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Old Dec 8th, 2002, 03:09 PM   #18
Dark Angel
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Joined: Feb 2002
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Posts: 226
Dark Angel is on a distinguished road
Involving Meryl and no Raiden? I'm doing well then I guess

Chapter 6

Somewhere deeper in the base the dark complexion man from before could be seen talking to Ocelot about something of great importance.

"Ocelot, are you sure took you care of him?" His words greatly emphasizing the word "him".

Ocelot chuckled a bit before speaking.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes it does.....I got a feeling he is here" He said with great caution.

"What do you care? You are the perfect soldier, maybe better than him."

The man clenched his fist and smirked.

"Yes quite possibly, but if he is here, that is just a problem for our plan."

"Don't worry, he won't get in the way if he is.

Ocelot walked away smirking, because he knew Snake was on the base, but the thought of fighting him again infatuated him greatly. As he walked down the catwalk he drew one of his revolvers and begin twirling it around rapidly in all directions, before bringing it to a halt aiming it ahead of him.

"My bullet will be the one to kill Snake...heh"

Meanwhile Snake was still surveying the surroundings, the corridor which he was in was very wide. If he didn't have his sneaking suit, the freezing drift that passed by would be enough to give him a cold. He didn't know where to go or what to do, this whole thing that happen was even calculated. Snake knew there would be deviations to the plan, but he didn't think this much. The bad thing about it was, they'd didn't know who they were up against. Snake moved about the corridor, timing, and slipping passed an annoying surveillance camera.

Finally, he made his way out of a door at the end of the corridor. The next area he entered was protected by a light amount of sentries. The hold was very large and open. Only a few hiding spots presented themselves in this area. This area was like any other military base hold, it was a wide space with no feeling, lifeless and silent to the cry of death, if ever screamed it wouldn't be heard in these walls. Snake was use to that feeling, it is something he had lived with for awhile. Making up his mind, he decided to gave Otacon a ring to clear things up.

Snake: "Otacon, I made my way deeper, do you got anything on this place...?"

Otacon: "I was just about to call you about that Snake."

Snake: "So, whatcha got?"

Otacon: "Get ready for a bunch"

Snake: "Ok"

Otacon: "Ahem, well you see this isn't any normal facility, I don't know where it came from, but it isn't civilian."

Snake cut him off.

Snake: "Yeah I know, it feels military."

Otacon: "Right, just as I thought."

Snake: "Ok what else you got?"

Otacon: "Well, your nanomachines picked up three levels, not including the lower levels."

Snake: "If they only picked up three levels, how do you know about the lower ones?"

Otacon: "Well, I did a little hacking in their system."

Snake: "Oh, right."

Otacon: "Anyway, on the lower levels I'm reading a very large obstruction. I wasn't to confused of what that could be, especially of the events that just happened."

Snake: "That large obstruction could be Arsenal Gear huh?"

Otacon: "It's possible."

Snake: "And lets not forget about the nuclear missiles on this base those sentries were talking about on the sub. We don't know what the hell they're planning."

Otacon: "That's right, well, your main goals should be not to get spotted, figure out what they're planning, and stopping it."

Snake: "Yeah, got it."

Otacon: "Ok I'm going offline for a bit to try to figure this out, if you need advice on this base ask Meryl."

Snake: "Meryl!? How would she know?"

Otacon: "I transferred the copied files to her, Ok Snake?"

Snake: "Right, going offline."

Snake made his way around the light amount sentries with ease. He went out the another door exiting the area as quickly as he came. On the other side of the door was a rather small room full of lockers. Snake went through the lockers to salvage any equip he could use. He knew to do this from his past missions and experiences.

The first few lockers held only useless accessories or equipment he didn't need. However, the last two had thermal scope equipment, and a light MP5. It was a small auto-fire pistol capable of firing large burst in rapid successions.

The MP5 was no assault rifle, but it could get the job done like one, with half the weight load. Wasting no time he put the thermal scopes away, and put the MP5 across his back. Making his way into the next area, he still stood sharp watching for sentries. He was surprised because he found none. This room was a wide open space. Only a few large cargo crates alined the four corners of the room.Itelt as he was being watch. His suspicions were even more raised when he heard footsteps on the catwalk circling the squared area.

Snake drew his Socom, which he had previously loaded fully, and aimed upward in the direction in which he heard the footsteps. The dark complexion man that with Ocelot early appeared within Snake's vision. He had a arrogant smirk upon his face. Snake grunted as he being to pull the trigger, but before he could the Man disappeared from sight. Confused, Snake just stood there shocked.

"What the hell........stealth camouflage!?" Snake said to himself

A hoarse laughter could be heard echoing through the room. Snake heard something charging power, and begin pivoting from his position to find what it was. Without warning a red beam shot in his direction. Snake dived out of the way as the beam nullified against the steel floor. He rolled over hiding behind the crated and waited for the next action.

The combatant appeared again, but this time he was floating in the air with his gun in a fixed position skyward.

"So you are here, this makes things just as much as interesting." The man said in a even tone.

"What the hell are you talking about!?" Snake yelled from behind the crate.

"Oh, you won't get that information from me." He said mockingly.

Snake grunted and held his gun against his chest. He swallowed hard and jumped from behind crated firing a melee of bullets. The bullets got within kissing range of his position before he disappeared again. Snake stood there confused, because even if he did use stealth camouflage. It wouldn't stop bullets.

"What the...!?" Snake said angrily and confused.

A roaring laughter could be heard as he reappeared to sight.

"That is waste of good lead." He said with a chuckle in his tone.

Snake went back behind the crate concealing himself once again.

"You see this suit, it is full of tricks." He pointed his hand at his body.

The man disappeared and then reappeared on the above catwalk.

"All my life I've been fighting, day after day my family targeted by the United States Government. Targets we were, but the target just became the one that was choosing targets. I'll get my revenge one day, but for now they are my allies"

"Who are you talking about?" Snake questioned.

"Oh, don't play foolish, it's the reason you are here isn't it?" He said smoothly.

"!?" Snake was lost what he was talking about.

"Well, you won't live to do it, they are mine and only mine, enough talk now we do battle!" He shouted and his echo could be heard across the spacious room.
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