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Old Feb 12th, 2002, 12:13 PM   #1
Joined: Jan 2002
Posts: 769
kamari-ice is on a distinguished road
Summoners Fantasy 1 {a game I am gonna make}

Okay I really have a cool game in mind and gonna have to blurt it out, its so cool.
Trust me this is worth reading.

Summoners Fantasy 1

Two summoners experience the drastic behaviors that Sin can make.They go on a journey in Thira to find there true selves.They notice that they are captured by faith and vanquished by Sin.The only thing is that they think they don't exist, but they really do.The ones called Lira, and the boy named Ifir are on the journey.Thats when they find that they are in love.

Lira comes up from the water and goes up on the shore.She meets some of the characters that will help her during the journey to defeat Sin.The only person that is not there yet is Ifir.Lira says :Who..who are you.They reply :we together will help you on your journey.Lira gets up and goes to Zinar where she will meet Ifir.And where she gets her first true weapon.But first they have to go on a ship to get there.They all board the ship Lira, Khihi, Meca, Zikku, Halmoon, and Frerge.The ship starts to go to Zinar when the ship stops in the middle of the ocean plain.The ship starts to make cracking noises, and Lira looks to the water in front of the ship, and out of the water comes this huge clear dragon.Almost like a large eel with a dragon head but clear.The water starts to rise to the side of the monster, and Lira looks in amazement and says :I am not ready to defeat Sin.The ships captain tries to start the boat but fails every time.Right when the monster starts to fall on the boat, the engine starts, and they go left and with full force the ship goes 50 mph.The only problem is that the monster goes under the water, and starts to follow them very fast.Lira says :we are not going to fight it.When the ship goes faster, it goes faster too.Lira goes to the back of the ship and looks at it, the monster almost blends in with the water.Khihi goes to the captain and says : put this thing in the air.The captain says :I can't until the ship reaches 200 mph.Khihi says :get the ship to 200 then.The captain says :I can't, the ship can't take that much power.Khihi pushes the captain aside and puts the ship to 109 then 130.The captain tries to take over and says :the ship will break.Khihi says :I can handle it.And then elbowes the captain.In the back Lira is still looking at the monster, and Lira says :its gaining on us, hurry.The ship reaches 196, but the crank to put the power up is stuck.Khihi says :come on, come on.Lira :we won't make it, go faster.Khihi says :we can't, it won't.Meca goes by Khihi and with her powers she sets off swirls of light to the crank, it gets stuck again at 196 mph.The monster starts to get closer.Lira almost falls off the back of the ship, but then Halmoon runs up to Lira and catches her.Lira grabs her pendent and says :thank you.Halmoon says :watch yourself next time hmm in a silent voice.Meca tries again to get the crank up to 200 mph, when the ship shakes because the monster hit the back.Lira says :hurry.With her powers Meca gets it up to 200 mph.Meca says :next time it won't be so easy.The wings of the sides of the ship starts to come out, then they experience another problem that might make them not get to Zinar.The left wing of the ship is stuck to the ship.Lira goes to look.She looks down and puts her arms on top of each other on the side of the ship and rests her head on her arms.Lira with her head down, still looks and cries.One of her tears drop on the side of the ship.It glimmers and like a blink the left wing comes up and they start to fly.Lira says :in one more second we would have not existed.The ship flies threw the clouds and then gets to the clear blue sky.Then they get to Zinar, and the people look up and start to run.They say :it is going to crash, run.Meca says : pull the wheel.Khihi pulls the wheel and it goes up and slows down.They hover a little while and go to the side of Zinar.They land on the ground.They get off the ship, and they all stare in amazement that they are there.Lira runs to the sand and looks out and sees the clear blue ocean.She goes on both knees, and looks up and sees flying sparks around an object in the sky.She sees that its coming down slow.It comes down then she grabs the object.And all around her there comes a blue light.It goes away and then she notices that she has her first weapon.And she looks out to the ocean and sees a object under the water.It comes up with the water driping from it.Then she notices that its a person.She doesn't know his name but its Ifir.He comes up to the shore and says :who are you.Lira replies :I..I am Lira.Ifir tells her to get up, and Ifir says :you here alone, a girl shouldn't be here alone.Lira says :I am with 2 boys and two girls, the boys are Khihi and Frerge. :the girls are Meca, Zikku, and Halmoon.Lira says :come and meet them.Ifir replies : okay.Lira runs to bring Ifir to meet them.She goes by the ship and notices that they are not there.Lira says :they must have went to the temple.Ifir says :come on I know where the temple is.They run to the temple.He says its behind the cave, on the other side of Zinar.They both run threw all the people and finally get to the cave.Ifir and Lira stop all of a sudden.Lira hears Zikku talking to Khihi.Its very faint in the distance, and Ifir asks :what do you hear.Lira replies :the people I came here with.They both go threw the small cave that has a bridge on the other side.Lira stops Ifir and Ifir says :what.Lira replies:I hear them again.They run on top of the bridge, and in the center it starts to wobble.Ifir falls of the bridge and he grabs his pendent and stops centimeters from the top of the water.He stands up on the water, and with his magic and someone elses magic.Ifir says :I am only doing a little bit of the magic but not all of it.Lira sees Meca to the right of her helping Ifir out.

To be continued.
I hope you like it, I made it myself.Thats what I am gonna use when I make games.I really like to write things like that.Hope you enjoyed it.

Last edited by kamari-ice; Feb 12th, 2002 at 03:38 PM..
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