riku is in the world of darkness, symbolized by the futuristic town.. I'm sorry to break it to all of you, but I am lead to beleive, the man on the tower and the man on the ground are the SAME person. Well, both are wearing the same dark shroud, have the same silver hair-color, and are both wearing the that strange necklace upon their shrouds...and we never see his eyes. It simply skips to a scene of him fighting the "nobodys/heartless" to him on the roof. We see his has two keyblades as well... This makes it a bit obvious that this person in the dark shroud is Riku.. Since his heart was strong enough to wield a keyblade, thus the strength from his heart conjured up is own two keyblades.. Just like he conjured up the black keyblade with the darkness of his heart and Ansem's. I also believe that Ansem may still posses the body of riku... I'll explain why later...

He asks, "Where's Sora?" this is obvious that Riku is looking for Sora, as well as Sora looking for Riku.

In the ending sequence goofy asks "where this door to the light?" they see Pluto holding a letter with the king's seal on it ... so the chase Pluto and go off on another journey to find the door to the light ... if they find the door.. They'll find Riku.. Because Riku is behind that door.

13.. I also believe that 13 represents the number of years they've all been apart... All three of them are grown up now. Sora is NOT show in this movie.. But he is spoken of... Which leads me to believe that he will NOT be the star of the upcoming sequel, but instead it will be Riku.

Any of you happen to of seen the SECOND kingdom hearts 2 trailer? Here's a few screen shots for ya.. I know they gave me more hope of the sequel.. I hope they do for you too.. thank and FF Emotion for these ^_^

Hm, I've been wondering what that gold thing is under his eyes... Could Ansem still posses Riku? Because ansem's eyes were a distinct gold-color...

I have no doubt in my mind that a squeal will be made or is in production..

Electronic Gaming monthly says...

"The hidden trailer shows a mysterious white-haired swordsman in a neon-lit city. He wields two keyblades swords and ask, "Where's Sora?" Then you see a girl on a beach (Kairi?) watching a shooting star. This is indeed a trailer for the next Kingdom Hearts title, but don't start holding your breath just yet - it'll probably be a Playstation 3 game! Hearts creator Tetsuya Nomura told us he's busy up until 2005 with other projects, and that Disney and Square know better than to take Kingdom Hearts out of his hands... - EGM"

"Door of light" This represents the door to the light that Sora and Co. are searching for.

"Behind the darkness" This could represent a number of things..Behind the darkness there is...blah..,. Light perhaps, goodness? Or something much more sinister, the creator of darkness.. Ansem's puppet-master? I'm still at odds with this one..

"Heartless" The Heartless Beings..

"Endless" Darkness seems to be endless.. And for Riku this may seem so, as he has been searching endlessly for Sora and has not found him..

"Nobody" The new enemy in KH2? They are the monsters that exist, yet do not exist...

"13" Thirteen years have passed...

"We have come for you, my liege." The King they are speaking of may be Mickey? Or another king.. The King of Darkness maybe?

"You are the source of all heartless." This is only a theory.. But I believe Riku is the source of the heartless.. Yet may not be aware of it... Unless this is Riku speaking to the King of Darkness.. Which is also a very good option.

"Sora...why?" Sora.. Why did you betray Riku? Maybe Riku still blames Sora for Kairi's loss of her heart? But she did get it back after all... Maybe Sora is pitted against Riku once more in the sequel...

"It's not over yet." This isn't the end of the story, of course ^_^ .... Dang I'm inspired to write my own sequel to this story now! *gets to it*

"Maybe our journey meant nothing after all..." They're right.. Darkness is still there, even with the death of Ansem... Maybe Sora finds it hopeless of ever finding Riku on his journey?

"Who is Nobody, you ask? They are the nonexistent ones." As I said before.. The new enemy.

"His voice...I don't hear it anymore." Kairi, Sora, or Riku could be saying this ... as its been so long they don't hear the voices of their companions in their head any longer.. Or maybe.. Someone was calling to either of them and it suddenly stopped..

"Is this the answer you have been looking for?" The answer to a number of questions ... who's the source of the darkness? can darkness be defeated? Is Riku/Sora still alive?

"Sora?" Riku/Kairi may have encountered Sora at this point, or have heard his voice..

"What took you so long, Kairi!?" TO find Riku/Sora? This sounds like more of a Riku-thing to say IMO...

"What is this place?" The World of Darkness where Riku is at.

"You are not my concern." Hm.. I still have to think about that one... Riku may have found Sora, and decided to leave him behind in search for Kairi.. Kairi being more concern to him than Sora. Or it could be the other way around, since he was searching for Sora in the first place ^_^

"Your highness! But Why?!" As MAD said 'King Mickey making a decision which is questioned by Goofy or Donald. Or-since in the game they called him "Your Majesty" or "The King" and never "Your Highness" it could be an evil subject talking to its king '

"Can we do it? Against that?" Questioning weather they can take on an enemy they encounter perhaps?

"We must find him." Find who? Riku of course! the reason why I don't say Sora, is because Riku is obviously alone in this game ... unless King Mickey is with him, since he was closed behind the door of Light as well.

"We'll go together." Sora talking to his friends ^_^ Or Sora found Kairi and they'll go together to find Riku ^_^

"This is the world in its true form." The answer to "what is this place?"

you missed a sentance too..

"ID" .... Hm.. I really dont know what ID stands for... the dictionary defines it as "the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is completely unconscious and is the source of psychic energy derived from instinctual needs and drives; compare EGO, SUPEREGO" ...or maybe in the world riku is stuck in.. he needs an ID? He's no longer identified.. he's... Nobody? ... Hm.. think about it...

"This time... I'll fight." This must be Riku, or Kairi, stating that its their turn to fight the darkness.

"Sora ... but why?" Riku/Kairi asking him a question? What terrible thing will Sora do that has his companions so upset..

Okay, as for the girl on the beach... THIS is Kairi. Now I know all of you have said that she has different colored hair ... but Kairi has REDISH-BROWN hair. you can tell from the CG movies of her at the beginning and end of the game. Here's a comparison..

Anyone notice a similarity of posses, with her hands behind her back? Normal Kairi trait that she does throughout the game.

Did anyone also notice that Kairi appears on the TV moniter?

Hm.. something more to ponder about, eh? Maybe the shooting stars open up the door between the dimentions and young kairi tried to send a message when she was younger and it JUST got through...

The game seems that it will revolve more around the characters Kairi, Sora, and Riku, without the Disney and squaresoft characters... With a much more dark look on the world.. But I could be wrong.

I'd like to make note that these are my opinions and no one has to take them if they don't want. But I'll gladly defend them, or accept defeat when it is proven that I am wrong. ^_^

also make note that I have a very open mind... hehe

"Let's take back the planet together..." -Seraphim Sephiroth
Seraphim Sephiroth's Sephiroth Shrine
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