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Old Feb 10th, 2002, 02:37 PM   #1
Soul Angel
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Soul Angel is on a distinguished road
Magikala Parts 5 - 6

Okay here's part 5 of Magikala

As the trio crossed the Chukotey Plains, they soon came across the Edren village. The village was so peaceful with graceful smooth music being played which could be heard all around the village. The village was also really colourful, with all the colours in the rainbow.
Eclipse, Kilma and Yasmin stood there in amazement.

Eclipse: “This must be the Edren village!”
Kilma & Yasmin: “Wow!”

A young girl with blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes walked up to them.

Girl: "Hello there welcome to my humble village of the Edrens please allow me to be your guide when walking around my beautiful village.”

Eclipse: “Why thank you.”
Girl: “Please call me Hope.”
Eclipse: “I’m Eclipse and these are my friends Kilma and Yasmin.”
Kilma & Yasmin: “Hi!”

Hope: “Its a pleasure to meet you two, now shall we start the tour?”
Eclipse: “Of course! Lead the way.”

Hope started to show them around the village.

Hope: “Here is one of the busies places in Edren, the town market, this is where you can buy and sell goods.”

Yasmin: “Wow look at all the neat stuff!”
Kilma: “Yes it seems so busy but still so calm.”

Eclipse looks at one of the stalls and notices something which he has been looking ages

Eclipse: “Oh its a ‘Key Stone’ I have been looking for one of those since I heard about them for the first time.”

Yasmin: “What on Ukila is a Key Stone when it is around?”

Eclipse: “A mystical stone with unknown powers, its said that the key stones are able to open hidden doors within the world of Ukila.”

Yasmin: “Really!!”
Kilma: “Oh come on that’s only an old wives tale!”

Eclipse: “Even so I’m still going to buy it....... Hey you never know it just might come in handy one day.”

Kilma: “Yes as a paperweight!”
Eclipse: “Grrrr!”

Yasmin: “Temper, temper what on Ukila will Hope ever think about us acting so childish.”

Eclipse goes up and talks to the old woman behind the stall

Eclipse: “Excuse me how much does this cost?”
Old woman: “Ther tik yilk, dut decos gut gee yooking di’ll cos gut dix yilk.”

Eclipse: “Huh!??.....(turns and looks at Hope with a surprised face on) Um what did she say?”
Hope: “She said that’ll cost you 300G but because you are good looking chap she’ll give it to you for 10G.”

Eclipse: “Oh thank you.”
Old woman: “Glazes.”

Yasmin: “Say why didn’t she just say it in the language spoken by everyone else on this planet.”

Hope: “We Edren’s can understand different types of languages and can learn them very fast............... But when it comes to speaking them for some reason are tribe has difficulty in doing so. I am fortunate to be able to speak your language as well as my very own tribe’s language.”

Hope: “Well will you be staying for the night?”

Eclipse: “Um sorry but we need to go to the Eoforwine tribe’s home Escaflane. I heard word that you can get there by Spirit lake.... Do you happen to know?”

Hope: “Hmm Spirit lake..... Oh Swift might know!”
Eclipse: “Swift?”
Hope: “Yes a friend of mine..... I’ll just go and ask her.”

Hope walks up to a small white creature with long black tipped ears, and purple stripes on its back. Hope starts to talk to it.

Yasmin: “What the hell?!”
Kilma: “Um why is she talking to that creature.”
Eclipse: “No way could it be?”
Yasmin: “Could it be what? Hey Eclipse what is it?”
Eclipse: “That creature must be a Mon!”
Kilma: “A Mon?”
Yasmin: “Yeah so what’s so special about that?”

Eclipse: “Mons and Edrens are said to be great friends with one another, there friendship to one another has lasted for many years, so much so that people belief that the Edrens and Mons are close ancestors. You see it was believed that they were the same at one time and that some where in on the line the Mons and Edrens became two separate species, One Myth said it was a curse which was put on the Edren tribe so that the Edrens and Mons will fight with each other and bring war onto their selfs, but only to back fire because of the love between a Mon and a Edren and so peace was kept between them.”

Kilma: “Wow what a strange Myth.”
Yasmin: “That was it?”
Eclipse: “Well the full story is a little bit longer, but maybe I’ll tell you it some other time.”

Hope: “Um excuse me, Swift says that the Spirit Lake is just west of here, so please allow me and Swift show you the way.”

Eclipse: “Are you sure?”

Hope: “Hehehee, of course.... I have to admit though I’ve always wanted to go to Escaflane and see one of their famous Rush Ball matches which they are known for.”

Eclipse: “Of course will be happy to take you along.”
Yasmin: “Geez you wasn’t like that with me.”
Kilma: “Don’t worry Yasmin its a bloke thing, they just can’t resist beautiful woman.”
Eclipse: “Ahhgg!”

Hope: “Hehee.......... Well when are you ready to go?”

Hope, Eclipse and the others started to head to spirit lake. Once they reached there....

Hope: “Well here we are at Spirit Lake.”

Eclipse: “Okay I guess now the best thing we could do is have a look around and speak to the people here to find out how to get to Escaflane.”

After talking and looking around to different people they noticed by the lake is an old man beside a strange floating platform. Eclipse and the others decided to walk up to him.

Eclipse: “Excuse me but do you know how to get to Escaflane?”

Old man: “And what is the reason for all of this?”

Eclipse: “Well you see I have came to see an old friend of my old man’s who lives in Escaflane...... My old man told me to go and see him as he might be able to help me out.”

Old man: “Hmm, all of you?”

Eclipse: “Well yes, there all with me.”

Hope: “Um sir is there a problem.”

Old man: “No..... Um have I seen you from somewhere before young lady?”

Hope: “Well I do come from the Edren tribe which is not too far from here.”

Old man: “Are yes I remember now you helped show me around your lovely village.... Hahaha I see now that you are the tourist.......... Well you’ve came to the right place then, this platform here is a pod which will take you to Escaflane.”

Hope: “Really, oh my this must be Eoforwine technology.”

Old man: “Hahaha yes indeed it is..... The Eoforwine tribe is one of the most advanced technology tribe around.”

Eclipse: “So are you going to allow us down.”
Old man: “Yes but for a price!”
Eclipse: “Oh bother!!....How much then?”
Old man: “For only 10G.”

Eclipse: “Well I guess so, here...... Don’t mind me asking but why the strict security.”

Old man: “A big Rush Ball match will be on its the Escaswifts against the Andrins, two of the best teams around. The last time they had a match against each other was two years ago...... When the Escaswift's Ace was badly injured by Kendrin. I remember he was in a comer for two whole weeks, its surprising he wasn’t left with any serious scars or anything, and he is still playing Rush Ball better then ever.”

Kilma: “Who is there Ace player then.”
Old man: “Hahaha, None other then Tito!”

Could this be the same Tito who is Alan’s son?

Old man: “People say that Kendrin tried to get rid of him altogether when he did that Spin Drop attack on him, if it wasn’t for Tito’s moonzeal to take in some of that blow, he would of being surly dead, its amazing though still that he did survive it any how, and for him to still be playing the sport, well then it just goes to show even death won’t stop him from reaching his goal.”

Hope: “But why did he try to kill Tito, and why on Ukila hasn’t he been banned from playing the sport.”

Old man: “Kendrin sees Tito as his ultimate rival, Tito learnt the sport very quickly, and Tito’s speed and agility is unmatched, and for Kendrin getting Tito out of the game will mean a sure win for his team...... But if you are also wondering why he hasn’t been banned, it’s because he didn’t do an illegal move, Spin drops are allowed, you see a Spin drop consists of the Moonzeal grabbing hold of the opponent’s moonzeal and then spinning downwards and bashing it on the ground, where by that time the rider would of jumped off.......... But in Tito’s case Kendrin had taught his Moonzeal to grab hold of Tito’s legs as well so no matter how much Tito tried to get off he couldn’t. Basically all Tito could do is prepare himself for the blow, though there isn’t that much you could do, really his Moonzeal helped save him by trying to take in most of the blow.... Yes a Moonzeal is really a Rush Balls player’s best friend.”

Eclipse: “Sorry to disturb the story telling but can we start going?”

Old man: “Oh yes! sorry about that I can get carried away at times, please just step on the platform and away we go.”

Kilma: “Um how far is Escaflane?”

Old man: “Well its about 2000 miles away out in sea but the Air pod is incredibly fast so it won’t take to long before we get there.”

The old man stepped onto the platform, with then Eclipse and Hope and just as Klima was about to walk on.

Kilma: “Yasmin what’s wrong?”
Yasmin: “Well um er you see um we Cafabring have kind of got a thing about um er water.”
Hope: “Yasmin are you afraid of water?”

Yasmin: “Yes all of us Cafabring are we can’t swim neither.”
Eclipse: “Oh bother that’s all we need.”
Kilma: “Hmm.... You two go on and go to Escaflane I’ll wait here with Yasmin.”
Hope: “Are you sure Kilma?”

Kilma: “Of course, Yasmin and I will wait here until you get back, there’s a inn over there which we can easy stay in.”

Eclipse: “Well if you are sure....... Will be back as soon as we can, just stay safe and out of trouble okay.”

Yasmin: “We will do!”
Kilma: “Just have a safe journey okay.”

The platform realises a sort of see through liquid water whict started to turn into a hard sort of glass, as the pod closes. The Pod then starts to sink down into the water and shot out into the water within a blink of a eye. Eclipse and Hope head off to Escaflane.

To be continued.......

"I'm back! But for how long who knows? But PS2Fantasy will always be on my mind!"
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